
  1. 如果您和声誉好的邮件服务商合作,他们和主要的ISP都有联系,可以帮您进行故障排解。

    If you are working with a reputable email service provider , they should have relationships with the major ISPs and can help troubleshoot problems .

  2. 但在系统推广上存在问题,需要与邮件服务商建立长期沟通和资源促进。

    However , problems in the system , promotion , e-mail service providers need to establish long-term communication and resources for .

  3. 美国的网络和邮件服务商正在过虑记录在案的蠕虫病毒,然而有些病毒却躲过阻挡使不计其数的未受保护计算机受到感染。

    In the United States , Internet and email service providers were blocking the worm in record numbers , while others were getting through to an untold number of unprotected computer users .

  4. 邮件营销服务商提供的邮件模板大体上来说都能用,但是比较质朴和简单。

    Some of the templates that come with email providers are okay , but very plain and simple .