
  1. 蒙特雷湾水族馆海洋研究所的科学家们每周要进行两次海底之旅。

    Twice a week , marine scientists from the Monteray Bay Aquarium Research Institute set sail on a voyage to the bottom of the sea .

  2. 但一项由马尔代夫提供的独一无二的海底蜜月之旅相信会让新人们毫无抵抗力,欣欣然打开钱包,花掉婚礼的整个预算,更不要说是蜜月之旅的住宿费用。

    But a unique suite in the Maldives-while offering unbeatable views of the local marine life-is likely to eat up the entire average wedding budget , let alone the honeymoon accommodation costs .