
yǎn shuō cí
  • text of a speech
  1. 贴切的引语和珠玑般的诗句为他的演说词增添文采。

    The apt citations and poetic gems have adorned his speeches .

  2. 我在期末报告引用了整篇林肯的盖茨堡演说词原文。aux.vi.胆敢vt.向……挑战

    I quoted the whole text of Lincoln 's Gettysburg Address in my term paper .

  3. 但是我们知道的就是,无论他或者其他候选人如何利用晚间电视节目或Youtube,都有经过时间检验的样板存在就像宣布参选的演说词一样这是永远不会改变的。

    But what we do know is that no matter how much he , or any other candidate , uses late-night TV or YouTube , there are time-tested templates like the announcement speech that will never change .

  4. 一篇动听的演说词往往更加能引起人们对形势的注意。

    Often , well-worded speech can dramatize the situation far better .

  5. 林肯没有太多时间准备演说词。

    Lincoln did not have much time to prepare his speech .

  6. 同时,演说词也出现在电视屏幕上。

    At the same time , the words appear on the TV screen .

  7. 他的演说词生动有力。

    His speech was given with force of expression .

  8. 第二章具体分析了概念功能在徐志摩演说词翻译中的实现。

    Chapter Two investigates the realization of ideational function in his speech translation .

  9. 译者不当地引用了《抚慰美国人》的演说词。

    The translators'incorrectly cite Speech On Conciliation With America .

  10. 班上每个学生都必须默诵林肯葛底斯堡演说词。

    Everyone in the class has to learn lincoln 's Gettysburg Address by heart .

  11. 英汉政治演说词的元功能对比分析与翻译

    A Contrastive Analysis of English and Chinese Political Speeches and Translation-from the Perspective of Metafunctions

  12. 本文主要从文体分析的角度探讨了英语演说词的翻译问题。

    This thesis studies the translation of English public speeches from the perspective of stylistic analysis .

  13. 删减后的演说词在网络上大肆传播引发了中国网民的强烈不满。

    Word of the deleted references circulated online , and Chinese Internet users vented their displeasure .

  14. 现在,再说回关于这篇库尔特·冯内古特精彩演说词的事情,它并不是库尔特·冯内古特写的。

    Now , the thing about this charming piece by Kurt Vonnegut is that it wasn 't written by Kurt Vonnegut .

  15. 她说,“这座房子是圣堂。”我只是转述她原话的意思,因为原来的演说词没留下任何抄本。

    ' This house is a sanctuary , 'she said . I paraphrase for there is no copy of the speech anywhere .

  16. 主席给他即将发表的演说词作了最后的润饰,他很小心地改正所有不准确及不雅的词句。

    The president gave the last finish to the speech he was to deliver , by carefully correcting all inaccuracies and inelegancies .

  17. 尽管如此,她仍旧为美国黑人文学做出了巨大贡献:创作了5部优秀的戏剧及许多文章、诗歌和演说词。

    Nevertheless , she made a great contribution to Afro-American literature : creating five plays and lots of articles , poems and speeches as well .

  18. 可以在提示卡上列一下提纲,但练习中要尽量脱稿,只要你能做到了不依赖于稿子,演说词会自然源源流出。

    Outline your speech on note cards , but try to get " off book " as soon as you can so your delivery will flow .

  19. 总统及其候选人的演说词是学习英语的绝佳听力材料,因为它们的长度适中,内容明确,词汇易懂。

    Speeches by presidents and presidential candidates are excellent as listening tools to learn English , because their contents are good and their words are easy to catch .

  20. 第三章从文体学角度综述圣经文体,重点综述美国总统就职演说词中的圣经引文文体分类及其政治色彩。

    Chapter Three gives a summary of the biblical style from perspective of English Stylistics with focus on examples of biblical contents American presidents quoted in their inaugurals .

  21. 随着我们对自己毕业典礼的渐渐遗忘,我们中的有些人显然已经不再知晓毕业当天的演说词该有什么样的风格。

    As the mists close around the retreating memory of our own commencements , some of us have evidently lost touch with the genre of the graduation day address .

  22. 张汉熙教授主编的《高级英语》就收进了这篇演说词,因此也为我国广大英语专业大学生所熟悉。

    The speech , which is selected for intensive study in the college textbook Advanced English compiled by Professor Zhang Hanxi , is very familiar to Chinese college students with an English major .

  23. 作者认为,译者在翻译诸如美国总统就职演说词这样包含圣经内容的文本时,必须对圣经文体知识了如指掌;功能对等的翻译原则在此类文本翻译中是可行的。

    The author argues that a translator is required to have a good command of the biblical style before he sets about translating the biblical concerned texts such as American inaugurals , and the principle of function equivalence is practical in such translations .

  24. 许多有名的作家和演说家常使用这个词。

    Many famous writers and speakers use the word habitually .

  25. 悼词,国庆演说辞,谴责词,告别演说等都是富于词藻的演说。

    Eulogies , National Day orations , speeches of condemnation , farewell addresses , etc are instances of epideictic discourse .

  26. 美国第44任总统巴拉克•奥巴马的就职演说展现了其演说词精于语言,巧于修辞的特点,运用了平行结构、比喻、头韵、反复等多种修辞手段。

    The Inaugural Address of Barack Obama , the44th president of the United States of America , is a perfect example of English speeches featuring flowery language and elaborate rhetoric .

  27. 一个政客必须向公众发表演说,但又要避免冒犯公众,因此,使演说词一直比较模糊、没有细节&也就是说缺乏“实质”,则对政客有帮助。

    A politician has to address the public yet avoid offending people , so it helps to keep public statements vague and free of detail-lacking in " substance " .