
  • 网络knit;braiding;plait
编结 [biān jié]
  • [plait;braid;weave] 编织

  1. 她用灵巧的手指编结着。

    She was knitting with deft fingers .

  2. 我不在乎编结连衫衣裤的童装,但我似乎总是把袖口结错。

    I don 't mind knitting jumpers , but I always seem to get the cuffs wrong .

  3. 本研究比较了阀上实验室中C18微填充柱与顺序注射系统中PTFE-KR(polytetrafluorothylene-knottedreactor)编结反应器收集Cd(OH)2沉淀的性能。

    A thorough scrutiny comparison of precipitate collection and related analytical performances were made by employing a C_ ( 18 ) microcolumn packed in a lab-on-valve system and a polytetrafluoroethylene knotted reactor ( PTFE-KR ) .

  4. 氯丙嗪的流动注射光化学反应在一编结反应器中进行,该反应器盘绕在一荧光灯上并接受由该灯发出的最大幅射波长为365nm的紫外线照射。

    Flow injection-photochemical reaction of chlorpromazine was carried out in a knot - ted reactor that was coiled around a fluorescent lamp and irradiated by its UV light with the emission maximum at 365 nm .

  5. 纺织韧皮纤维缆[不论是否编结]

    Cable of textile bast fibres [ whether or not plaited ]

  6. 小女孩把她妈妈在编结的毛线弄得纠结在一起了。

    The little girl tangled the yarn her mother was knitting .

  7. 葆拉是个编结好手&她结的东西非常漂亮。

    Paula 's a wonderful knitter & she makes beautiful things .

  8. 中国传统装饰结编结符号系统的研究

    A Study on Symbol System of Chinese Traditional Ornamental Knot

  9. 纸缆[与金属编结或用金属加固]

    Cable of paper [ plaited or reinforced with metal ]

  10. 本片介绍最基本的七种中国结编结方法。

    This VCD introduces the seven basic ways to make Chinese knots .

  11. 她一个下午就能编结好一件婴孩的紧身短上衣。

    She could knit up a baby 's coatee in an afternoon .

  12. 编结方法是针织服装设计领域中的一门古老的科目。

    Knotting technique is an old subject in knitted wear design field .

  13. 石棉绳(不包括电线),无论是否编结而成

    Asbestos cord ( excl. electric ), whether or not plaited

  14. (使编织物或编结物)散成线,绽线

    ( of woven or knitted fabric ) separate into threads ; become untwisted

  15. 篮子由芦苇或韧皮编结而成。

    Baskets are made by interlacing reeds or fibres .

  16. 编结服装设计中线的研究

    Research into ' Line ' of Knotted Wear Design

  17. 人以芦草或纤维编结篮子。

    One makes baskets by interlacing reeds or fibers .

  18. 丝地毯[非编结或栽绒的]

    Carpet of silk [ not knotted or tufted ]

  19. 马海毛或克什米尔山羊毛编结的地毯料

    Knotted carpeting of mohair or Kashmir goat hair

  20. 编结反应器预富集&在线热酸洗脱与原子光谱联用方法研究

    The Study of Knotted Reactor Preconcentration On-line Heating Acidity Eluent Coupled with Atomic Spectrometry

  21. 麻布手绣镶编结盘布

    Linen hand embroidered doily with hand knitted lace

  22. 纺织纤维绳,编结或加捻

    Cordage of textile fibres , plaited or twisted

  23. 纺织纤维绳,编结或加捻用来使绳子缩短的结。

    Cordage of textile fibres , plaited or twisted a knot for shortening a line .

  24. 我看见,昨夜我为你编结的花环依然松松地垂在你的发上。

    I saw that my garland of overnight was still hanging loose from your hair .

  25. 旅行箱,柳条或篮筐编结材料制作

    Traveling case , of wicker or basketwork

  26. 明亮的颜色以及不同寻常的编结方式都使其成为今夏的热宠。

    Bright colors and unusual ways of braiding make these incredibly hot for the season .

  27. 编结最后的夏日私语

    Weave Summer 's Final Secrets

  28. 与金属编结或用金属加固的纸绳GB/T16271-1996钢丝绳吊索&插编索扣

    Cordage of paper plaited or reinforced with metal Steel wire ropes & Spliced eye termination for slings

  29. 而缠结则是编结粒子,以此增加丘比特数。

    Entanglement , meanwhile , is the roping together of particles in order to add more qubits .

  30. 编结丝与真丝编丝机

    Braiding Yarn and Braider