
  1. 天聪时,部院等文职衙署设立后,他们又充斥并操纵部院要害部门,直到顺治中期,以世职集团为核心的清初政局还呈现着鲜明的贵族政治特色。

    Until middle of Shun Zhi period , aristocracy was also the brilliant characteristic of Qing Dynasty 's early political situation in which Nobility Rank Group were the nucleus of the government .

  2. 通过对部院之争的重构与分析,我们可以得出一个结论:在集权体制之下,审判独立的实现必然是一个长期的、艰辛的过程。

    Through the reconstruction and analysis of the dispute , we can draw a basic conclusion : under the system of centralization of state power , it must be a long and hardly process to realize the independence of judiciary .

  3. 修订法律馆上奏大清刑律草案后,按照立法程序,朝廷下宪政编查馆交各中央部院堂官、地方各省督抚、将军都统签注意见。

    After playing the criminal law draft on revising the law hall , according to legislative procedure , The check halls under the imperial court pay every central department institute hall officer , local province superintend and general of the interconnected system the endorsing suggestions .

  4. 本论文所研究的课题是上海船舶运输科学研究所承接的科技部科研院所技术开发研究专项资金项目《集成平台管理系统》(IntegratedplatformManagementSystem,IPMS)的一个子课题。

    This paper is originated from " Integrated Platform Management System " ( IPMS ) carried on by Shanghai Ship & Shipping Research Institute , supported by special fund for research institutes supplied by the Ministry of Science and Technology .

  5. 中国国际贸易与经济合作研究院(商务部研究院)发展援助部主任薛宏认同这种观点。

    Xue Hong , director of development assistance research at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation , agreed .

  6. 新华社引用商务部研究院消费经济研究部副主任赵萍的话,称企业管理层能力不足,缺乏培训,是食品安全丑闻不断的原因之一。

    Xinhua quoted Zhao Ping , deputy director of an arm of the Ministry of Commerce specialising in international trade , as saying that inadequate management capacity and training was responsible for continued food safety scandals .

  7. 本刊编辑部组织院内部分专家、教授就如何贯彻十六大精神,促进我省高等教育尤其是民族高等教育发展问题进行了探讨。

    Part experts and professors in Qinghai University for Nationalities organized by this editorial department probes into how to carry out the spirits of the sixteenth national congress , and improves the development of higher education for nationalities in Qinghai .

  8. 门诊是直接为社会人群进行医疗和保健的场所,是防治疾病的第一道关口,综合医院门诊部的院内感染控制是门诊护理管理工作的重要组成部分。

    Out-patient clinic is the place to give medical treatments and health care to populations directly and is the first pass to prevent and cure diseases . Nosocomial infection control in a comprehensive hospital is an important part of the clinical nursing management .

  9. 科林斯》《波尔蒂契的哑女》《恶魔罗勃》(因为修女幽灵的特效而著名)当然还有古诺的《浮士德》,这部歌剧院就是勒胡小说的背景。

    Le Siege de Corinth , La Muette de Portici , Robert Le Diable ( noted for its Phanton of the Nuns effect ) and , of course , Gounod 's Faust , the opera which is the backdrop to the Leroux novel .

  10. 此工程已于1990年8月正式投入运行。从此工程的前期研究开始,直到现场调试、投入运行后的技术服务,能源部电科院系统所都做了和正在进行大量的工作。

    It was put into operation in Aug.1990 . In the preliminary study of this project , the commissioning test as well as the technical service in commercial operation , a lot of works have been done by the power system department of EPRI , Ministry of Energy .

  11. 其次,为铁道部科学研究院设计了一个RS232/CAN智能转换器,该转换器用于调度集中车站分机系统的改进。设计中采用了CAN控制器SJA1000。

    Secondly , RS232 / CAN intelligent converter is designed for the Railway Science Academe , which is used to improve the system performance of dispatching centralization extension in the station .

  12. 在加入BDA之前,方美琴在信息产业部电信研究院工作,为移动运营商提供市场营销测量咨询服务。

    Prior to joining BDA , Fang Meiqin worked at the China Academy of Telecom Research , a research institute under the MII , providing marketing strategy consulting services to mobile operators .

