
  • 网络Social conservatism;Social Conservative
  1. 由于根深蒂固的政治社会保守主义,经济改革小心谨慎的进行。

    Economic reforms proceed cautiously because of deep-rooted political and social conservatism .

  2. 美国去年掀起了一波社会保守主义热潮。

    Last year saw a surge in social conservatism .

  3. 这是一场不同原教旨主义者之间的斗争,他们都吸收了启蒙运动前的那种不宽容,又团结于他们的社会保守主义思想。

    This is a battle between fundamentalists jointly wedded to pre-Enlightenment intolerance and united in their social conservatism .

  4. 人们认为弥尔顿宣扬的是社会保守主义,社会保守主义中有种隐藏的,文化上有害且强大的因素。

    There is something insidious and culturally malicious and powerful about the social conservatism of what is thought to be his voice .

  5. 就像社会保守主义从美国共和党内的主流变成狭隘的正统观念一样,保守党内的欧洲怀疑主义也在强硬起来。

    Euroscepticism is hardening in the Conservative Party , in much the same way as social conservatism has gone from being a powerful current in America 's Republican Party to an intolerant orthodoxy .

  6. 如果你是真正的“社会保守主义者”,相信一套十分严格的传统道德标准,那么这次选举中根本没有适合你的候选人。

    If you are a genuine " social conservative , " a person who believes in a narrowly defined version of traditional morality , then you have no candidate in this election at all .

  7. 但我也同意你对我的《星际穿越》观点做出的修正:诺兰的科幻构想虽然偶有带宗教色彩的元素,但基本上是自由意志主义的右翼,而不是宗教或社会保守主义的调子。

    But I also agree with your emendation to my point about " Interstellar " : Nolan 's sci-fi vision , despite occasional spiritual-ish elements , is basically right-wing in a libertarian rather than a religious or socially conservative key .

  8. 瑞克??桑托勒姆也于本周宣布参选,这位前宾夕法尼亚州参议员在2006年竞选连任时失败,他所持的极端社会保守主义观点是构成他落选的部分原因所在。也许还会有更多的共和党人参加提名选举。

    Another good performer , who joined the race this week , was Rick Santorum , the former senator from Pennsylvania who failed to win re-election in 2006 , in part because of his extreme social conservatism . The field may grow again .

  9. 美国电影中的保守主义和美国社会中的保守主义既是镜像关系,又是深层关系,这种镜像是一种变形的镜像。

    The relationship of the conservatisms in American film and that in American society is one of the deep , distorted reflections .

  10. 从20世纪实际历史表现看,作为社会心理的保守主义的意义、作用和影响,远远大于作为意识形态的保守主义。

    Judging from the actual function , the significance , function and influence the cultural conservatism as social mental state is much greater than as an ideology .

  11. 论保守主义的社会观柏克的保守主义思想评析

    On the Idea of Society of Conservatism

  12. 丹尼尔·贝尔是当代美国批判社会学和文化保守主义思潮的代表人物。

    Daniel Bell is a contemporary representative personage of critical sociology and cultural conservatism in America .

  13. 佩林之所以被选中,有各种原因,其中包括她在社会问题上的保守主义色彩和反堕胎立场。佩林日前透露,她17岁的未婚女儿有孕在身。麦凯恩说他了解这件事。

    Chosen for her social conservatism and anti-abortion stance among other things , she revealed this week that her unmarried 17-year-old daughter was pregnant , a fact Senator McCain says he knew .