
  • 网络Force Training;training in field forces
  1. 设计了总装部队训练管理控制系统(简称MTMCS)的体系结构,包括系统网络结构、功能结构、工作模式和流程及标准体系,明确了需求。

    Major points are the following : It designs the system structure of MTMCS systematically , including the system network structure , function structure , working model and process , and standard system .

  2. 该软件可用于院校教学和部队训练。

    The software can be applied to college teaching and army training .

  3. 降低部队训练伤发生的措施

    Measures to Decrease the Harm due to Exercises in the Armed Forces

  4. 接受奇袭部队训练,以进行游击式袭击的军队士兵。

    A member of a military unit trained as shock troops for hit-and-run raids .

  5. 基于组件技术基层部队训练管理系统设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Training Management System of Grass-roots Units Based on Component

  6. 虚拟战场环境在部队训练和武器系统评估中正在发挥越来越大的作用。

    Virtual battlefield environment plays an important role in army 's training and weapon system 's assessment .

  7. 结论耐力组合训练可有效发展武警战士的耐力素质,提高部队训练的安全性。

    Conclusion Combined tolerance training can effectively improve the soldier 's tolerance quality and military training safety .

  8. 活动维持费主要用于部队训练、工程设施建设及维护和日常消耗性支出;

    Costs for maintenance of activities mainly cover training , construction and maintenance of facilities and running expenses .

  9. 军事训练网络化是提高技术条件下部队训练的一个发展方向,是提高部队训练水平的重要途径。

    Network training is a trend of high tech troops training and an important approach to enhancing troops ' training level .

  10. 部队训练还包括现代化战争知识、诸军兵种联合作战的内容。

    Study of modern warfare and of combined operations by the various services and arms should also be included in the training .

  11. 还要抓紧部队训练,提高战斗力,提高士气。

    Moreover , we should lose no time in training our troops so as to raise their combat effectiveness and their morale .

  12. 探讨特种兵部队训练损伤的危险因素,为有效防治提供依据。

    To explore the risk factors of training injury in a special force corps , provide evidence for effective prevention of the injury .

  13. 目的探讨新鲜人羊膜对部队训练致皮肤创伤面的镇痛效果及治疗作用。

    Objective To explore the effect of analgesia and treatment of fresh human amnion membrane for skin repair from wound caused by army training .

  14. 对定向越野所需具备的基本技能及训练方法进行研究,为基层部队训练提供参考。

    This text basic skill and training method that directional off-road need possesses carry on some research , offer reference for military training at the basic level .

  15. 同时,计算机作战模拟也是现代军事教育模式的一次革命,代表着现代军事教育发展的新趋势。模拟训练软件可以广泛应用于军事院校教学与部队训练。

    Meanwhile , simulated combat by computer is also a revolution for military educational pattern , and represents the trend for the development of modern military education .

  16. 弩炮在工坊内进行装配,弩炮部队训练却必须于城外进行,因为唯有那里方可提供足够开阔场所以供部队进行射击训练。

    Though the ballista are assembled here , their crews are trained outside of the city walls – The only safe place to master the use of such equipment .

  17. 经过数十年的发展建设和不断改革,中国军队在继承优良传统的基础上,形成了具有自身特色的、比较完善的部队训练和院校教育体系。

    Through decades of development and continuous reforms and carrying forward its good traditions , a unique and relatively complete system of troop training and institutional education has taken shape .

  18. 肩扛武器战斗力的发挥很大程度上取决于射手,为此研制开发肩扛武器的训练模拟系统已成为部队训练急需解决的问题。

    Shoulder to play combat arms depends largely on the shooter , this research and development of shoulder weapons training simulation system has become an urgent problem in military training .

  19. 目的探讨夏季海训中两栖装甲车辆驾驶员的生理反应,为部队训练和装备改进提供科学依据。

    Objective To explore the physiological responses of amphibian armored vehicle drivers during training at sea in summer in order to provide the scientific data for the troop training and improving the weapon equipments .

  20. 该模型可为部队训练和作战提供潜艇装备的战斗效能数据,找出影响潜艇作战能力的敏感因素,为发展新型装备提供依据。

    It may provide data of operation effect for submarine training and operation , and find out sensitive factor which influences the operation capability , and finally , it may offer reference for new submarine weapons .

  21. 从体能面临的新问题入手,就影响步兵体能的专项素质和训练方法进行了分析和探讨,对于解决当前部队训练遇到的问题,提高部队战斗力有很强的参考价值。

    This article has discussed the special diathesises and training methods which influence infantry 's physical conditions by rising some new questions , and it 's a helpful reference for resolving the training problems and improving the infantry 's battle effectiveness .

  22. 我军训练模拟器材起步较晚,但发展较快,目前有大量武器模拟训练系统装备,在部队训练中发挥了巨大作用,取得了较大的军事经济效益。

    Military training simulators started late , but rapid development , there are a large number of weapons simulation training systems and equipment , training in the armed forces played a significant role , the military has made great economic benefits .

  23. 针对高原地理气候环境对部队训练带来的影响,构建科学合理的体能训练模式,改革训练内容和训练方法手段,全面提高官兵的体能素质,显得尤为重要。

    To cope with the influence of geographical and climatic environment on the plateau , garrison on there need to construct a reasonable physical training program , reform the contents and ways of training so as to improve the soldiers ' physical fitness .

  24. 研究军事攀登技术在部队训练中的作用,提出开展军事攀登训练应注意的问题,以及军事攀登的基本内容,攀登方法和器材装备,旨在通过军事攀登训练,有效地提高部队的战斗力。

    In the paper , the action of military climb technique in army training , the regarding questions in developing military climb training , the basic contents of military climb and climb ing ways and equipment were introduced to popularize the item and improve battle power in the army .

  25. 他经常了解部队的训练情况。

    He acquaints himself with the training of the units .

  26. 基于UML的部队远程训练系统

    System of Army ' Distance Training on the Basis of UML

  27. 机载PD雷达的参数设置很大程度上会影响雷达的系统性能,固定的参数设置在某些使用条件下会引起雷达系统性能的不稳定,影响部队作战训练任务的完成。

    The parameter setting affecting the radar performance , fixed parameter may bring labilization of the radar system and make the unit unable to accomplish mission .

  28. 负重行军、5km武装越野是部队日常训练中极其重要训练科目。

    The weight-bearing March , 5km armed cross-country is extremely important in the daily training troops trained subjects .

  29. 外军特种部队格斗训练特点

    The Training Characteristics of Special Military Troops from Others Country Army

  30. 部队军事训练评估与决策系统的应用研究

    Research on the Application of the Military Training Evaluation and Decision System