
  • 网络Coding Rules;encoding rule;DER;SOAP encoding rules
  1. HFC网管标准&SNMP的基本编码规则分析

    Analysis of Basic Encoding Rules in SNMP as HFC Network Management Standard

  2. 如果您使用encoded,那么您使用的是带有编码规则的抽象类型。

    If use is encoded , you use an abstract type with encoding rules .

  3. 一种基于核苷酸二联体的DNA序列编码规则

    Coding Method Based on Dual Nucleotides of the DNA Sequence

  4. 数控编程中ISO编码规则及穿孔机驱动程序

    The ISO coding principles and the punching program in the NC programming

  5. 它标示出代码设计,代码标准,全球化技术,以及任何其他Java或你为验证而使用的编码规则方面的问题。

    It flags problems in code design , coding standards , globalization techniques , and any other Java or coding rules you use for verification .

  6. SNMP中基本编码规则的程序实现

    Programming for Basic Encoding Rules of SNMP

  7. 根据DNA序列的编码规则,本课题给出了解决序列比较中四个基本问题的方法,同时,基于编码序列给出了一种DNA序列的3D表示,并进行序列相似性分析。

    According to DNA coding principle , the dissertation proposed a method that solved four basic problems . It could make analysis of similarity between DNA sequences .

  8. 并详细介绍了SNMP协议的原理及其编码规则,主要分为:网络管理的基本模型和管理模式、抽象语法表示ASN。

    The principle of the SNMP and the encoding rules will be introduced in the detail .

  9. SNMP是HFC和Internet的网络管理标准,采用基本编码规则进行数据传输。

    SNMP is the standard for HFC and Internet , in which basic encoding rule ( BER ) is used for data transfer .

  10. 首先,生成的WSDL文件总是用SOAP编码规则而不是文字XSD来描述消息。

    First , the generated WSDL files always describe messages in terms of the SOAP-encoding rules instead of literal XSD .

  11. 该协议基于XML,包括三个部分:信封、一组编码规则以及用于表示远程过程调用和响应的约定。

    It is an XML-based protocol that consists of three parts : an envelope , a set of encoding rules , and a convention for representing remote procedure calls and responses .

  12. 当时的想法是要使服务和客户机的编写工作更加容易,简单的服务和客户机只需同意在向XML转换时遵守一套数据编码规则即可。

    The idea is that simple services and clients would simply agree to follow a set of rules for encoding data to XML in order to make writing services and clients easier .

  13. 1语法的基本编码规则对SNMP报文进行编码,通过对该编码信息的扩充设计完成了对SNMP报文的分段与解析功能。

    Syntax , and implements the subsection and interpretation function for SNMP packets through the expansion of the information of the code .

  14. 首先对SOAP协议进行了分析,并介绍了SOAP机制,包括封装结构,编码规则和消息交换模型等。

    In this article , we analyze the SOAP , introduce the mechanism of SOAP , including the encapsulation of structure , encode regulation and information exchange model .

  15. 论文在阐述QR码编码规则和译码原理基础上,根据编码规则进行译码设计。

    This paper elaborates on the decoding design on the basis of coding and decoding principle of QR code .

  16. 由于CPM信号固有的记忆效应,传统的引导码元编码规则对它不适用。

    However , because of the inherent memory effect of CPM signal the traditional pilot symbol encoding rule is not feasible .

  17. 1抽象语法表示、BER编码规则及其XML改进、数据库设计等,并给出了具体的解决方法和实现程序。

    Syntax , the BER coding rules and the design for supporting database etc. The exact method and program for implementation of document delivery are also presented in the paper .

  18. 所以,在这种情况下,工具箱只需了解整个XMLSchema规范,而不需了解若干特定的编码规则的组合,也不需了解所选的类型系统。

    So , in this case , all the toolkit has to understand is the entire XML Schema specification instead of the combination of the particular encoding rules as well as the chosen type system .

