
jí zuǒ sī cháo
  • ultra-Left trend of thought
  1. 极左思潮对中国社会主义现代化建设的影响

    Affection on the China socialism modernization of the ultra left trend thought

  2. 第一章主要是介绍极左思潮产生的原因、内涵、特点及影响。

    The first chapter introduces the causes , meaning , characteristics and impact of the ultra-leftist though .

  3. 对教育功能的重视是中国文学的传统,这种传统在极左思潮泛滥的时期被强调到极致,文学因而沦为政治教化的附庸和工具。

    In China , it has been a consistent tradition to attach much importance to the educational function of literature .

  4. 如盲目学外国,极左思潮干扰,理论脱离实际,不重视普及工作等。

    Among them are learning from foreign countries blindly , looking down upon popularization work , and separating theory from practice .

  5. 由于极左思潮的影响,七月派在中国现代文学史上一直没能得到合理的评价。

    Because of the influence of ultra-left ideological trend ," July School " had been failing to receive reasonable appraisal in the history of modern Chinese Literature .

  6. 杨献珍哲学学案发生在中国极左思潮泛滥的时代,在这种背景下,哲学不再是一种思想探索,而沦为对政治权势的顶礼膜拜。

    Yang Xianzhen 's philosophy incident occurred in the era of the left thought 's overflow , in this background , philosophy was no more an exploration of thought , 'but a worship to the political power .

  7. 然而,在阶级斗争极左思潮的影响下,蒋春霖及其《水云楼词》却受到不应有的贬低和曲解,因为他反对太平天国革命。

    As people were influenced by class struggle 's ultra - " left " trend of thought , JIANG Chun-lin and his " Shui Yun Building Ci-poem " suffered unfair depreciation and misinterpretation just because he was against the Taiping Revolution .

  8. 因得力于作者对当时农村现实生活的深切体验与了解,小说中实际隐含着人性异化、宗法意识、极左思潮、诗意情怀之类超越了政治背景的深层内涵。

    Because of the author 's deep understanding of life and experiences in the countryside , this novel contains alienation of human nature , consciousness of patriarchal clan system , Leftist tendency and poetry that transcend political background at that time .

  9. 他对极左思潮的纠正和对全国各项工作的治理整顿,为日后党的第二代领导集体领导全国人民进行改革开放指明了前进的方向;

    He pointed out the way forward for the Party 's Second Generation Leading Collective to carry out the " Open and Reform " policy by correcting the " Ultra-Left " trend of thought , regulating and straightening things out in every field of work ;