
  • 网络Aegis destroyers
  1. 日本海事联合公司(JapanMarineUnited)是一家生产游轮、油轮及宙斯盾驱逐舰的企业。该公司高管TakayukiSaito表示,在目前这个阶段,参与此次交易会展览的目的,仅仅是为了考察国际社会对日本所提供产品的兴趣。

    Takayuki Saito , a senior manager at Japan Marine United , which produces cruise ships , oil tankers and Aegis destroyers , said that at this stage , the purpose of exhibiting at the fair was merely to gauge international interest in what Japan had to offer .

  2. 由于以前发生过日方未经批准就从一艘宙斯盾驱逐舰拿走一张电脑磁盘的事,伤害了美日军事关系,五角大楼对此心有余悸。

    The Pentagon was concerned given the previous unauthorised removal of a computer disk from an Aegis destroyer that hurt US-Japanese military relations .

  3. 美海军中的此类系统是遥控猎雷系统(RMS),它可配置在阿利·伯克级宙斯盾导弹驱逐舰上。

    Navy 's remote minehunting system ( RMS ) and it can be installed in an Arleigh Burke class Aegis destroyer .

  4. 以日本宙斯盾导弹驱逐舰金刚号为例,计算了它的感应电场大小及空间分布情况。

    Take one Japanese missile destroyer for example , the magnitude and spatial distribution characteristics of its induced electric field are analyzed .

  5. 美国海军的宙斯盾级驱逐舰正在韩国港口准备参加和韩国举行的年度联合军事演习。

    The U.S.Navy conducted media tours Friday of its U.S.S.Chafee Aegis Destroyer , docked in South Korea as part of an annual joint military drill with the South 's forces .

  6. 这个建筑是用来列车在当前一代宙斯盾巡洋舰和驱逐舰电子海军人员。

    This building is used to train Navy personnel on the electronics of current-generation Aegis cruisers and destroyers .