
  • 网络a fruit
  1. 罗汉果是一个水果来自东南亚。

    Mangosteen is a fruit from southeast Asia .

  2. 看,那儿有一个水果店!

    Look , there is a fruit shop !

  3. 努力做到每天至少要吃一个水果。

    Try to eat at least one piece of fruit a day .

  4. 十几岁的时候,我周末在一个水果店帮工。

    As a teenager , I had a weekend job in a fruit market .

  5. 好,这是好主意!我将做一个水果色拉。

    Yes , that 's a good idea ! I 'll make a fruit salad .

  6. 在一个水果店里,橘子的价格标着35美分两个。

    At a fruit shop the price of oranges was marked as two for35 cents .

  7. 这是一个水果沙拉。

    It 's a fruit salad .

  8. 夜市里其中一个水果摊。

    One of the fruit stalls .

  9. 一个水果味的饮品,在身体比较虚弱时维持营养,能量和肌肉的需要。

    A fruit-flavored clear-liquid beverage that goes down easy while sustaining nutrition , energy and muscle .

  10. 一个水果或蔬菜呼吸的越快,就成熟地越快。

    D : Now , the quicker a fruit or vegetable respires , the quicker it ripens .

  11. 她在街道的边上一个水果摊停下了并且买了一些水果。

    She stopped at a fruit stand on the side of the street and bought some fruits .

  12. 小明:麦克,前面有一个水果摊,我们买点儿水果吧。

    Xiao Ming : Mike , there 's fruit stall up ahead , let 's buy some fruit .

  13. 这是一个水果拼盘程序,有些地方可能有点问题,大家可以分享一下。

    This is a fruit platter program , some places may be some problems , we can share it .

  14. 这个年青女孩本是乌干达乡下的一个水果摊贩,创事业之初仅有一个独轮手推车。

    As a young woman , she started as a fruit trader in her Ugandan village , operating out of a single wheelbarrow .

  15. 腐烂水果那刺鼻的苦甜气味也开始弥漫开来,随时都有另一个水果紧随着上一个从树上落下来发出一种奇怪的声音。

    The harsh bitter-sweet smell of rotting fruit began to grow , and now and then another would drop to its fellows with a splash .

  16. 一直以来,斯蒂文都拥有改装汽车的疯狂念头,一个水果篮子激发了他的灵感。

    Steve Braithwaite was inspired by a banana in a fruit bowl on the counter of a gas station when he realised the shape was perfect for a car .

  17. 父母的饮食每天增长一个水果或蔬菜将会使孩子的饮食每天增加半个水果或蔬菜。

    An increase of one fruit or vegetable serving per day in a parent was associated with an increase of half a fruit or vegetable serving per day in his or her child .

  18. 在柬埔寨,我妈妈经营着一个水果摊,我会帮着她打理,因为在柬埔寨,人一出生,就已经开始考虑工作了。

    In Cambodia , my mom worked at a fruit stand and I would help her because in Cambodia , when you 're born , that 's when you 're thinking about working already .

  19. 他的名字叫王翔宏,因在台北的一个水果市场赤膊工作期间,被客户拍到并上传到朋友圈后,这组照片便迅速走红于网络。

    Wang Xianghong was working without his top on at a market in Taipei , Taiwan , when he was snapped by a customer.The image was shared on social media and quickly gathered interest 。

  20. 这对夫妻花了6个月致力于其商业计划,并于12月推出了Zing一个以水果和麦草为主要原料的营养强化型饮品系列。

    The couple worked on their business plan for six months and in December launched Zing , a range of nutritionally fortified drinks based on fruit and wheatgrass .

  21. 顶点处又装了一个小水果的无籽橙子。

    Seedless orange enclosing a small secondary fruit at the apex .

  22. 我想他是跟一个设计水果拼盘的女孩坠入情网了……妈妈:不!

    I think he 's in love with some girl who designs fruit platters ... Mom : No !

  23. 驾车穿越南加州途中,我在一个出售水果,蔬菜和手工艺品的路边小店停了下来。

    Driving through Southern California , I stopped at a roadside stand that sold fruit , vegetables and crafts .

  24. 今年年初,他辞掉工作,回到重庆老家,建立了一个销售水果的电子商务平台。

    He quit his job early this year and returned to Chongqing to build up an electronic commerce platform for fruit selling .

  25. 那个柠檬就像是宇宙飞船和迪斯科舞厅的混合产物,实际上是一个塑料水果。

    It was a sort of cross between a space ship , a disco and , actully , a -- a plastic fruit .

  26. 他得到的回报是,我会不断前来光顾这家便利店,不仅仅是因为这里有优质的苹果并附赠一个新鲜水果,而且因为他让我觉得自己在这里格外的特别,备受尊重。

    The payoff is that I keep coming back to shop , not simply for the great apples and the free piece of fresh fruit , but because he makes me feel extra special and appreciated .

  27. 19年34周1天59分之后,也就是所谓的“现在”,小Ned成为了一个专做水果派的糕点师。

    It's19 years , 34 weeks , 1 day and59 minutes later , heretofore known as " Now . " Young Ned has become The Pie Maker .

  28. 最吸引我的是一个精致的水果小店。

    What especially attracts my attention is a very elaborate fruit shop .

  29. 那是一个适宜栽种水果的年份。

    It was a good year for growing fruit .

  30. 别人可能会带来一个沙拉,水果、蔬菜、饮料等等。

    Other people could bring fruits , vegetables for a salad , drinks , etc.