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  • blueberry
  1. 每个旅馆都有一个别致的名字,如“洋槐树旅馆”、“蓝莓旅馆”。

    Every inn had a picturesque name — the Black Locust Inn , the Blueberry Inn .

  2. 基于BP神经网络的蓝莓酸乳工艺研究及数学模型的建立

    Study on the Technology of Blueberry Yogurt Based on BP Neural Network and Establishment of Mathematical Model

  3. 现如今很多食品都不安全——牛奶、蓝莓酱等等。

    So many things are unsafe these days — milk , cranberry sauce , what have you

  4. 蓝莓富含抗氧化剂。

    Blueberries are particularly high in antioxidants .

  5. Blueberries蓝莓蓝莓中纤维、维C、维生素K和锰的含量特别高。

    Blueberries are particularly high in fiber , vitamin C , vitamin K and manganese .

  6. 蓝莓也因其对免疫系统的强大影响而闻名。

    Blueberries are also known for their powerful effects on the immune system .

  7. 蓝莓中的抗氧化剂可以降低患慢性病的风险,如心脏病、糖尿病和老年痴呆。

    The antioxidants in blueberries may reduce the risk of chronic6 conditions , such as heart disease , diabetes7 and Alzheimer ’ s.

  8. 以完整水果作对比,草莓、杏子、葡萄柚、柠檬、酸橙、哈密瓜、油桃、橙子、梨、蓝莓、桃子、李子、苹果和菠萝的血糖负荷指数不超过6。

    Compare that to whole fruits . Strawberries , apricots , grapefruit , lemon , limes , cantaloupe , nectarines , oranges , pears , blueberries , peaches , plums , apples and pineapple have glycemic loads of 6 or less .

  9. 而Ph为4.5的土壤最适蓝莓生长。

    Blueberries do best when the pH is about 4.5 .

  10. 含芦荟、合桃果、乳木果、橄榄油、玫瑰果、蓝莓及维他命E等精华素。

    This hand cream contains aloe vera , walnut oil , shea butter , olive oil , rosehip , blueberries extract and Vitamin E.

  11. 上述研究显示,蓝莓叶原花青素可抑制HCV的复制,在抗HCV方面有着潜在的用途。

    These data suggest that proanthocyanidin isolated from blueberry leaves may have potential usefulness as an anti-HCV compound by inhibiting viral replication .

  12. 其他著名角色:2007年“蓝莓之夜”中的Leslie

    Other noteworthy roles : Leslie in " My Blueberry Nights " ( 2007 ) ,

  13. 本文以蓝丰蓝莓为试材,对蓝莓MAP贮藏、呼吸模型进行了研究,为蓝莓贮藏提供了理论依据。

    Blueberries " bluecrop " as test materials and the MAP storage of blueberries , respiration model are studied in this article . The studies can be for blueberry fresh-keeping provides theory basis .

  14. 本文对加拿大红枫(Redmaple)和美国蓝莓花(Blueberryflower)的化学成分及其清除DPPH自由基和抑制α-葡萄糖苷酶活性进行了研究。

    Chemical constituents and DPPH free radical scavenging and a-glucosidase inhibition activities of red maple and blueberry flower were investigated in this paper .

  15. AB-8大孔吸附树脂对蓝莓色素吸附和分离的特性研究

    Adsorption and separation properties of blueberry pigment on AB-8 resin

  16. 蓝莓含有大量的花青素、SOD等抗氧化物质,是具有较高的经济、营养保健价值和广阔开发前景的新型果树树种。

    Blueberry contains large amounts of anthocyanin , SOD and other antioxidant ; it is a new species of fruit trees with high economic , nutritional value and broad development prospects .

  17. 蓝莓的纤维是草莓的四倍,并且它含有更多的天然糖分和维生素E,以及一些对记忆力很好的微量元素。

    Blueberries are particularly rich in fiber – four times that of strawberries – as well as containing more natural sugars , much more vitamin E and some unique micronutrients that are good for memory .

