- 名 gravitation;gravitational attraction
- universal gravitation

[universal gravitation] 存在于一切物体间的相互吸引的力。两物体间引力的大小与两物体的质量的乘积成正比,与两物体间距离的平方成反比,而与两物体的化学本质或物理状态以及中介物质无关
We owe to Newton the principle of gravitation .
The teacher was vividly1 describing the discovery of the law of gravitation . He tried to make the children impressed with its importance .
Gravity governs the motions of celestial bodies .
Newton proposed that heavenly and terrestrial motion could be unified with the idea of gravity .
Isaac Newton didn 't discover gravity because an apple bonked him on the head .
Rather , he witnessed an apple falling and wondered why objects always fall down instead of up or sideways , a thought that inspired his Law of Universal Gravitation .
He said , " Isaac Newton was sitting on the ground looking at the tree . An apple suddenly fell on his head . It led him discover gravitation . " And he added2 , " Isn 't that wonderful ? "
The constant of universal gravitation G is accurate only for near earth astronomical body .
Is China 's Shenzhen Composite defying the laws of finance or the laws of gravity ?
Launched in2004 , the Gravity Probe B mission used four ultraprecise gyroscopes devices used to measure orientation housed in a satellite to measure two aspects of Einstein 's theory about gravity .
An explanation of the cause of climate change is then suggested based on the possibility that the Universal Gravitational Constant ( G ) may vary with time .
Anyone who has ever gone to school is probably aware that Isaac Newton formed his theory of gravity after seeing an apple fall from a tree .
The gravitational constant G is an important fundamental physics constant closely related to theoretical physics , astrophysics and geophysics , the precise measurement of G is faced with various kinds of difficulties and challenges , however .
The N-body problem is a system of ordinary differential equations that describes the motion of N point masses or particles moving under Newton 's law of motion , where the only acting forces are the mutual gravitational attractions .
But disperses Masculine line ( Spot ) to outside , its action is XX ( anti-gravitation ?) Function Spot or center of in the river ;
It is well known that , Newton 's gravitational theory has some intrinsic difficulties , such as the non-Lorentz covariant of the gravitational field , the orbital precession of Mercury etc. .
There is likely to be weak interaction between dark matter and ordinary matter besides gravitation interaction , so dark matter is usually called as " Weakly Interacting Massive Particles ( WIMPs ) " .
The source of radioactivity is an atom so obese that it defies the laws of attraction gluing together our material world and spits out little pieces of itself -- two kinds of particles and a stream of gamma rays , similar to X-rays .
For example , the MTi-G copes with transient accelerations ; a typical error source for any AHRS using the gravity as its reference estimating roll and pitch .
The particles in GSA are considered as a group of moving objects in the space , particles can attract by each other through gravity and move followed the rule of kinematics .
The following field computation problem is considered : given a cluster of n particles in 3-dimensional space , compute the force exerted on each particle by the other particles . Depending on different application , the pairwise interaction could be either gravitational or Lennard-Jones .
That the most important volume in the history of physics , which described the laws of motion and of gravity , saw the light of day the next year was , in the end , due to the deep pockets of Edmund Halley , of comet fame .
The Free Falling of Bodies and the Constant of Universal Gravitation
A unsupervised classification method was proposed based on universal gravitation .
Their gravitational pull is so strong , they absorb light .
On Gravitation of Teaching the Creative Ability in Primitive of Training
Newton 's law of universal gravitation has been extremely useful .
And this one : What is the center of gravity ?
Gravity acts within and between stars , planets and spacecraft .
This force is not the universal gravity but electromagnetic force .