
biān jí bù
  • Editorial Department;newsroom;editorial office;editorial board
编辑部 [biān jí bù]
  • [editorial department] 由编辑们和正副主任组成的处理稿件的业务部门

  1. 高校学报的著作权归属主要涉及到三类主体:学报编辑部、作者和其他出版主体。

    As far as the copyright ownership of university journals , three types of subjects , including editorial board , author and publishing house , should be taken into consideration .

  2. 论期刊编辑部的情报服务职能

    On information service functions of periodical editorial board

  3. 来稿请径寄编辑部。

    Please send your contributions directly to the editorial department .

  4. 我们这儿的编辑部人员大多数是自由职业者。

    Most of our editorial workers freelance here .

  5. 新闻稿开始淹没了编辑部,吹捧抗菌素的神效带来的好处

    Press releases began deluging newsrooms , touting the benefits of antibacterial honey .

  6. 编辑部关注的是内容,他们要保证故事/信息清晰地传达,且引人入胜。

    Editorial is concerned with content : ensuring the story / information is communicated in a clear and engaging way .

  7. 编辑部WEB文章管理系统的实现

    Development of article management system base on WEB of newsroom

  8. 用Office实现学报编辑部办公信息化管理

    To Apply Office to the Information Management of the Editorial Department of University Journal

  9. 《CT理论与应用研究》编辑部联合有关媒体举办学术交流与评优活动

    Academic Exchanging Activity in CT Theory and Applications

  10. 基于CIMS的期刊编辑部抽象信息模型CS

    Research on Abstract Information Model of an Editorial Office Based on CIMS

  11. 学刊编辑部实施ISO9000族质量管理的道德文化定位

    The Orientation of " Ethical Cultural " of ISO9000 Standards of Quality Management Implemented by the Editorial Department of College Journals

  12. 《新共和》称,麦科马克将任命《华盛顿观察家》(TheWashingtonSpectator)的出版人汉密尔顿·菲什(HamiltonFish)担任出版人和编辑部主任。菲什也是《国家》(TheNation)的前出版人。

    Mr. McCormack will appoint Hamilton Fish , the publisher of The Washington Spectator and a former publisher of The Nation , to be publisher and editorial director , The New Republic said .

  13. 在ASP环境下利用WEB编程技术,设计了编辑部文章管理的数据库系统,综合编写了文章管理系统平台,该平台基本包括了业界所需的各种功能,采用模块化设计,易于使用。

    Article management system and the correlative database have been achieved base on WEB technology of ASP . The system possess a majority of functions which newsroom should have , and it can be used easily because of its modularization design .

  14. 利用Excel进行订户登记、查询订户详细情况、管理统计和利用Word制作邮签,可以提高编辑部的工作效率和质量。

    Excel can be used to register subscribers , check subscribers ' detailed information , administrate and count subscribers and Word can be used to make mail sticker , which can improve the work efficiency and quality of editorial department .

  15. 这些文章是在BuzzFeed成立新闻编辑部、编撰写作风格手册、组建一支记者团队之前发布的。

    Those posts were done before BuzzFeed had a copy desk , a style manual , and a team of reporters .

  16. 另外一家热门的电子贺卡网站Evite.com,其网站编辑部主任玛丽莲·奥利维拉(MarilynOliveira)说,在2013年他们共发送了260万份预请帖。

    Another popular free e-card site , Evite . com , sent out 2.6 million save-the-date invitations in 2013 , says its editorial director , Marilyn Oliveira .

  17. 你的忠实的r.h.托马斯,编辑部主任。

    Yours faithfully , r.h.thomas , editorial director .

  18. 道琼斯董事长彼得•麦克费尔森(PeterMcPherson)昨日把这个准则称为各方都会满意的、牢固的协议。不过,班氏家族内部以及《华尔街日报》编辑部的某些批评人士仍然不那么信服。

    Peter McPherson , Dow Jones 's chairman , described the code yesterday as a strong agreement about which all can be pleased , but some critics in the Bancroft family , the Journal newsroom and beyond remained to be convinced .

  19. 亚马逊公司的纸质图书和Kindle电子书编辑部主任萨拉&12539;纳尔逊(SaraNelson)说,她认为电子书给予如饥似渴的读者的并不是太多的弃读许可权,而是根据心情点进点出图书的能力。

    Sara Nelson , editorial director of books and Kindle at Amazon . com , says she believes that e-readers have given voracious consumers not so much license to stop , but the ability to dip in and out of books , depending on their mood .

  20. 据AAJA在2007年的一份报告说,亚裔美国人和太平洋岛人仅占美国报纸编辑部全体员工的百分之三。

    According to a2007 report by the AAJA , Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders make up only three per cent of all newsroom employees at U.S.newspapers .

  21. 还设有电子报E-Catch编辑部、大学生影像工作室等大学生创新基地。

    In order to support student activities , we also set up two innovation platforms , the E-Catch editorial office and the student video production studio .

  22. 学报编辑部管理系统的开发与应用

    Development and Application of Management System for Editorial Department of Journal

  23. 浅议期刊编辑部现代化管理

    Brief Discussion of the Modern Management of the Journal Editorial Department

  24. 信息时代学术期刊编辑部的建设

    Modernization of editorial offices of academic journals in the information age

  25. 欲知详情,请致电编辑部。

    For further information about it please call the editorial department .

  26. 编辑部的故事盛大金磐超高层住宅框支结构设计

    Structural Design of Transfer Story of a Super High-rise Residential Building

  27. 谈高校学报编辑部纸质型期刊的管理

    On the Paper Journal Management of Journal Editorial Department in College

  28. 期刊编辑部业务辅助支持系统研究

    The Research of One Assistant Support System in Periodical Editor Office

  29. 联合国国际发展合作业务活动部分《国际木业》编辑部

    Operational Activities of the United Nations for International Development Cooperation Segment

  30. 超高层建筑设置水平加强层作用分析编辑部的故事

    Analysis of the Function of Horizontal Strengthened Story in Supertall Building