
  1. 据NRK报道,一个世界经济论坛发现,目前大海中至少有一亿五千万吨垃圾。

    A World Economic Forum study also found that there are currently at least 150 million tons of trash in the ocean , NRK reported .

  2. 他们在地球上活了一亿五千万年。

    They walked the earth for150 million years !

  3. 目前,全球的番茄年产量可达一亿五千万吨以上。

    Present world production of tomato is more than one hundred and fifty million tones .

  4. 你欠我一亿五千万。

    You owe me 150 million dollars .

  5. 太阳与地球的平均距离达一亿五千万公里。

    The average distance of the sun from the earth is as much as150 million kilometres .

  6. 比如,美国艺术捐赠基金会的预算为一亿五千万美元,

    For example , our National Endowment for the Arts , with its $ 150 million budget ,

  7. 而且他有六百张一亿五千万左右

    Not chump change . And he 's got 600 sheets of the stuff . $ 150 million .

  8. 刘易斯知道从这些岩石层挖掘出来的恐龙早于一亿五千万年前就死了。

    Luis knows from the layer of rock they 're digging that these dinosaurs died 150 million years ago .

  9. 我有超过一亿五千万个条款,这让我成为全世界最大的图书馆。

    I 'm home to more than 150 million items , which makes me the largest library in the world .

  10. 1984年,非洲埃塞俄比亚发生也曾过一次大饥荒,当时世界上许多著名的音乐人和乐队组建了“援救乐队”并举行“援救演唱会”为当地筹集了一亿五千万美元。

    A famine on the scale of1984 , when Band Aid and Live Aid raised about $ 150m in relief for Ethiopia , is still unlikely .

  11. 而他们发现这些小型发电机以近乎疯狂的速度制造着星球,在只有一亿五千万年的时间里其质量就已翻倍。

    And they found that these diminutive dynamos churned out stars at a furious rate , fast enough to double their mass in only 150 million years .

  12. 恐龙结实得像混凝土,生存了一亿五千万年,而一颗巨棒的小行星就把它们清除了。

    The dinosaurs were thick as concrete , but they survived for one hundred and fifty million years and it took a damn great asteroid to knock them out .

  13. 最近中国付给太平洋的小岛诺鲁一亿五千万美元,让他们放弃台北而和北京建交。

    Even lately China paid the small island nation of Nauru in the Pacific Ocean the amount of150 million dollar to change their diplomatic affairs from Taipei to Peking .

  14. 更要命的是,邮政服务必须送抵全国每一个邮政地址——美国现有邮政地址约一亿五千万个,每年都会多增加一百四十多万个——这使得邮政支出同时增加。

    Worse , because the post must deliver to every address in the country - about 150m , with some 1.4m additions every year - costs are simultaneously going up .

  15. 屠呦呦去北京上大学之前的住宅占地2200平方米,估价一亿五千万人民币。

    Tu 's former residence , where she lived until she went to university in Beijing , covers an area of2200 square meters and is priced at 150 million yuan ( $ 23.6 million ) .

  16. 一位来自菲律宾群岛,爱笑又乐观的小伙子马文,站了起来并解说自己是如何在一年之内,不试图卖任何东西给任何人,结果卖出一亿五千万美元的豪华轿车。

    Marvin , a happy , broadly smiling fellow from the Philippines , gets up and explains that he sells $ 150 million worth of luxury cars a year by not trying to sell anything to anyone .

  17. 世界上约有一亿五千万人患有糖尿病,其中有近三千万在中国,而且近来糖尿病的发病率越来越高。

    There is a world-wide epidemic of diabetes mellitus . The total number of people with diabetes is estimated to be about 150 million , including approximately 30 million in China . Furthermore , the incidence of diabetes increased dramatically in recent years .