  19. 同时,通过比较各种编码规则的特点,在BER编解码实现的基础上,给出CER、DER及PER编码的实现方案。

    By comparing differences among all encoding rules , and gives implementation projects of other rules such as CER , DER and PER based on BER .

  20. 它的值可以是literal,表示是一个Literal/non-Encoded消息,或者是encoded,表示这个消息是通过已定义好的一组编码规则来生产。

    Its value can be literal for a Literal / non-Encoded message or encoded for a message that needs to go through a defined set of encoding rules .

  21. 在进行协议一致性测试时,面对各种ASN.1编码规则,应用很多的XML编码规则,以及今后将会出现的新的编解码规则,对适应性更好的通用编解码工具提出了强烈的需求。

    In the process of protocol conformance testing , the applications of ASN . 1 encoding rules , widely used XML encoding rules and prospective encoding rules , make a strong demand for a general codec tool with better adaptability .

  22. 两者之间的主要区别是前者包含一个模式(schema),这个模式完整地描述SOAP消息,而后者需要额外的编码规则以便把数据序列化为消息。

    The major difference between the two is that the first contains a schema that fully describes the SOAP messages , while the second needs extra encoding rules to serialize the data into a message .

  23. 文中介绍了WAI数字证书的定义与应用,提出了证书数据结构定义、证书字段编码规则定义的改进方案,并论述了改进与定义的可行性。

    The definition and application of digital certificates in WAI were introduced . The improvements of structure and encoding rules of certificates were also given .

  24. 利用该方法可以在产品CAD设计完成后,自动提取零部件装配关系和相应的工程数据,并在一定的编码规则基础上生成产品BOM表。

    With applying this new approach , the engineering data and the assembly relations can be extracted as soon as the product design is completed , and then the BOM is generated based on some coding rules .

  25. 如果您使用的服务器不允许您验证它引用的编码规则,我建议您对在应用程序级别上编码的servlet进行测试。

    If you are working with a server where you cannot verify the encoding rules the server is referencing , I suggest that you test on a servlet that encodes at the application level .

  26. PSA软件数据库系统包括四类子库和三个功能模块,其中用户管理机制和用户可自定义的智能编码规则管理模块是设计中的两个亮点。

    It includes four sub-databases and three program module and two design features . The two features are a suit of users management system and an intelligent coding rule management module including users definable ability .

  27. 本文较全面地介绍了有关AMIBIOS的口令设置、编码规则以及密码在CMOSRAM中的存放位置,并介绍了一种解码方法,文末给出了执行程序。

    The coding rule of the password in AMI BIOS and the code 's position in CMOS RAM are reveled in this paper and a method of decode and it 's assemble assemble program are presented as well .

  28. 能够存放大量信息的矩阵码是近年来国外推广的二维条码,本文对QR码(QuickResponseCode)的编码规则与纠错进行了深入的研究,并完成了QR码的识别算法。

    Recent years , the matrix barcodes which can contain a mass of information are becoming popular . This paper mainly concerns the encoding rules and error correction of the QR code ( Quick Response Code ), and researched the decoding algorithm . 5 .

  29. 提出了基于GIS系统杆号编码规则的拓扑生成算法,研究了多种潮流计算算法,并推导了适合于油田配电网潮流计算的前推回代法。

    In the next place , the algorithm of generating the topology based on the poles number encoding rule in GIS is proposed . Several power flow calculation algorithms are researched , and the forward and backward sweep algorithm suitable for the oil field distribute power system is deduced .

  30. 利用有限域上偶特征正交几何构作了两个Cartesian认证码,并计算了它们的参数.还按均匀概率分布选取编码规则,计算了模仿攻击成功概率PI和替换攻击成功概率PS。

    Two constructions of Cartesian authentication codes from orthogonal geometry over finite field with characteristic 2 are given in this paper . Their size parameters and their probabilities of successful impersonation attack and of successful substitution attack are also computed .