  13. 冶金工业部规划研究院简介冶金勘察研究总院

    Introduction of Planning Research Institute of the Ministry of metallurgical industry

  14. 奋进在国民经济建设主战场&冶金部自动化研究院简介

    Introduction to Automation Research Institute of Ministry of metallurgical industry

  15. 铁道部科学研究院科研工作回顾与展望

    Review and Outlook for the Scientific Research Work of CARS

  16. 机械电子部设计研究院

    Institute of project planning Research Ministry of machinery Electronics Industry

  17. 为提高冶金自动化水平再立新功&祝贺《冶金自动化》创刊20周年,再展冶金部自动化研究院九五发展宏图

    Make new contributions to raise the metallurgical automation level

  18. 中国石油吐哈石油勘探开发指挥部地质研究院;

    Geology Research Institute of Tuha Petroleum Exploration and Production Corporation ; 4 .

  19. 邮电部北京设计院为信息社会开创优质通信工程设计

    Beijing Design Institute of The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications Contributes Excellent Communica-tion Engineering Designs to Information Society

  20. 932至953年间,《九经》的第一部由翰林院出版。

    During the period 932 to 953 the first of the Nine Confucian Classics was published by the Imperial Academy .

  21. 静加载测力仪是与铁道部科学研究院静强度实验室的合作项目,该设备直接用于铁路上相关零件的静加载力值检验,具有精度高的特点。

    The instrumentation of static load , with high precision , is developed to check up the accessory used in railway .

  22. 在交通部规划研究院任职的徐丽说,别的国家很难照搬我们的方法。

    ' Our system is very difficult to copy , 'says Xu Li of the Transport Planning and Research Institute in Beijing .

  23. 迎接转制新挑战再创开发新局面&铁道部科学研究院科技开发回顾与思考

    Greeting New Challenges in System Switching and Creating New Prospects of Development - Review and Thinking of Scientific and Technological Development for CARS

  24. 铁道部科学研究院对铁道车辆工程的虚拟样机技术所涉及的关键问题进行了深入研究,取得显著进展。

    Deep studies are carried out by CARS on the key problems in connection with the technology of virtual prototype for car engineering and outstanding achievements are made .

  25. 北京奥林匹克公园规划设计方案优秀奖:北京市建筑设计研究院(中国)/EDSA规划设计公司(美国)/交通部规划研究院(中国)

    PLANNING SCHEME OF BEIJING OLYMPIC GREEN Honorary Mention : Beijing Institute of Architectural Design Research ( P.R.China ) / EDSA Planning Design Corporation ( U.S.A ) / Planning Research Institute of Ministry of Communications ( P.R.China )

  26. 如手部卫生、院内通风不足以及器材消毒不彻底造成医院感染的情况较多,相对于医疗过程,国内医院普遍对护理工作的不重视,这就造成医院感染多发于护理环节。

    Hospital infections are related with hand hygiene , inadequate ventilation , as well as lack of hospital equipment sterilization that is in the medical procedures , hospital in china generally does not attach the importance of nursing that resulted in nosocomial infection ; 2 .

  27. 荷兰经济事务部的seo研究院在其二月份所做的调查中曾指出,如荷兰能举办世界杯,将带来四千万欧元的收益。

    Research by the SEO Institute for the economic affairs ministry in February said at best the World Cup would generate € 400m for the netherlands .

  28. TD-80是由勘探开发指挥部钻采工艺研究院研制生产的一种新型油井水泥降失水剂。

    TD-80 is a new type of slurry filtrate loss reduction additive developed by Tuha Petroleum Drilling and Production Technology Research Institute .

  29. PGS型中地层地质剖面仪(又称精密地质声呐)系由中国科学院声学研究所东海研究站和交通部水运规划设计院共同研制和开发的新的海洋地质仪器。

    Model PGS Mid-stratigraphic Geological Profiler is a new geological instrument developed jointly by East China Sea Acoustical Lab , Institute of Acoustics , Academia Sinica , and the Water Transportation Planning & Designing Institute , Ministry of Communication .

  30. 纺织工业部纺织科学研究院机械厂

    Textile Academy machinery plant of the Ministry of textile industry