
wàn wánɡ zhī wánɡ
  • King of Kings
  1. 他是我主,万王之王,耶稣基督。

    It is my Lord , King of kings , Christ Jesus .

  2. 万王之王带来救恩,应当倾心接待祂。

    The king of kings salvation brings , let loving hearts enthrone Him .

  3. 铸成一顶给万王之王戴的冠冕

    To mould as a crown for the King to wear

  4. 你非常慷慨一,如你的神威,万王之王。

    You are generous ... as you are divine . King of kings .

  5. 他被称为万主之主,万王之王,万神之神。

    He was called Lord of lords , King of kings , God of gods .

  6. 死亡可能是个可怕的君王,但耶稣可是万王之王。

    Death may be the king of terrors but Jesus is the King of kings .

  7. 他们欢欣鼓舞,高唱哈利路亚,万主之主、万王之王基督已复活!

    They danced and sing : Hallelujah , Jesus the King of kings and Lord of lords is alive !

  8. 铲平一切骄傲自满和夸张自义,为万王之王铺设一条康庄大道。

    Proud creature-sufficiency , and boastful self-righteousness , must be levelled , to make a highway for the King of kings .

  9. 正如万王之王了解,我们没有一个人能通过自己的好行为,靠近天堂。

    Just as the king of kings knows that none of us have any righteousness to get us anywhere near heaven .

  10. 到了日期,那可称颂独有权能的,万王之王,万主之主。

    To keep the word untouched by evil , clear from all shame , till the revelation of our Lord Jesus christ .

  11. 在他衣服和大腿上,有名写着说,万王之王,万主之主。

    And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written , KING OF KINGS , AND LORD OF LORDS .

  12. 在2008的非盟会议中,他曾让很多传统非洲领导宣布他为非洲万王之王。

    At an AU summit in2008 , he got many African traditional leaders to declare him the continent 's " king of kings " .

  13. 当我已做完了今生的工作,呵,万王之王,我能够独自悄立在你的面前吗?

    And when my work shall be done in this world , O King of kings , alone and speechless shall I stand before thee face to face .

  14. 我是统治世界之王,万神之神,万王之王的使者,以我的权威,我命令你们去叫统帅来见我。

    I am the emissary to the ruler of all the world , the god of gods , king of kings , and by that authority I demand that someone show me your commander . Listen .

  15. 自2000年的《万王之王》以来,网络游戏在中国大地上已经走过了五个年头。

    The online game has been to China for 6 years since the King of Kings 2000.In this period of time , the online game industry has achieved a tremendous success with huge market and big money .

  16. 他们与羔羊争战,羔羊必胜过他们,因为羔羊是万主之主,万王之王。同着羔羊的,就是蒙召被选有忠心的,也必得胜。

    These shall make war with the Lamb , and the Lamb shall overcome them : for he is Lord of lords , and King of kings : and they that are with him are called , and chosen , and faithful .

  17. 但以理叫心的为大利乌王工作,但在他生命里排在第一位的却是万王之王!但以理忠心的奉献给神。无论是大王的法令还是狮子洞里的凶猛的狮子都不能改变。

    Daniel served King Darius well , but his first devotion was to the King of Kings ! Daniel was stedfast and faithful in his love and devotion to God . The king 's decree nor the den of lions was going to change that .