
  • 网络Archers;BOWMEN
  1. 高地弓箭兵使用标准战弓,此外亦配备单手战斧以备肉搏。

    Archers from the highlands armed with a standard bow and a one-handed axe for melee .

  2. 斥候骑兵招募和维护费用极廉,在对抗弓箭兵和追击残敌时表现出色。

    Cheap to recruit and equip , scouts are useful for running down fleeing troops and scattering archers .

  3. 与其他远程部队类似,弓箭兵们身穿轻甲,但同时亦装备大盾。

    Like most missile troops they are lightly armoured , although they have a large shield .

  4. 穆斯林弓箭兵来自西西里的穆斯林社区,应徵入伍保卫城市,装备复合弓和轻甲。

    Troops comprised of Sicilian Muslims fighting for their city , equipped with bows and light armour .

  5. 西里西亚弓箭兵来自当地基督信徒,装备复合弓和战斧。

    Fierce armoured bowmen from Outremer 's most numerous native Christians , armed with composite bow and an axe .

  6. 拜占庭禁卫弓箭兵由皇帝亲自拨款维护,与其他拜占庭部队不同,该部队所有士兵均来自希腊族裔。

    Byzantine guard troops are financed by the Emperor himself and unlike many Byzantine units consist purely of Greek troops .

  7. 特拉比松弓箭兵来自黑海沿岸,训练有素,装备镶甲和复合弓。

    Hailing from the edge of the Black Sea , these well trained archers wear padded armour and use a composite bow .

  8. 这些弓箭兵身经百战,训练有素,通常不穿盔甲,以自制战弓和短刀作战。

    This unit of experienced and well trained archers wear little to no armour and are armed with a self bow and a knife .

  9. 柯克战船上配备少量武装步兵和弓箭兵,同时船员亦可参与接舷作战。

    Cogs have a basic armament of soldiers and archers stationed aboard , as well as the ship 's crew who can help out if boarded .

  10. 努比亚弓箭兵盔甲简陋,但装备强劲战弓,同时亦配备狼牙棒以备近身肉搏,因此通常用于远程杀伤敌军,而避免与对手缠战厮杀。

    They wear little or no armour but are armed with a powerful bow and a mace as a hand weapon . A wise general will use this unit to pepper the enemy with arrows , but will keep them out of harm 's way .