
  • 网络Blue space;blue zone
  1. 我们称之为天空的蔚蓝色空间

    The blue void we call the sky

  2. 蓝色空间画廊

    Blue dream land Gallery

  3. 有机会成为蓝色空间的签约艺术家,获得学术和经济上的持续支持。

    Having the chance to become a contract artist of Blue Dream Land and get ongoing academic and financial support from Blue Dream Land .

  4. “后人类报告”成都美术学院研究生作品展蓝色空间画廊中国成都;

    Post Human Being Report Exhibition for Post-graduate Students of Oil Painting Department , Chengdu Fine Art Academy , Sichuan Conservatory of Music in Blue Dreamland , Chengdu , China ;

  5. 旅游开放空间是城市旅游的重要载体,对提高城市旅游的整体吸引力具有重要作用,其包括旅游绿色开放空间、旅游蓝色开放空间、旅游灰色开放空间;

    Tourism open space is an important carrier of city tourism and plays an important role in strengthening the whole attraction of city tourism . Tourism open space includes tourism green open space , tourism blue open space and tourism gray open space .

  6. 因为蓝色意味着空间的拓展,所以如果你想要使房间看起来更大,就试着把它涂成蓝色。

    It also seems to @ push the walls back @ , so , if you want to make a room look bigger , try painting it blue .

  7. 最后,基于上述评价与分析提出了蓝色经济区土地空间综合利用的对策与建议。

    Finally , propose the policy and suggestions for land space utilization in blue economic are based on the evaluation and analysis above .