
  • 网络RICE;Condoleezza;Condoleezza Rice;reiss;Katharina Reiss
  1. 现任国务卿康多莉扎?赖斯(CondoleezzaRice)拜访了土耳其外长、总理和总统,以安抚他们。

    The current secretary of state , Condoleezza Rice , called Turkey 's foreign minister , prime minister and president to mollify them .

  2. 国务卿赖斯和意大利外交部长MassimoD'Alema就此在电话上交换了意见,因此事件,一时间在华盛顿和罗马之间引起了一些列外交动作。

    Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice spoke by phone with Italian Foreign Minister Massimo D'Alema about the exchange , following a flurry of diplomatic activity between Washington and Rome .

  3. 他说根据这些法规,赖斯先生的资产可能已经被冻结了。

    Under these laws , he said , Mr. Rice 's assets could have been frozen .

  4. 如果你非常有钱,那就住赖斯利普宫廷酒店吧,没有比它更好的地方了。

    If you are extremely rich , you could stay nowhere better than the Ruislip Court Hotel .

  5. 赖斯说,从那时以来,情况已改变了很多,但促使巴勒斯坦经济运作仍然重要。

    Rice said that much has changed since that time but that it is still important for the Palestinian economy to be able to operate .

  6. 1995年,赖斯在得克萨斯州拜访老布什时第一次和乔治w布什见面。

    She first met George W.Bush in1995 when she happened to be in Texas visiting his father .

  7. 赖斯商业计划大赛(RiceBusinessPlanCompetition)正在如火如荼地进行,共有42名创业者们正在为120万美元的投资和启动资金而展开激烈竞争。

    He rice business plan competition is underway in Houston , where 42 hopeful entrepreneurs are going head-to-head for $ 1.2 million in investments and startup cash .

  8. 预期国务卿赖斯将会对津巴布韦总统RobertMugabe增加压力。

    Secretary Rice is expected to try to increase pressure on President Robert Mugabe .

  9. 外交大臣JackStraw()向赖斯递交了一份正式信函,代表欧盟要求美国澄清有关黑狱的报道。

    The foreign secretary , Jack Straw , sent Ms Rice a formal letter on behalf of the EU requesting " clarification " of the reports .

  10. 这不是短暂或暂时的现象,而是一种转变,泰臣食品公司(TysonFoods)驻上海的中国区主管詹姆斯•赖斯(JamesRice)表示。

    This is not a blip or a temporary thing . It is a shift , says James Rice , the China country head for Tyson Foods , in Shanghai .

  11. 去年秋天,时任纽约市警察局长的雷o凯利曾到访布朗大学(BrownUniversity),而且他的这次露面要比拉加德和赖斯低调得多,但他还是在学生的起哄声中离去——学生的这种行为显然有悖于布朗大学的规定。

    Just last fall , then-New York City police chief Ray Kelly was heckled out of the room at Brown University during a much lower-profile appearance , in clear violation of the university 's code that prohibits such behavior .

  12. 而赖斯却坐在与妻子埃玛布里奇沃特(emmabridgewater)共同拥有的工厂里,讨论着如何能让销售额翻番。

    Yet here is Mr rice , sitting in the factory he co-owns with his wife , Emma Bridgewater , discussing how they can double sales .

  13. 赖斯大学的技术专家ChrisBronk和休斯敦公开小组软件公司电脑系统建筑师TroyGattis最近写了一篇社论,建议NASA需要更像一个创新的私营公司。

    Chris Bronk , a technology analyst at Rice University , and Troy Gattis , a computer systems architect with Houston 's Open Teams software company , recently wrote an suggesting NASA needs to be more like an private company .

  14. 现年46岁的赖斯是一名受过培训的设计师,他当时是林德利子爵(ViscountLindley)旗下家具公司LindleyCo的合伙人。1991年,他以首席设计师的身份加入妻子的公司。

    Mr Rice , 46 , a trained designer , was then a partner in Viscount Lindley 's furniture business , Lindley Co. He joined his wife 's company as chief designer in 1991 .

  15. 赖斯中将星期四说,美国从不想对外国出售F-22猛禽战斗机,尽管日本、澳大利亚和以色列等盟国表示有意购买。

    Lieutenant General Edward Rice on Thursday said the F-22 Raptor was never intended to be sold to other countries , despite interest expressed by such allies as Japan , Australia and Israel .

  16. 当时占据报纸头条的是卡扎菲官邸惊现赖斯相册的新闻。

    The headline was Gaddafi 's scrapbook of Condoleeza Rice photos .

  17. 赖斯说气味在动物的生活中起着很重要的作用。

    Reiss said smell is essential to the lives of animals .

  18. 赖斯本周已经被停赛两场。

    Rice has been suspended idly for two games this week .

  19. 但是赖斯表示,这不是不采取行动的理由。

    But Secretary Rice said that is no excuse for inaction .

  20. 但是赖斯说,这次的访问将与以往不同。

    But this time , Rice says that things will be different .

  21. 兰德公司总裁赖斯访问记

    Interview with Dr. Donald B. rice , the president of RAND Corporation

  22. 工人们不断拖住赖斯,向他炫耀样品,请他批准。

    Workers buttonhole Mr rice continually , brandishing samples for his approval .

  23. 赖斯说美国将在其它前哨区逐步加强安全。

    Rice says the U.S. has stepped up security in other outposts .

  24. 但是赖斯说,北韩提供的东西还不够多。

    But Rice says what the North has provided is not enough .

  25. 伊尔卡•赖斯基宁不,这适合于更成熟些的玩家。

    No , this is for a more mature audience .

  26. 卡扎菲之前就曾暗示他非常仰慕赖斯。

    Colonel Gaddafi had previously hinted at a serious admiration for Rice .

  27. 赖斯对记者们说,对奥尔默特的调查是以色列的内部事务。

    Rice told reporters the probe is an internal matter for Israel .

  28. 赖斯:胡是中国的头。

    Condi : Hu is the guy in China .

  29. 赖斯说,在签署协定之前,还有行政方面的细节需要解决。

    Secretary Rice says administrative details remain to be resolved before the signing .

  30. 在华盛顿埋头苦干了两年之后,赖斯回到了斯坦福大学。

    Burned out after two years in Washington , she returned to Stanford .