
  • 网络overseas promotion
  1. 从传播影响力来看,李小龙电影对中国武术的海外推广是一次巨大成功。

    From the spread of the influence of view , Bruce Lee films on the overseas promotion of Chinese Wushu is a great success .

  2. 汉语水平考试(HSK)作为我国目前唯一向海外推广的国家级标准化考试,考生的复杂背景昭示了必须重视对项目功能的研究和分析,以保证测验的有效性。

    Chinese Proficiency Test ( HSK ) is the only national grade standardized tests which orientate overseas applicants . The complex backgrounds of the applicants reveal that research and analysis on the DIF must be paid attention to so as to guarantee the effectiveness of the tests .

  3. 在演出之前,她透露她正在计划一个音乐项目,这可能有助于在海外推广中国旋律。

    Before her performance , she disclosed she 's planning a music project that may help promote Chinese melodies overseas .

  4. 由于工料测量师的主要任务与成本及成本控制有关,因此工料测量应是最易在海外推广的服务。

    As the primary function of quantity surveyors is associated with costing and cost control , quantity surveying is probably the easiest product to promote overseas .

  5. 在向海外推广品牌的过程中,迪士尼通常依赖的方式是设立新的迪士尼电视频道,不过中国对境外媒体的限制使得这一方式变得不现实。

    Disney typically relies on the creation of new Disney TV channels to pump its brand abroad , but China 's limits on foreign media have made that impossible .

  6. 叶问1972年去世后,其子叶准、叶正继承父业,致力于向海外推广咏春拳术。

    After Yip Man passed away in1972 , his two sons Ip Chun and Ip Ching carried forward his father 's wishes and began to promote Wing Chun international .

  7. 他说:在海外推广中,价格谈判的余地很小,如果你不依靠低价倾销,国际买家就会引进韩国或日本电影。

    There is little room for price negotiation . If you don 't use the low-price strategy , they 'll go buy Korean or Japanese movies instead , he says .

  8. 在今年的北京国际电影节论坛上,博纳影业集团有限公司总裁于冬表示,中国电影的海外推广无外乎三个阶段。

    At a Beijing International Film Festival forum , CEO of Bona Film Group Ltd Yu Dong maps out three stages that Chinese films have to take to launch a global entry .

  9. 他呼吁英国美术界向海外推广劳里的画作,但是在安德拉斯或是劳里的有生之年,劳里的个人画作始终未在英国以外的地方展出。

    He agitated for British art institutions to promote Lowry 's work overseas , but no solo exhibition was ever held outside the UK in either his or the painter 's lifetime .

  10. 去年腾讯表示将投入至多2亿美元用于在海外市场推广微信。今年腾讯还暗示,将继续斥资推广微信。

    Last year Tencent said it would spend as much as $ 200 million to promote WeChat outside China , and this year , the company signaled that it will continue to spend to market WeChat .

  11. 从那以后,英国政府不断完善其海外英语推广政策体系,在对外语言推广的指导思想、组织机构建设、经费补给、实施途径、技术更新等方面凝炼了显著的经验。

    Since then , the British government has been trying to perfect its policy system for spreading English overseas and has obviously accumulated rich experience in its guidelines , organizational construction , supply of funds , ways of implementation , and technological updating .

  12. 这些家庭为英国学校带来了可观的收入,英国学校开始在海外进行招生推广。

    Private schools in the UK are also keen to woo international students , which could bring them substantial revenue .

  13. 此外,集团在本地和海外继续致力推广有关产品,并更严谨地监控该等推广活动的成本效益。

    Moreover , while continued efforts were made during the year to promote the products in local and overseas markets , more stringent controls have been adopted to enhance cost efficiencies .

  14. 伦敦国际华语电影节是中国电影业向海外观众介绍并推广的一次良机。

    The film festival is a very good opportunity for people from the Chinese film industry to promote and present their works to an overseas audience .

  15. 主办单位将充分利用自身渠道优势和影响力,通过我驻外使馆经商机构,各国贸易促进机构、外医药行业组织及专业展览公司进行海外的招商招展推广。

    The two organizers are joining forces to promote the Healthplex through a strong global network of Chinese diplomatic missions , overseas associations and trade promotional counterparts abroad .

  16. 本文从海外汉语教学和汉语水平考试的海外推广两个方面概述了海外汉语教学的情况,并从海外汉语学习者的学习动机和国家为汉语国际推广所采取的措施方面分析其原因。

    This paper introduces the development of Chinese fashion and HSK in the world , analyzes the reasons from the perspectives of Chinese learners'motivation and China 's efforts to promote Chinese to the world .