
  • 网络postal communication
  1. 邮政通信网局部预测模型的研究和实现

    The Research and Implementation of Local Forecast Model of Postal Communication Networks

  2. 现代邮政通信系统结构模型研究

    Studies on the Structural Model of Modern Postal Communication System

  3. 在邮政通信网部分指出,根据质量指标与交换量是否相关而分别采用p(cs)选控图与p控制图进行控制。本文并提出p(cs)选控图的第一个实例。

    And in the postal network , we need to use the pcs cause selecting control chart or p control chart to control the quality indices according as they are correlated to the quantity of exchange or not .

  4. 邮政通信服务质量指标跟踪、监控管理系统(PQCS)是利用先进的信息技术整合邮政生产中的数据流,所搭建的对相关指标进行、有效跟踪和监控管理的运行系统。

    Postal communications service quality indicators tracking , monitoring management system ( PQCS ) is the use of advanced information technologies , integrating post production data flows and effectively operating the tracking and monitoring system .

  5. 城市邮政通信网的评价及其指标体系

    The Evaluation of City Postal Network and Its Indices System

  6. 邮政通信网络现代化建设的分析和对策研究

    Economic Analysis of the Modernization of Postal Communication Network

  7. 保障邮政通信与信息安全。

    To ensure postal communications and information security ;

  8. 邮政通信合同若干法律问题探讨

    On Several Legal Problems of Postal Communication Contract

  9. 中国邮政通信发展中的几个问题

    Several Issues of China Post Communications Development

  10. 悬挂结构在江苏省邮政通信指挥中心工程中的应用

    Suspended Structure of Post Communication Center Project

  11. 邮政通信设备安装工程施工及验收暂行技术规定第一册推式悬挂输送机

    Temporary technical regulation for construction and acceptance of postal equipment installation project volume 1 power and free conveyor

  12. 邮政通信合同在性质上是一种民事合同,应将其纳入未来民法典合同分则予以规定。

    Postal communications contract is in essence a kind of civil contracts , which should be included in the contract subsection of future civil code .

  13. 邮政通信是通过运输工具将一定体积和重量的信息实物载体以及物品进行空间位置转移的一种通信方式1。

    Postal communication is through the transport will certain volume and weight of the information carrier and articles in the physical space transfer a communication way .

  14. 通过对几个数据参数的作用和计算方法的分析,论述了广东省邮政通信网中邮区中心局设置的定量分析方法。

    This paper states the quantitative analysis methods on the setting of postal central bureaus in Guangdong province by analyzing the functions and calculating methods of several parameters .

  15. 第二章介绍了邮政通信网的构成、邮区中心局的概念与运行方式,以及邮区中心局体制改革的必要性;

    In the second chapter , the paper clarifies the make of the post communication web , and the idea and the function of the postal district center .

  16. 本文结合沈阳邮政通信枢纽大型邮件分拣系统的技术改造,指出了原分拣系统中存在的问题。

    Based on the package sorting system technique improvement of Shenyang post communication center , the disadvantages of the original package sorting system are poined out in the paper .

  17. 介绍了江苏省邮政通信指挥中心工程的计算分析与设计,并着重介绍了悬挂结构、钢骨混凝土框架构件、节点设计等一系列技术在该工程中的应用。

    This paper introduces the calculation analysis and design of the Post & Communication Center project in Jiangsu Province , focusing on the suspended structure , SRC member , and joint design .

  18. 这不仅有损于我国主权、政经营管理权和经济利益,也将会造成我国邮政通信管理上的混乱。

    This would not only infringe upon our sovereignty , right of postal management and administration and economic interests , but also cause disorder in the administration of post and communications in our country .

  19. 通过对邮政通信系统现代结构模型和传统结构模型的比较,得出了现代邮政通信系统的结构能够更好地满足社会发展对邮政的需求。

    And by comparing the structural model of modern postal communication system with that of traditional postal communication system , it concludes that the modern postal communication system could meet the demands of social development better .

  20. 目前,该项目已经通过验收,在郑州市邮政机要通信局正式使用。

    It is used officially in Zhengzhou postal confidential communications bureau .

  21. 部长级邮政和通信委员会

    Ministerial Posts and Communications Committee

  22. 邮花辅币,邮政通货邮电通信业:邮电通信业发展速度提高。

    Posts and telecommunications : The development of postal and telecommunication sector sped up .

  23. 在像水、电、气供应、邮政服务和通信设备等公共事业方面限制进行竞争的不规范行为将得以纠正。

    Irregularities that limit competition in some public utilities such as the supply of water , electricity and gas , postal services and telecommunication facilities will be corrected .

  24. 邮政企业在通信市场、运输市场、金融市场等提供服务,并以其服务的重要性和广泛性在社会经济生活中占有重要的地位。

    Postal enterprises service in the communication market , transport market and finance market , and are vital in the social economic life because of their importance and universality .

  25. 日本邮政省依据国内通信市场的发展速度和第二代移动通信系统的不足,制定了2001年引入第三代移动通信系统的时间表,同时向ITU提交了标准提案。

    In the light of the domestic telecom market development status quo and the drawbacks of the second generation mobile system , the MFT of Japan has mapped out a timetable for the introduction of the third generation mobile communications system , and submitted a proposal to the ITU .

  26. 二十多年来,邮政法对保护通信自由和通信秘密,保障邮政工作正常进行,发挥了重要作用。

    For more than 20 years , postal communication to protect the freedom and privacy and security postal work , and play an important role .

  27. 展现邮政和地方特色&湖南省邮政通信网络中心设计

    To Reveal the Postal and Local Characteristic & Design of the postal communication network center of Hunan Province

  28. 为了加速邮政的发展,现在必须利用一切手段加快邮政通信的传递速度,提高服务质量以及增强邮政的安全可靠性。

    Now , to speed up the development of posts , it is imperative to exploit every possible means to increase the speed of Posts communication , to improve the quality of service and to enhance the security and reliability of posts .

  29. 电子邮政是现代邮政发展的必由之路,其核心是物流信息化,电子邮票是实现邮政物流信息化的综合解决方案,有助于邮政通信全网协同式生产的实现。

    Electronic post is the only way to approach to modern post , its core is logistics informationization , electronic stamp is the integrated solution to postal logistics informationization , it is helpful for implementing omni-net cooperative production of post industry .