
xǐ yìn
  • developing and printing;processing;print
洗印 [xǐ yìn]
  • [developing and printing] 对影片或相片进行冲洗印制

洗印[xǐ yìn]
  1. LAD方法在电影洗印车间的应用

    Application of LAD Method in Motion Picture Film Processing Laboratory

  2. 洗印车间的工艺控制及问题的预测和查找

    Technological control in film processing laboratory and prediction , investigation of anomalies happened

  3. 粗面相片或光面相片均可洗印。

    Prints are available on matt or glossy paper .

  4. 观众可以看到从摄影、洗印、剪辑到放映全流程的电影设备,还可以体验沉浸式3D动画互动和计算机图形建模等多个互动项目。

    the audience can learn about the whole procedure of making a film , from photography and printing , to editing and screening . They can also enjoy interactive projects in 3D animation and Computer Graphics modeling .

  5. 结果检查151例病例(上腹部128例,胸部16例,头面部5例,盆腔2例),620个曝光采集序列(sequences),洗印966幅图像,图像质量优秀的497个序列,占80.2%;

    Results In 151 cases ( upper abdomen in 128 , chest in 16 , head and face in 5 , pelvis in 2 ) , 620 exposure sequences were acquired , 966 images were printed .

  6. 影视后期公司Technicolor和洗印公司Deluxe已经竞争了超过一个世纪,他们表示,因为数字捕抓技术已经取代了电影采集技术,所以他们现在要同心协力。

    Following a century of competition Technicolor and Deluxe said they were working together as a result of digital image capture overtaking film capture .

  7. 照片的洗印质量会随着时间的推移而下降。

    The quality of a photographic reproduction decreases with time .

  8. 每张底片要洗印几张?

    How many prints do you want to have for each negative ?

  9. 请给我洗印一卷胶卷。

    Please develop this roll of film for me .

  10. 我想冲洗2筒胶卷,还要洗印一些照片。

    I want to have two rolls of film developed and some prints made .

  11. 那没关系,我只问一下你们是否洗印照片。

    That 's all right . I just want to ask whether you develop photographs .

  12. 你的相片洗印出来了吗?

    Have your photographs been processed ?

  13. 北京电影洗印录像技术厂

    Beijing Film and Video Laboratory

  14. 吉姆:当然有了。一洗印出来,我就拿给你看。

    JIM : Of course . I 'll show them to you as soon as they come out .

  15. 陈总向我们摊开影册,问我们哪些是照片洗印的。

    General manager Chen opened an album and asked us which photos are developed , and which printed .

  16. 你可以在洗印照片时遮住底片的底部以去掉那不需要的部分。

    You can get rid of the unwanted detail by masking out the bottom of the negative during processing .

  17. 洗印的时候,压掉照片的底部,这样看起来平衡效果好些。

    Block out the bottom of this picture when it is printed ; the balance of the page will be better .

  18. 接下来,法国的卢米埃尔兄弟发明了集摄影、洗印和放映为一体的“活动电影机”。

    Then Louis and auguste Lumifire in France invented the Cinematographe , a combination of camera , printer , and projector .

  19. 为了提高底片和印刷品的对比度、颜色等等进行第二次洗印。

    Develop for a second time , in order to improve the contrast , colour , etc. , of a negative or print .

  20. 这是一出独白剧,讲述的是一个照相馆的洗印师,在暗室中最后一天洗照片时的内心生活。

    This is a one-character play exposing the inner thoughts of a darkroom printer in his last workday in the darkroom of a photographic studio .

  21. 上海电影制片厂洗印车间曾遇到冲洗的彩色拷贝在质量上存在问题,笔者根据上述这一机理,将其应用到实际生产中,显著地解决了质量问题。

    On this basis , the author achieved to solve successfully some quality problems of color release films processed in the laboratory of Shanghai Film Studio .

  22. 结合作者的工作实践,对控制光楔在电影洗印加工过程中的应用做了比较详细的介绍。

    This paper discusses the basic principles of making control step wedges used in color cine positive film processing and methods of testing their characteristics stability .

  23. 机制单面有光包装纸室内设施齐备,有放大机,烘干机,各种洗印药水分别装在有标签的瓶子里。

    Machine-glazed wrapping paper The place was quite well equipped , with neatly labeled bottles of developing fluid , an enlarger , and even a dryer for prints .

  24. 硫代硫酸盐和硫氰酸盐共存于许多废水中,例如焦化废水、照相洗印加工废水、电镀废水、印染废水和采矿废水。

    Thiosulfate and thiocyanate co-exist in many wastewater , such as coking wastewater , photographic , printing photos processing wastewater , printing and dyeing wastewater , plating wastewater and mining wastewater .