- filled with;glutted;surfeited to the bursting point;swelling

(1) [swelling]∶饱满鼓胀
(2) [filled with]∶充斥
Potatoes fill us up without overloading us with calories .
Its active metabolite M 1 and M 2 , inhibit the reuptake of 5 HT and noradrenaline and induce the anorectic effects .
Pylori positive FD children have a higher severity on postprandial fullness and loss of appetite ( P < 0.05 ), but the symptoms were relieved after triple eradication therapy .
A feeling of fullness The tummy split open , ma not painful ?
You should aim to feel satisfied but not bloated after a meal .
Does he feel bloated after a heavy fatty , or greasy meal ?
He felt blown out after that heavy meal .
I hate that bloated feeling you get when you 've had too much to eat .
A feeling of fullness
This helps prevent bowel trouble ; it also builds bulk in the stomach which helps make you feel full .
Even though you really don 't need to get8 glasses per day , increasing you water will help you feel full .
The treatment group was superior to control group in improving the stomach pain , epigastric fullness and distention , early satiety and other symptoms .
After a meal because of stomach full of undigested food , immediately lie down to rest will make people have a sense of fullness .
Did you ever think about how some foods really give you that sense of " fullness " while others leave you looking for more ?
This means that you probably eat less during a meal and feel full for longer after it , so you are less likely to snack in between meals .
Postoperative heartburn occurred in 21 cases , dumping syndrome in 18 cases , epigastric fullness in 15 cases , diarrhoea in 12 cases , and dysphagia in 9 cases .
The experimental , scar-free procedure creates a narrow passage that slows the food as it moves from the upper stomach into the lower stomach , helping patients feel full more quickly and eat less .
Improvement in postprandial fullness discomfort , epigastric pain , epigastric burning sensation in the treatment group is better than control group , in improving early satiety has no significant difference between the two groups .
Even though you really don 't need to get 8 glasses per day , increasing you water will help you feel full . Also , if you are beginning a workout program it is essential .
The five main symptoms , upper abdominal distention , early satiety , belching , nausea and anorexia were observed , recording the cumulative scores of symptoms , and at the end of treatment they were compared .
Conclusions Biliary tract dilatation existed before icterus occurred , while syndromes such as upset of upper abdomen , reclusion , epigastralgia distention and anorexia , may occur 1-3 months ahead of icterus occurred in patients with periampullary carcinoma .
Hope to think that man 's spirit that takes to have untamed nature of the gram benefit man body , the male of that satisfied bulge , with that free character , profoundly the be fond of the .
Therefore , when the patient undergoing subtotal gastrectomy 10 years and over have abdominal distension , abdominal pain , emaciation , hemorrhage of superior digestive tract , or unknown anemia and vomiting , they may be considered gastric stump carcinoma .
Hours later , gorged to repletion , he awoke .
Dyspepsia , which is considered to denote episodic or persistent symptoms that include upper abdomen , upper discomfort , upper abdominal fullness , early satiety , bloating , or nausea .
He ate too much , his stomach was uncomfortably distended .
By this definition , certain symptoms such as early satiety and postprandial fullness are related to the ingestion of a meal .
Symptoms of gastroparesis include early satiety , nausea , vomiting , anorexia , gastric emptying delayed , bloating , and weight loss .
Although the functional dyspepsia does not cause serious complications or threatening the lives of patients , but early satiety , upper abdominal pain , postprandial fullness discomfort and other symptoms in patients with a serious impact on the quality of life and constitute a very high medical costs .