
  • Wanda Plaza;One Utama
  1. 他的企业王国包括在中国的100座万达广场购物中心,以及百货商店、旅游公司和电影院,还包括它在2012年以26亿美元收购的美国第二大电影院线AMC娱乐(AMCEntertainment)。

    Among his business trophies are the 100 Wanda Plaza shopping centres , along with department stores , tourism businesses and chain of cinemas , in China , and AMC Entertainment , the second-largest cinema chain in the US , which he bought in 2012 for $ 2.6bn .

  2. 万达广场凭借其独一无二的建筑造型,统一性与棱角分明的外观在城市景观中拥有地标式的作用。

    Wanda plaza , with its unmistakable overall appearance , will be a unity and make up a " landmark " in the heterogeneous townscape .

  3. 他的公司因房地产事业闻名,其在全国拥有72座万达广场——通常包含购物中心、酒店与影院的综合建筑。

    His company is best known for its prime properties throughout China , including 72 Wanda Plazas - sprawling developments that usually include shopping centres , hotels and cinemas .

  4. 他的公司因房地产事业闻名,其在全国拥有72座万达广场&通常包含购物中心、酒店与影院的综合建筑。

    His company is best known for its prime properties throughout China , including 72 Wanda Plazas – sprawling developments that usually include shopping centres , hotels and cinemas .

  5. 现代商业中心的追求:南宁万达商业广场创作谈

    The pursuit of the modern shopping center : the creation of the Wanda Shopping Mall , Nanning

  6. 通过对南昌万达沃尔玛购物广场、东方家园建材超市南昌店等大型仓储式超市的给排水设计,总结在此类设计中值得注意的问题。

    By means of water supply & drainage design of supermarkets such as Walmart Supercenter and East Home Building Material Superstore , some cautionary points in design are summarized in this article .

  7. 万达是中国最大的商业地产集团,经营着100多个万达广场购物中心。

    Wanda is the largest commercial property group in China , operating more than 100 Wanda Plaza shopping malls .

  8. 这家合资企业将在万达107个商用物业设立电子商务服务网点。这些物业既包括购物中心万达广场(WandaPlaza),也包括度假区。万达称这些物业为“中国最大的线下消费平台”,预计今年访客将达15亿人次。

    The venture will set up ecommerce services in Wanda 's 107 commercial real estate properties , including Wanda Plaza shopping malls and resorts , which the company called " the largest offline consumption platform in China , " with 1.5bn visitors expected this year .

  9. 大连万达在中国家喻户晓,价值350亿美元,拥有5.5万名员工,开发的商住两用万达广场遍布中国60多个城市。

    His $ 35bn , 55,000-employee business is a household name in China , where its mixed use Wanda Plaza developments are found in more than 60 cities .