
jí duān ɡè rén zhǔ yì
  • Extreme individualism;ultra-individualism;extreme individualist
  1. 通过创作主体这一切入口,对二者关于主体性的理论作一对比性梳理之后,尼采作为极端个人主义者的传统定位应该被重新加以思考。

    When we finish combing the two person 's theories of subjectivity mainly about producing subject , the traditional orientation for Nietzsche as an extreme individualist should be reconsidered .

  2. 传统文化中的“仁爱”精神可以有效地遏制学生中日益泛滥的利己主义、极端个人主义思潮。

    And the benevolence spirits will also put a strong curb on the over-flooding of the egotism , the ultra-individualism ideological trends .

  3. 具有极端个人主义的价值尺度;

    Their individualistic measure of value sometimes goes to the extreme .

  4. 他们是一群极端个人主义的人,应当坚持使用“我”。

    They are a fiercely individual bunch and should stick with I.

  5. 极端个人主义的幻灭&一个爱默生式英雄的失败

    The Failure of an Emersonian Hero & An Analysis of the Death of Ahab in Moby Dick

  6. 在现有理论中,法律运行过程研究大致可以分为整体主义和极端个人主义两种研究进路。

    The studies into the process of law operation are either whole-oriented or individual-oriented in current theories .

  7. 倡导爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义思想,反对和抵制拜金主义、享乐主义、极端个人主义。

    We shall advocate patriotism , collectivism and socialism while combating social ills such as money-worshiping , hedonism and ultra-egoism .

  8. 西方文学作品中常有一些极端个人主义、悲观主义和非道德化的伦理情境,相对于中国的读者而言,可以称之为“伦理难题”。

    Ethical themes like ultra egoism , pessimism and demoralization in the Western literary works pose what is called " morality difficulties " to the Chinese readers .

  9. 理性个人主义与极端个人主义有别,其理性特征表现为遵守法律、享受由法律限制并由法律保障的个人自由。

    There has remained difference between reasonable individualism and out and out egoists . The former observe law , enjoy individual freedom restricted and guaranteed by law .

  10. 电脑程序的失败使我的幻想破灭。极端个人主义的幻灭&一个爱默生式英雄的失败

    I was disillusioned by the failure of the computer program . The Failure of an Emersonian Hero & An Analysis of the Death of Ahab in Moby Dick

  11. 广电总局在其网站上表示,坚决抵制某些娱乐节目所传播出来的金钱至上、享乐主义和极端个人主义。

    On the website of SARFT , it is stated that it resolutely opposes the spreading of money worship , hedonism , and extreme individualism in some entertainment programs .

  12. 更重要的是它导致了社会风气的恶化,以致社会呈病态化,道德水准下降,是非正义感丧失,造成极端个人主义、道德虚无主义的泛滥。

    More importantly , it leads to deterioration of social atmosphere and moral standards , resulting in the lost of justice and the prevalence of extreme individualism and moral nihilism .

  13. 这些因素使得美国的公民教育存在极端个人主义泛滥,社会问题不断,日益冷漠的政治态度等很多缺陷。

    These factors make problems still exist in civic education in the States , For example , ultra-individualism is overflow , social problems continuously emerging , political attitude is indifferent day by day .

  14. 只是社会主义国家以建立真正的集体主义为道德目标,所以它极力反对极端个人主义,只允许合理个人主义存在和发展,并且限制于市场社会领域,反对泛滥于国家生活领域。

    In Socialist nations the moral aim is the genuine collectivism for which the extreme individualism is seriously opposed and just rational individualism is allowed to exist and develop in realm of civil society but not in realm of national life .

  15. 这些问题不仅反映了人类文明发展的危机,而且也对我国社会发展产生了重大影响,带来了一系列矛盾和问题,如拜金主义、享乐主义、极端个人主义和道德滑坡等。

    These problems not only reflect the crises of human civilization development , but also bring great influence on our social advancement . They cause a series of conflicts and problems , for example , mammonism , hedonism , extreme individualism and moral downfall .

  16. 漫长的战争给雅典社会/政治机体施加了难以承受的经久压力,同时大大加剧了其深层文化中以极端个人主义为特征的亚西比得综合症及其独特的傲慢。

    The extraordinarily protracted warfare had imposed an unbearable stress upon the Athenian politico-social organism , while greatly aggravating " the Alcibiades Syndrome " featured by an extreme individualism and the unique Athenian " hubris ," which were both embedded in the depths of its culture .

  17. 但是20世纪以来随着个人主义占据统治地位,这种平衡逐渐被打破,导致60年出现了极端个人主义,由此引发一系列社会问题和道德危机。

    But as individualism became more dominant in the United States since the 20th century , the balance was broken . The loss of cultural balance led to the emergence of radical individualism in 1960s which gave rise to a series of social problems and moral crisis .

  18. 一个直接的文学后果是,歪曲正常人性状态,回避现实尖锐问题,以及极端的个人主义的应运而生。

    It directly results in distortion of conditions of a normal person , avoiding problems in reality , and ultra-individualism .

  19. 重在揭露支撑其荒谬言行的自由观,即极端的个人主义。

    It is mainly about revealing the view of freedom & Extreme Individualism , which supports the absurdity of Fan ' words and actions .

  20. 他一方面批评强大的社会力量对个体的挤压,同时又反对极端的个人主义,反对将自己孤立起来,不作为。

    While he is condemning the overwhelming social pressure upon the individual , he also strongly criticizes the extreme egoism , and opposes self-isolation and non-action .

  21. 美国公民教育存在的问题有:极端的个人主义、公民冷漠的政治态度、没有统一的道德标准、教材。

    Problems in American public education are : ( a ) Extreme individualism ( b ) Civic apathy and political attitudes ( c ) There is no uniform ethical standards and teaching materials .

  22. 最后,在极端的个人主义原则下,公民意识形成所需要的责任感、公意纽带、共同体意识无从谈起。

    Lastly , in the light of extreme individualism principle , stuffs to foster citizen consciousness , such as the sense of responsibility , tie of public will and ideology of community are nowhere to be found .