
wàn yǒu yǐn lì
  • gravitation;gravitational attraction
  • universal gravitation
万有引力 [wàn yǒu yǐn lì]
  • [universal gravitation] 存在于一切物体间的相互吸引的力。两物体间引力的大小与两物体的质量的乘积成正比,与两物体间距离的平方成反比,而与两物体的化学本质或物理状态以及中介物质无关

  1. 万有引力原理的发现应归功于牛顿。

    We owe to Newton the principle of gravitation .

  2. 教师很生动地描述万有引力定律的发现,他想让学生对它的重要性留下深刻的印象。

    The teacher was vividly1 describing the discovery of the law of gravitation . He tried to make the children impressed with its importance .

  3. 万有引力控制着天体的运动。

    Gravity governs the motions of celestial bodies .

  4. 牛顿提出天体和地球的运动可以用万有引力来解释。

    Newton proposed that heavenly and terrestrial motion could be unified with the idea of gravity .

  5. 6.牛顿是被苹果砸中了头才发现万有引力的?艾萨克·牛顿发现地心引力并不是因为被苹果砸中了脑袋。

    Isaac Newton didn 't discover gravity because an apple bonked him on the head .

  6. 事实上,他是在目睹苹果落地时忽然好奇为什么物体永远向下落而不是向上或向两边,这个想法启发他发现了万有引力定律。

    Rather , he witnessed an apple falling and wondered why objects always fall down instead of up or sideways , a thought that inspired his Law of Universal Gravitation .

  7. 他说:“艾萨克·牛顿坐在地上,望着那棵树。忽然又一个苹果掉下来落到他的头上。这就促使他发现了万有引力。”他还接着说:“这不是很奇妙吗?”

    He said , " Isaac Newton was sitting on the ground looking at the tree . An apple suddenly fell on his head . It led him discover gravitation . " And he added2 , " Isn 't that wonderful ? "

  8. “万有引力”系数G仅对地球附近天体精确;

    The constant of universal gravitation G is accurate only for near earth astronomical body .

  9. 中国的深证综指(ShenzhenComposite)是否正在违反金融规律,或者万有引力定律?

    Is China 's Shenzhen Composite defying the laws of finance or the laws of gravity ?

  10. 发射于2004年,“引力探测B”任务中使用了四个用于测量方位的超精密陀螺仪,这种仪器装置在卫星中来测量爱因斯坦关于万有引力理论的两个预言。

    Launched in2004 , the Gravity Probe B mission used four ultraprecise gyroscopes devices used to measure orientation housed in a satellite to measure two aspects of Einstein 's theory about gravity .

  11. 并且根据万有引力常数(G)随时间变化的可能性提出了关于气候变化原因的解释。

    An explanation of the cause of climate change is then suggested based on the possibility that the Universal Gravitational Constant ( G ) may vary with time .

  12. TheMakingofIsaacNewton牛顿+苹果=万有引力凡是上过学的人大概都知道这个典故:艾萨克·牛顿在看到从树上掉下的苹果后,就创立了著名的万有引力学说。

    Anyone who has ever gone to school is probably aware that Isaac Newton formed his theory of gravity after seeing an apple fall from a tree .

  13. 万有引力常数G是一个与理论物理、地球物理和天体物理密切相关的基本物理常数,但G值的高精度绝对测量面临着种种困难。

    The gravitational constant G is an important fundamental physics constant closely related to theoretical physics , astrophysics and geophysics , the precise measurement of G is faced with various kinds of difficulties and challenges , however .

  14. N体问题是研究的一个常微分方程组,它描述了N个质点在万有引力的作用下的运动。

    The N-body problem is a system of ordinary differential equations that describes the motion of N point masses or particles moving under Newton 's law of motion , where the only acting forces are the mutual gravitational attractions .

  15. 而向外发散的阳线(点),其作用力是XX(抗万有引力?),作用点还是在河之中心;

    But disperses Masculine line ( Spot ) to outside , its action is XX ( anti-gravitation ?) Function Spot or center of in the river ;

  16. 众所周知,Newton引力理论有一些无法解决的疑难,例如万有引力定律方程式的非洛伦兹协变性、水星近日点的附加进动等。

    It is well known that , Newton 's gravitational theory has some intrinsic difficulties , such as the non-Lorentz covariant of the gravitational field , the orbital precession of Mercury etc. .

  17. 它与普通物质的相互作用,除了万有引力之外,很可能有弱相互作用,因此通常被称为弱作用重粒子(WeaklyInteractingMassiveParticles,或WIMPs)。

    There is likely to be weak interaction between dark matter and ordinary matter besides gravitation interaction , so dark matter is usually called as " Weakly Interacting Massive Particles ( WIMPs ) " .

  18. 放射性产生的根源是一个太不稳定的原子违背了万有引力定律(我们物质世界存在的基本原理)并发生分裂,释放出两种粒子和一束类似于X光的γ射线。

    The source of radioactivity is an atom so obese that it defies the laws of attraction gluing together our material world and spits out little pieces of itself -- two kinds of particles and a stream of gamma rays , similar to X-rays .

  19. 而任何传统的AHRS误差源自于其使用万有引力如同它参考辊间距估算值。两侧产生耦合动作损失。

    For example , the MTi-G copes with transient accelerations ; a typical error source for any AHRS using the gravity as its reference estimating roll and pitch .

  20. GSA的原理是通过将搜索粒子看作一组在空间运行的物体,物体间通过万有引力相互作用吸引,物体的运行遵循动力学的规律。

    The particles in GSA are considered as a group of moving objects in the space , particles can attract by each other through gravity and move followed the rule of kinematics .

  21. 考虑两种情况:在3维空间中给出n个质点,计算每一粒子施加在其它粒子上的力,成对的相互作用可能有万有引力或者LennardJones。

    The following field computation problem is considered : given a cluster of n particles in 3-dimensional space , compute the force exerted on each particle by the other particles . Depending on different application , the pairwise interaction could be either gravitational or Lennard-Jones .

  22. 《自然哲学的数学原理》是一本物理学史上首屈一指的鸿篇巨制,一部描述运动规律和万有引力的鸿篇巨著。为此,艾德蒙德·哈雷(EdmundHalley)给予了鼎力资助,次年这一巨著终于呈现在世人面前。艾德蒙德·哈雷本人因发现哈雷彗星而名垂青史。

    That the most important volume in the history of physics , which described the laws of motion and of gravity , saw the light of day the next year was , in the end , due to the deep pockets of Edmund Halley , of comet fame .

  23. 物体自由下落与万有引力常数

    The Free Falling of Bodies and the Constant of Universal Gravitation

  24. 提出了一种基于万有引力的非监督自组织聚类算法。

    A unsupervised classification method was proposed based on universal gravitation .

  25. 黑洞的万有引力很强,能把光线吸进去。

    Their gravitational pull is so strong , they absorb light .

  26. 原始性创新能力的培养对《万有引力》教学的要求

    On Gravitation of Teaching the Creative Ability in Primitive of Training

  27. 牛顿的万有引力定律是极其有用的。

    Newton 's law of universal gravitation has been extremely useful .

  28. 再看这条,万有引力的中心是什么?

    And this one : What is the center of gravity ?

  29. 万有引力作用于恒星、行星和宇宙飞船内部和彼此之间。

    Gravity acts within and between stars , planets and spacecraft .

  30. 此引力并非万有引力,而是电磁力。

    This force is not the universal gravity but electromagnetic force .