
  • 网络Mail Forwarding;Email Forwarding;mail relay;OPEN RELAY
  1. 基于LDAP的邮件转发的机制

    The Mechanism of LDAP-based Mail Relay

  2. 基于LDAP的邮件转发的实现

    Implementation of LDAP-based Mail Relay

  3. 我会把预约确认邮件转发给你,这样你就知道我们周五需要在哪里见面了。

    I 'll forward the booking confirmation2 email to you so you know where we need to meet on Friday .

  4. 代表将邮件转发到目标的尝试。

    Represents the attempt to forward a message to a target .

  5. 第二个需求也涉及把邮件转发到特定的服务器。

    The second request also involved forwarding mail to a specific server .

  6. 呼叫转移为何不像邮件转发那么容易?

    Why isn 't call forwarding as easy ase-mail forwarding ?

  7. 请将此邮件转发给你信箱栏中的所有人。

    Please pass this to everyone on your email list .

  8. 欢迎您把此邮件转发给您的好友!

    Welcome to forward this email to your friends .

  9. 新:增强大宗邮件转发能力。

    NEW : Enhanced bulk message forward capacity .

  10. 创建一封邮件转发某人。

    Creates a message to forward to someone .

  11. 我将把他的邮件转发给你,您就可以收到该附件了。

    I 'll forward his e-mail to you so you can get the attached file .

  12. 人一不小心就把你的邮件转发给了和你上司系的某人,一样一下子就让你的秘密行动曝光了。

    Someone could reach out , inadvertently , to someone connected to your boss and blow your cover .

  13. 比如,将邮件转发给你的团队成员时,可以考虑不用加上你的意见。

    If you 're habitually copied one-mails to members of your team , consider putting off your replies .

  14. 如果要停止将传入邮件转发到移动电话,请清除“转发满足所有选定条件的邮件”复选框。

    If you want to stop forwarding incoming messages to your mobile phone , clear the forward messages that meet all of the selected conditions check box .

  15. 机密模式可以禁止收件人将邮件转发给他人、复制、粘贴邮件内容以及下载、打印邮件。

    Confidential Mode prevents recipients from forwarding an email to other people , copying or pasting anything from its contents , downloading the message or printing it .

  16. 我们的目的是号召全国人们参与进来,所以请将此邮件转发给其他10个人。

    The goal is to get the whole nation to participate , ' ' it said , adding , ` ` Send this to 10 other people . ' '

  17. 在用户不知情的情况下更改账户设置,入侵者就可以将这个账户中的所有邮件转发到自己的系统中,而不被察觉。

    Changing the account settings without the users ' knowledge would have let the perpetrators forward copies of all the messages in the account to their own system undetected .

  18. 换句话说,MessageRecall没有找到邮件的转发副本。

    In other words , Message Recall does not chase down forwarded copies of an email .

  19. 单击将通过此连接器到下列智能主机的所有邮件都转发、键入一个IP地址,它是无效,并将它括在方括号。

    Click Forward all mail through this connector to the following smart hosts , type an IP address that is not valid , and enclose it in square brackets .

  20. 发送此邮件的转发消费程序的名称。

    The name of the forwarding consumer that sent the message .

  21. 转发被认可的邮件时转发消费者所用的加密值。

    The encryption value the forwarding consumer used when forwarding the message being acknowledged .

  22. 把我所有的邮件都转发给他。

    And cc him on all my e-Mails ?

  23. 其实,我不在的时候,我会将所有邮件都转发到网络基地账户内。

    Actually , I 'll have all my mail forwarded to a web-based account while I 'm gone .

  24. 在邮件可以转发之前必须辨识“收件人”框中的所有收件人名称。

    Before the message can be forwarded , the names of all recipients in the to box must be resolved .

  25. 如果您在答复邮件或转发邮件的每行前都添加了字符前缀,则拼写检查程序无法忽略邮件原件,您也无法标记批注。

    If you prefix each line of replies or forwards with a character , the spelling checker cannot ignore the original message , and you cannot mark your comments .

  26. 最典型的一个例子是转发给我的一封邮件——也转发给了所有西方国家的上班族。这封邮件的作者是四个被宠坏的男孩,以前在私立学校念书,后来在伦敦金融城(theCity)的企业里工作。

    A perfect example of this was an email forwarded to me - and to every other worker in the western world - written by four spoilt ex-public school boys working at various City firms .

  27. 对象包含邮件,无法转发。

    This object contains messages and cannot be forwarded .

  28. 任何转发邮件必须由转发人收回。

    Any forwarded copies must be recalled by the person who forwarded them .

  29. 看完这封邮件,请转发给你所有的亲戚朋友,如果你的良心所需要的。

    After reading this email , please forward it to all your friends & relatives if your conscience demands it .

  30. 毕竟,邮件容易被转发,所以有相对的危险性,考虑安全总比他日后悔要好。

    After all , email is dangerously easy to forward , and it 's better to be safe than sorry .