
yǎn zhí yuán biǎo
  • screen credits
  1. 影星马龙·白兰度要求把他的名字从演职员表中删掉。

    The star Marlon Brando wants his name removed from the credits .

  2. 史蒂文:让它开着吧。我想看一下演职员表。

    STEVEN : Leave it on . I want to see the credits .

  3. 我想看一下演职员表。

    I want to see the credits .

  4. 我能放那首专为演职员表创作的歌吗

    Can I play that song I wrote for the end credits ? That is a hard pass .

  5. 这部电影的两个主角没有具体的名字,在演职员表中列出的角色名称是“男人”和“女孩”。

    The movie 's two main characters are not given names , and they are listed in the credits as Guy and Girl .

  6. 相反,他们命令乔治·卢卡斯在片头呈现演职员表,因为这是几十年来的传统。

    They ordered George Lucas to display the credits of the cast and crew appear before the film instead , as had been the tradition for decades .

  7. “但是我记得当时我想,天哪,这太有冲击力了。然后我看了一下演职员表,非常惊讶地发现——哇唔——导演是个女的。”

    but I remember thinking , God , that is so powerful . And then I read the credits and was really surprised that - wow - a woman made this film . "

  8. 最终,卢克·天行者不仅摧毁了“死亡之星”:他还让你以后在电影开始前坐上5分钟看演职员表的几率降为零。

    Ultimately , Luke Skywalker didn 't just blow up the Death Star : He blew up the chances that you 'll ever have to sit through five minutes of credits before your movie begins .