  18. 用AB-8型大孔树脂对蓝莓花色苷的吸附与解吸特性进行了研究。

    The adsorption and desorption of anthocyanins of blueberry fruits with AB-8 macroporous resin was studied .

  19. 2013年,电脑制造商联想(Lenovo)的母公司联想控股(LegendHoldings)开始销售蓝莓和猕猴桃,令投资者感到意外。

    In 2013 Legend Holdings , parent company of the computer maker Lenovo , surprised investors when it began selling blue & # 173 ; berries and kiwifruit .

  20. 本试验通过对不同品种蓝莓的果实品质、气候适应性、越冬性、基质pH适应性的系统比较,筛选出果实品质好,适应性强的品种。

    Through systematic comparison of climate adaptability , overwintering ability , adaptability to matrix pH value , and fruit quality , different cultivar of blueberries with good fruit quality and well adaptability were screened out in this experiment .

  21. 如果一个查询的预期成本相当低(比如对蓝莓的查询花费5秒),DBA往往不会注意它。

    If the anticipated cost of a query is relatively low-say a five-second query about blueberries-a DBA will often pay no attention to it .

  22. 蓝莓又名越橘,杜鹃花科(Ericaceae)越橘属(Vacciniumspp.)多年生灌木性植物,是一种重要的小浆果类果树。

    Blueberry , Ericaceae , Vaccinium spp. is a kind of perennial shrub and an important class of small berry fruit .

  23. 以蓝莓幼嫩叶片为试材,采用CTAB法提取基因组DNA,并对影响RAPD反应的因素进行了研究,建立了适用于蓝莓的RAPD最佳反应体系。

    By CTAB method the genomic DNA of blueberry was extracted , using tender leaves as materials . Several factors which affected RAPD amplification in blueberry genomic DNA were analyzed and a better system was promoted .

  24. Kim说,例如,如果你使用讨论微波炉以及微波炉烤出来的蓝莓蛋糕的书籍,这种情况在非洲农村就不能适用。

    For example , if you are using books that talk about microwave ovens and blueberry cakes baked from the oven , Kim says , it doesnt make sense in a rural village setting .

  25. 其最佳工艺参数为:蓝莓果浆用量10%,蔗糖8%、琼脂0.4%,接种量为6%,发酵温度42℃,发酵时间6h。

    The optimum parameters were : blueberry jam 10 % , sugar 8 % , agar 0.4 % , LAB 6 % , ferment at 42 ℃( 6h ) .

  26. HPD-600大孔树脂对蓝莓叶黄酮动态吸附与解吸特性研究

    Dynamic adsorption and desorption characteristics of HPD-600 macroporous resin to flavonoids of blueberry leaves

  27. 蓝莓(Vacciniumspp.),杜鹃花科,越橘属,没有根毛,自然条件下会与杜鹃花类菌根真菌形成互利共生结构。

    Blueberry ( Vaccinium spp. ), Ericaceae , Vaccinium , without root hairs , its roots can form mutually beneficial symbiotic structure with ericoid mycorrhiza fungi under natural conditions .

  28. 经高果糖浆(70°Brix)渗透脱水的蓝莓的平均体积比随温度升高而稍微下降。

    The average volume ratio of the osmo dehydrated blueberries in the 70 ° Brix high fructose syrup decreased lightly with increasing temperature during the osmotic dehydration process .

  29. 结果表明:壳聚糖处理能维持蓝莓果实感官品质、硬度,降低失重率和腐烂率,显著抑制果实丙二醛(MDA)的积累,花色苷含量略减,促进总酚含量和相对电导率上升。

    The results showed that : Chitosan can maintain blueberry fruit sensory quality , hardness , reduced weight loss and decay rate , significantly inhibited the accumulation of MDA fruit , slightly reduced anthocyanin content , total phenolic content and promote the increase of relative conductivity .

  30. 还有一个事,我们设法做到了保密,乔布斯1999年介绍蓝莓色和橘红色等颜色的iMac时欢快地说。

    There is one more thing , and we 've managed to keep it secret , Jobs exulted in 1999 as he introduced iMacs in colors like blueberry and tangerine .