
quē shěnɡ zhí
  • default value
  1. 此属性不存在缺省值,并且区分大小写。

    There is no default value for this property and it is case sensitive .

  2. 可以使用当前日期作为某一列的缺省值,来记录任何用户或客户端应用程序操作的事务日期。

    A column can have a current date default value for recording the date of transactions with any user or client application action .

  3. 用于重置页面,对没有指定css属性的页面元素指定缺省值

    This resets CSS values that browsers tend to set for you .

  4. 在LOADDATA语句中可以修改列值分隔符的缺省值。

    The column value separators can be changed from the defaults in the LOAD DATA statement .

  5. Local(缺省值):组件将在本地事务的上下文中执行。

    Local ( Default ): Component will execute in the context of a local transaction .

  6. rules:指向样式表目录(缺省值:rules)

    Rules : Points to the style sheet directory ( default : rules )

  7. 若要返回缺省值true,请单击Complete。

    To return the default value of true click Complete .

  8. SetDelay按钮设置显示刷新间隔(它的缺省值是2秒)。

    Set Delay sets the display refreshing interval ( its default value is2 seconds ) .

  9. 如果它不存在,那么该程序使用缺省值hours。

    If it doesn 't , the program uses the default value of hours .

  10. 每个Web服务客户机之间的时延是自动添加的;缺省值是零毫秒。

    The delay between each Web service call is automatically added ; the default value is zero milliseconds .

  11. 接受其余的缺省值,然后依次单击Apply和Save以保存所有配置更改。

    Accept the remaining default values , then Apply and Save all the configuration changes .

  12. 您应该将其设置为HIGH(这是缺省值)以限制可接受的密码,除非您有很好的理由不这么做。

    You should set this to HIGH ( this is the default ) to limit the acceptable ciphers unless you have a good reason not to .

  13. 每一个扩展都可以被标记为Required或者不必须(notrequired为缺省值)。

    Each extension can be marked as Required or not ( not required is the default ) .

  14. 将所有其他字段保留为缺省值,然后单击OK。

    Leave all other fields with their defaults and click on OK .

  15. source:指向源目录(缺省值:src)

    Source : Points to the source directory ( default : src )

  16. 保留所有其他缺省值并单击OK。

    Leave all other default values and click OK .

  17. 是管理员ID,缺省值为:secmaster。

    Is the administrator ID ; the default value is : sec_master .

  18. 替换现有组件(公司Z作为新缺省值)

    Replace an existing component ( Company Z as the new default )

  19. 缺省值自然是default,指出应当使用特定于语言环境的样式。

    The default value is , naturally , default , indicating that a locale-specific style should be used .

  20. 在这个向导的第一屏上选择Webusers单选按钮,保留所有其它缺省值,然后选择Next。

    On the first screen of the wizard , select the Web users radio button , leave all other defaults , then select Next .

  21. publish:指向发布或目标目录(缺省值:publish)

    Publish : Points to the publishing or target directory ( default : publish )

  22. 输入Username和Password(二者的缺省值都是admin),然后单击Login。

    Enter the User name and Password ( the default for both is admin ) and click Login .

  23. 对话框打开并询问将实现放置在何处时,请单击OK,以接受缺省值。

    When the dialog box opens and asks where to put the implementation , click OK to accept the default .

  24. 如果Accept标头为空,这意味着该客户端可接受任何类型,因此设置了缺省值。

    If the Accept header is null , this means that the client accepts any type , so the default is set .

  25. 指出在线工艺计算中不能盲目套用国外软件公司提供的影响系数X的缺省值;

    It was pointed out that the defective value of the affecting coefficient X provided by foreign software company should not used blindly .

  26. Call(缺省值)指示运行时在进行服务调用的同时将消息提交给异步调用的目的地。

    Call ( default ) instructs the runtime to commit the message to the destination for an asynchronous invocation as soon as the service call is made .

  27. 由于Windows路径名的字符数限制,如果接受缺省值,可能会遇到问题。

    Due to the limitation on the number of characters in Windows path names , you may incur problems if you accept the default .

  28. 只要Porlet、门户页面或Theme未提供任何缓存信息,就将使用全局缺省值。

    Global default values are used whenever a portlet , a portal page , or a theme does not contribute any cache information .

  29. 如果Client需要覆盖缺省值,则使用此Client可以设置WS-Addressing的值。

    Using this Client can set values for WS-Addressing if the Client needs to override the default values .

  30. 显示要创建活动的视图不一定需要任何XML数据,但是可以包括一个元素来提供缺省值。

    Displaying the view to create an event does not necessarily require any XML data , but you could include an element to provide default values .