
  1. 同时指出《字通》在转变过程中的地位、贡献与问题,有助于部首检字法历史的研究。

    We hope this article will contribute to the historical study of radical searching-word rule .

  2. 全书提供音序、笔画、部首多种检字法,便于检索。

    Indexing methods based on phonetics , strokes and radicals are provided in this book .

  3. 文字学部首逐渐向检字法部首转变。这样的探究弥补了传统汉字学研究的不足,也为现代汉字学的研究提供借鉴。

    This inquiry can make up for the deficiencies of the traditional Chinese character studies , and also provide a reference for the science of the study of modern Chinese characters .

  4. 部首是字书编纂中提出的概念,可分为造字法原则的部首和检字法原则的部首两类,后者由前者转化而致。

    Radicals , a concept that was formed in making Chinese dictionaries , can be divided into two types : those based on the principle of coining and those based on the principle of indexing , the latter being derived from the former .