
hǎi shànɡ xùn liàn
  • sea training
  1. 海上训练晕船发生率的调查分析

    Investigation and analysis of incidence rate of seasickness during sea training

  2. 海上训练与跳伞训练军训伤的流行病学调查

    Epidemiological investigation of military training injuries in sea training and parachuting training

  3. 海上训练防晒霜的研制与效果评价

    Development of a sunscreen emulsion special for ocean-drilling and its effects study

  4. 医疗队海上训练的组织与实施

    Organization and Implement of Training on Sea of Medical Team

  5. 海上训练指战员心血管功能及血液流变学的改变

    Influence of military training in sea on cardiovascular function and hemorheological changes of soldiers

  6. 海军特种兵海上训练卫勤保障特点及训练伤预防

    Feature of Logistic Support and Prevention of Training Wound During Sea training of Navy Special Forces

  7. 方法:对675名参加海上训练的人员进行问卷式调查。

    Method : Questionnaire was conducted with a population sample of 675 officers and men who participated in the sea training .

  8. 目的研究空军的跳伞训练和海军的海上训练期间军训伤的流行病学特征,制定初步的预防措施。

    AIM To study epidemiological characteristics of military training injuries during parachuting training of the air force and sea training of the navy .

  9. 模拟器的研制对解决常规海上训练时遇到的经费高、周期长、风险大等问题具有重要的实际意义。

    It is very important for simulator manufacturing to solve the problems such as high-spending , long-period and high risk brought by traditional training on sea .

  10. 目的了解海上训练官兵的心理健康状况,为做好海训官兵的心理卫生工作提供依据。

    Objective To understand psychological health status of military officers and men on sea training sea so as to provide evidence for intensifying psychological health work accordingly .

  11. 结果:通过对海军特种兵大队海上训练卫勤保障,使参训官兵训练伤控制在0.13%以下,海上训练取得明显实效。

    Results : The effect of support was good by providing medical services to officers and soldiers in sea training . The rate of training wound was under 0 . 13 % .

  12. 方法:结合海军特种兵大队海上训练卫勤保障特点和要求,通过加强组织领导、精心做好各项准备、逐步完善防治救护措施等手段进行卫勤保障。

    Methods : Based on the characteristics and demands of sea training of navy special force , logistic support system should be built up by strengthening construction of the organization , perfecting preparation , consummating prevention and cure measures .

  13. 结论在3、4级风浪条件下,部队在海上适应性训练的时间需要8~21d;

    Conclusion Under 3 or 4 grade sea waves , it takes 8-21 days of training on the sea for the soldiers to get adaptation .

  14. 拓展训练(Outward-bound)起源于二战期间的海上生存训练,战争结束后,拓展训练的独特创意和训练方式被保留下来。

    " Outward-bound " originated in the sea survival training during World War ⅱ . After the war , the unique creativity and training methods of the outward-bound was retained .

  15. 部队海上游泳训练场地建设的研究

    The Construction of Military Swimming Training Site on the Sea

  16. 海上游泳训练安全组训工作初探

    Study on Improving the Safety of Marine Swimming Training

  17. 浅谈部队海上救生训练

    On the Lifesaving Training at Sea for the Troops

  18. 在海上救护训练中运用整体护理。

    To apply the concept of holistic nursing into the training of sea rescue .

  19. 最后,以海上补给训练仿真系统实际项目为背景,实现了海上补给训练仿真系统评估系统。

    At last the paper realizes the evaluation system of training simulation system on the sea .

  20. 现在的船员操作训练已由过去传统的海上航行训练转向以计算机模拟技术为基础的仿真训练。

    The mode of crew operational training is changed from the traditional maritime navigation training to computer simulation technology-based simulation training .

  21. 着重探析海警部队海上执勤训练中官兵心理问题的主要表现及其主要原因,旨在探讨解决官兵心理问题的主要途径。

    The marine officers and soldiers have many kinds of psychological problems while they are in training and on duty because of many factors .

  22. 菲律宾普林塞萨港&周二美菲将在中国南海区域附近展开海上联合训练。该地区的领土争议正处焦灼状态。

    PUERTO PRINCESA , Philippines & The Philippines and the United States will launch naval exercises on Tuesday close to the South China Sea , which is the focus of a simmering regional territorial row .

  23. 通过管理模式的转变,形成一套完整、科学的管理理论,并将应用于海上救护训练中,努力造就一支综合素质高、反应能力快、救护技术过硬的护理骨干队伍。

    With the transition of managing mode , a set of complete and scientific theory was established , which was applied in the sea rescue training in order to make endeavor to build a nursing backbone force with high comprehensive quality , quick response and excellent nursing skills .

  24. 为使海上游泳训练的场地设置更为科学和合理,本文对海上游泳训练场地的概念、特点、分类,场地选择的注意事项、设置的基本要求和场地的管理使用等几个方面作了初步探讨。

    To construct the site of swimming training on the sea scientifically , we discussed the concept , the classification , the characteristic and the prime condition of site selection and construction , as well as the administration and use of the swimming training site on the sea were discussed .

  25. 海上补给仿真训练系统中高架索形态模型研究

    Highline configuration model research in simulation training system of replenishment at sea

  26. 实景物理模型的开发是整个海上补给仿真训练系统的重点与难点,而高架索物理形态模型又是整个实景物理模型开发的核心。

    The exploitation of practical physical model is a key but difficult point in the simulation training system of replenishment at sea . The high-line ′ s physical mode is core of practical exploitation .

  27. 除了海上实船训练外,航海模拟器训练是受训人员掌握正确使用雷达/ARPA(自动雷达标绘装置)避碰方法的另一种有效的途径。

    The simulator training is the most efficient way for the deck officers and trainees to acquire the knowledge and techniques of the proper use of radar and ARPA apart from the practical training on board .

  28. 基于PC单机的雷达海上船舶避碰模拟训练

    Simulation and training of vessels ' collision avoidance with radar at sea on the basis of a personal computer