
  • 网络Buraku;Burakumin;Tribal people
  1. 中上健次用他的作品和切身的经历成功展现了其本人的部落民意识的形成过程,这在他的作品中体现的淋漓尽致,无需佐证。

    Nakagami Kenji successfully expressed the forming process of his own tribal common ideology in his work with his words as the weapon .

  2. 贝督因为沙漠游牧部落,其部民强悍桀骜。

    A nomadic desert people , Bedouin are hardy but unruly troops .

  3. 明代云南社会结构的最大变化是知识分子士绅阶层的勃兴与形成,从而改变了原来土酋与土民,或部落首领与部民为主的社会结构,促使云南的社会结构与中国内地基本趋于一致。

    The greatest transformation of the social structure in Yunnan in the Ming dynasty was the emergence and formation of the intellectual gentry class , which changed the original social structure formed mainly by the tribal chieftains and members and made it similar to the interior of China .