
  • 网络social historic natures;social historicity
  1. 论实践的社会历史性特征

    On Characteristics of Practical Social Historic Natures

  2. 马克思主义人的本质是自然性、实践性与社会历史性的统一。

    The human essence of Marxism is consensus of naturality , practicality and social historicity .

  3. 马克思的理性与自由都是一个社会历史性的概念。

    Both Marx 's ' reason ' and ' freedom ' are historical concepts .

  4. 法律需要具有客观性、主体性和社会历史性。

    The characteristics of legal needs include objectivity , subjectivity and socially historical attribute .

  5. 接着分析需要的一般特点即需要具有对象性、社会历史性、驱动性和周期性。

    Then the paper analyzes the general characteristics of need : objectivity , sociality and historicity , driven , periodicity .

  6. 虚拟实践符合人类实践活动所具有的现实性、能动性、双向对象化和社会历史性的特质,它属于实践的范畴。

    Virtual practice accords with realistic , initiative , bidirectional objective and social historic that human activities have . It belongs to the category of practice .

  7. 当前,我国正处在体制改革、结构调整与社会历史性变革的转型时期。

    At present , our country is during the period of making the transition , going with system reformation , economy structure adjustment and social historical innovation .

  8. 科学仪器与认识主体之间的最根本区别在于,科学仪器不具备人所特有的社会历史性和自觉能动性。

    The most fundamental difference between the subject and scientific instrument is that the latter does not have the character of society , history and conscious dynamic role .

  9. 人性的抽象普遍性与具体社会历史性的统一,表明道德既有理论的逻辑形式又有现实的历史形式。

    The historical unity between the universality of human nature and society indicates that morality not only possesses a logical form theoretically , but also has , in reality , a historical form .

  10. 导致这种偏颇的社会历史性因素主要是:受前苏联伦理学研究的影响、受原经济体制的制约、受人类有限理性的局限。

    The main social and historical factors resulting in this deflection were : the influence of the former Soviet Union ethnic research and the restriction of China 's past economic system as well as the limited rationality of mankind .

  11. 马克思主义对待公平也有自己的原则,公平具有社会历史性、在对抗中发展的、发展的过程是否定之否定,螺旋上升的,对于社会生活中的公平问题要科学地面对。

    Marxist approach also has its own principle of fairness , equity in socio-historical , in the battle against negation is the process of development , development , spiral , for social justice issues in science in the face .

  12. 钱钟书在其文学史观中,不仅考察了文学文本所呈现出来的社会历史性特征,而且从内在审美规范特征的维度透视了文体的分类与创新。

    In his ideas of the literature history , Qian Zhong-shu not only investigated the historic features in the literature texts , and also analysed the classfication and innovation of the style from the angle of its inner aesthetic features .

  13. 这种认识超越了单纯的主体需要和客体属性两种对立的价值理论,突出了教学价值的社会历史性、主体实践性,具有一定的合理性和积极意义。

    By doing so , it has some certain rationality and positive meaning that not only has surmounted simple antithesis between " the subject needs " and " attribute of the object ", but also stress the social history and the subjective practicality .

  14. 论社会的历史性&人、自然、价值视野的统一

    Historicity of Society & The Unity of the View of Human Being , Nature and Value

  15. 超语言学将人的存在看作是交际中的对话性存在,强调话语的社会-历史性、对话性和未完成性。

    Superliuguistics views human existence as the existence of dialogicity in communication , emphasizing the socio-historicity , dialogicity and uncompletivity .

  16. 在文学文本中,地理性、社会、历史性的空间形态,已经转换成了某种精神文化结构。

    In literary texts , geographic , social and historic space form has converted into a sort of spiritual and cultural structure .

  17. 社会历史局限性以及中国传统社会的诚信道德观不能完全适应转型时期中国社会的需要;

    The social historical limitation as well as honesty-credit moral view of Chinese traditional society cannot completely meet the need of Chinese society in the reforming time ;

  18. 马克思的自然概念以关注人类自身的生存与发展为基本立场,在动态中探讨人与自然的关系即马克思自然概念的社会-历史性。

    Marxist nature theories include three aspects , which is , the concern of human interest , social historical characteristics and the interaction of man and nature .

  19. 2008年11月6日,非裔美国人奥巴马成功当选为总统表面上表明了美国社会的历史性的改变。

    In Nov. 6 , 2008 , the successful election of President Barack Obama , an African-American , manifests a seemingly historical change that has taken place in American society .

  20. 这三次科技革命,一次比一次突显了人在人与自然伦理关系中的主体性,同时也强化了自然的社会&历史性。

    Facing a series of problems in the field of science and technology such as ecology and energy crisis , people come to pay much attention to the ethical relation between human and nature .

  21. 翻译是翻译者带着自己既往的全部社会-历史性与原作者的对话;新的语境产生新的理解与对话,于是有新的译本。

    Translation is the dialogue , which a translator has between his own all socio - historicity and original writer : a new context creates new understanding and dialogue , in which a new version appears .

  22. 从最开始关注作为道德原则和理性本质的自由,到中期追求作为人的生命活动本质的自由,再到最后建立起实践基础上包含社会历史必然性的自由观。

    As ethical principles and rational nature of freedom , from the very beginning to pay attention to the medium-term pursuit of ethical principles and rational nature of freedom , to finally establish a practice based on the concept of freedom of the social and historical inevitability .

  23. 中国国民经济和社会发展的历史性变化

    Historical Changes in China 's Economic and Social Development

  24. 社会关系的历史性存在决定了人的历史性存在。

    The historical existence of social relations has decided human 's historical existence .

  25. 论构建和谐社会的历史必然性

    Historical Necessity of Construction of Harmonious Society

  26. 主体力具有社会性、历史性,是理性力。

    It has the social nature and historical nature and it is a rational power .

  27. 民族精神的核心是爱国主义,具有社会性、历史性、阶级性、层次性的特征。

    Its core is patriotism which has the society-related , history-related , class-related and hierarchy-related traits .

  28. 改革开放30年天津社会保障实现历史性跨越

    The Historical Stride about Social Security of Tianjin since Past 30 Years of Reform and Opening Up

  29. 文化具有社会性、历史性、民族性、继承性、开放性、选择性、创造性等特征。

    Culture has social , historical , ethnic , inheritance , openness , selective , creative characteristics .

  30. 历史决定论概而言之就是关于社会历史发展必然性、规律性的思想和理论。

    In summary , the historical determinism is the theories about the inevitability and regularity of social history .