
zǐ pú táo
  • purple grapes
  1. 且紫葡萄的皮内含有抗高血压的物质,葡萄汁能提高血浆里的维生素E及抗氧化剂的含量。

    The skin of purple grapes contains anti-hypertensive substances and grape juice can increase vitamin E and antioxidant content in plasma .

  2. 紫葡萄和新鲜的无花果。

    With purple grapes , green figs .

  3. HPLC法测定无核紫葡萄中白藜芦醇含量

    Determination of Resveratrol in Nuclear-free Grapes by HPLC

  4. 加里福尼亚人在进餐时喝的取自加洲紫葡萄的一种干红葡萄酒。

    Dry red California table wine made from purple Pinot grapes .

  5. 当我的紫葡萄化为深秋的露水,

    When my overripe grapes melt into late autumn dew ,

  6. 紫色:这些是紫葡萄。

    Purple : These are purple grapes .

  7. 加利福尼亚的深红紫葡萄。

    Dark reddish-purple table grape of California .

  8. 无核紫葡萄温室育苗小气候环境条件调控研究这里的瓜果,尤其是无核葡萄驰名全国。

    The place is nationally known for its melons and fruit , especially its seedless grapes .

  9. 紫葡萄汁的效果最好,其次是紫葡萄、苹果汁和苹果。

    Purple grape juice was the best , followed by purple grapes , apple juice and apples .

  10. 专家们称紫葡萄的皮富含增加血液中的良性胆固醇的物质。

    Experts say the skins of red grapes contain substances that increase the good kind of cholesterol in the blood .

  11. 紫葡萄汁含有两倍的天然抗氧化剂食品生产商为谁的产品含最多抗氧化剂而竞争

    Purple grape juice has twice the natural antioxidant level . Food companies competed over whose product contained the most .

  12. 肉桂、紫葡萄和常青藤是希腊酒神狄俄尼索斯的珍贵植物。

    Cinnamon , along with grape vines and ivy , is a sacred plant of Dionysus , the Greek god of ecstasy .

  13. 他认为,最好的办法是,患者想喝多少红酒或紫葡萄汁,就让他们喝多少。

    He suggested the best approach was to let the patient drink as much red wine or purple grape juice as he or she wanted .

  14. 通过太阳能干燥及促干剂处理的无核紫葡萄干燥时间最短,自然干燥无促干剂处理的干燥时间最长。

    Promote the adoption of solar drying and dry-treated the purple seedless grapes drying time spend the shortest time ; while promote non-natural dry dry-treated the longest . 4 .

  15. 串紫葡萄,还有一大群红樱桃也来了。可是南瓜房子却对他们说:“对不起,你们不能进来。”

    At this time a yellow banana , a bunch of purple grapes and a large group of red cherries came , But the pumpkin house told them : " Sorry , you can 't come in . "

  16. 田沟里,篱笆上,都生满了最美丽的紫葡萄和绿葡萄。树林里处处悬挂着柠檬和橙子。

    Here , on the hedges , and by the wayside , grew purple , green , and white grapes ; lemons and oranges hung from trees in the woods ; and the air was fragrant with myrtles and orange blossoms .

  17. 紫黑色的野葡萄,产于美国东部,果皮耐嚼,果肉容易滑出来;有很多培育的品种。

    Purplish-black wild grape of the eastern United States with tough skins that slip easily from the flesh ; cultivated in many varieties .

  18. 对紫甘薯红色素与紫葡萄、紫苏、黑米、紫李和黑豆等其它五种植物所含红色素进行了理化稳定性的比较研究。

    Stable effects were determined of red pigments from purple sweetpotato and other five plant natural red pigments from purple grape , purple perilla , black rice and black soybean on such factors as light , heat , minerals and food additives .

  19. 经过太阳能干燥与自然干燥后无核紫葡萄干表皮在显微镜下的透明度没有明显差别,而经过促干剂处理比无处理的无核紫葡萄表皮结构间隙大。

    There is no significant difference the purple seedless raisins dried skin transparency under the microscope between solar and nature drying , and after procuring dry-treated the purple seedless epidermal grapes have more permeability than that without dry-treated .