
ɡōnɡ bù
  • bow stance
  1. 弓步也是维持股四头肌和腿筋力量的一种好练习。

    Lunges are also an excellent exercise for maintaining quadriceps and hamstring strength .

  2. 主人们还要下蹲、弓步、跳跃和短跑等训练。

    Various squats , lunges , jumps and sprints are incorporated for the humans .

  3. 这些运动项目包括横向跳跃、快速蹲起、弓步和蹲跳。

    The exercises include hopping sideways , fast-paced squats , lunges and squat jumps .

  4. 弓步冲刺,跨步冲刺和跃起冲刺是主要进攻技术。

    The lunge , the fleche and the thrust are the main attacking skills .

  5. 每两天我会做下蹲和弓步,还有举杠铃。

    Every other day I do lunges and squats , and I lift free weights .

  6. 弓步刺进攻技术的生物力学分析

    Analysis of the Lunge-Thrust Attack Technique

  7. 保持这个动作5秒钟,然后慢慢地放下右脚,成前弓步姿势。

    Hold for 5 seconds , then slowly drop your right foot into a front lunge .

  8. 增加的身体伸展在大多数人的能力范围之内,额外的弓步和举重能够带动更多的肌肉。

    The increased reach is within most people 's ability and the extra lunge and lift engage more muscles .

  9. 重心前移成右弓步,两掌同时向前挤出时呼气。(图14)

    Breathe out when shifting the weight in the bow step , stretching the palms forward . ( Fig14 )

  10. 把书当做平衡砝码,在一间开阔的屋子里蹲弓步,直到你完成一组设定的动作。

    Using the books as weights , lunge across an open room until you 've completed your desired set .

  11. 在怀孕一两个月时,试着每周有三四天都做下蹲和弓步得动作,每次坚持30-45分钟。

    Try to exercise three or four days a week for30-45 minutes each time during your first and second trimesters .

  12. 胸部稍微向前倾斜,左腿向后成弓步,右膝弯曲90度。

    Leaning your chest forward slightly , lunge backward with your left leg , bending your right knee 90 degrees .

  13. 夏天,当林恩夫妻二人跳跃着、做着弓步、快步行进和慢跑着上山回家时,赛奇会给他们加油鼓劲,为他们欢呼。

    In the summer , Ms. Sage cheers the two as they skip , lunge , march and jog up the hill to their home .

  14. 常见的动作有:缠手,压掌,崩拳,抢手,弓步,马步,蹲步。

    Frequently used techniques are twisting hand , pressing palm , rebounding fist , snatch , moving in forward lunge , horse stance , and crouching step .

  15. 早上起床后别急着冲澡,先做15个屈膝运动,15个弓步训练和15个仰卧起坐。

    When you get out of bed in the morning , before heading to the shower , do 15 knee bends , 15 lunges and 15 crunches .

  16. 它使你从做老式深蹲和弓步这些舒服区走出来,挑战你的大脑,大脑在塑造过程中也是重要的因素。

    It gets you out of your comfort zone of doing old-school squats and lunges , and challenges your brain , which is also a key factor in shaping up .

  17. 熟悉瑜伽的人知道,这个动作基本上就相当于瑜伽中的“低弓步”(Anjaneyasana),但圭列罗设计的这个动作对背部的压力较小,更适合初学者。

    For those familiar with yoga , this is essentially the position known as Anjaneyasana or low lunge , but this version puts less strain on your back and is better for beginners .

  18. 交叉健身法(CrossFit)是备受“原始人”们青睐的健身方式,这是一种高强度的健身,强调弓步和波比(burpees)等不需要器械的动作,还要辅以新穴居人们推崇的高蛋白、低卡路里饮食。

    The preferred form of exercise for the Paleo tribe is CrossFit , a high-intensity workout that stresses Cybex-equipment-free motions like lunges and burpees , and the high-protein , low-carb diet of neo-cave men .