
  • 网络reattachment
  1. 使用HPPD对典型高负荷叶片T106进行了LES计算,结果表明,计算时间合理,可以准确预测层流分离、转捩、湍流再附的位置,同时还研究分析了层流分离泡的非定常现象。

    The laminar separation , transition and turbulent reattachment were predicted accurately and unsteady phenomena of laminar bubble were analyzed .

  2. 激光测速测量湍流分离-再附流动

    LDV measurement of a turbulent separation - reattachment flow

  3. 本文的数值计算表明,NND格式对复杂波系干扰、边界层分离与再附等流动现象均有较高的分辨率。

    The numerical experiments show that NND schemes can resolve robustly both boundary layer separation , attachment and complex shock waves interferences .

  4. 本文针对具有二次涡复杂分离再附现象的激波边界层干扰流动,数值地考察了扩散抛物化Navierstokes(DPNS)方程组的适用情况。

    In this paper , two kinds of controlling fluid equations , i.e. , the diffusion parabolized Navier Stokes equations ( DPNS ) and complete Navier Stokes ( NS ) equation are used to simulate the flow of the flat plate shock wave boundary layer interaction with secondary vortices .

  5. 流线正交坐标下湍流分离再附流的实验研究

    Experimental Investigation of Turbulent Separation-Reattach - ment Flow Under Streamline-Aligned Coordinates

  6. 管壁附近存在明显的回流再附区;

    The reverse flow region is observable near the pipe wall .

  7. 喘振通常与气流在扩散段内的分离和再附相联系。

    Surging is ordinarily associated with separation and re-attachment in the diffuser .

  8. 高超声速压缩拐角再附峰值热流率

    Peak heat transfer of reattachment for hypersonic compression corner flows

  9. 透平端壁湍流分离&再附边界层计算

    Calculation of turbine end wall turbulence separation and re-attachment of the boundary layer

  10. 湍流,激流,射流后向台阶湍流边界层分离、再附及发展

    Turbulent boundary layer separation , reattachment and redevelopment over a back ward-facing step

  11. 圆柱面上再附边界层流动的级数分析

    A series solution of the reattachment boundary layer flow over a circular cylinder

  12. 得到了燃烧室内回流区再附长度及速度分布的数值解。

    Numerical solutions for retouchment length and velocity-distributions-were obtained in the recirculating zone of the combustion chambers .

  13. 本文采用二维激光多普勒测速仪测量了二维非对称曲壁扩压器内的湍流分离再附流动。

    A turbulent separation-reattachment flow in a two-dimen-sional asymmetrical diffuser was surveyed by a two-dimensional Laser Doppler Velocimeter .

  14. 文章对降落伞充气过程中的尾流再附现象进行了动力学分析。

    A model was presented for the dynamic analysis of the wake re-contact during the parachute inflation process .

  15. 讨论了流动参数对流动结构的影响,并给出了再附长度与流动参数的关系。

    A discussion about the effect of flow parameters is given and a relationship between reattachment length and Reynolds number is obtained .

  16. 机翼表面油流谱显示出了主再附线、二次分离线、二次再附线和侧缘涡区。

    The oil flow visualization shows clearly primary reattachment , secondary separation , secondary reattachment lines and side edge vortices on the lee surface .

  17. 计算结果表明该程序能够很好地预测透平机械内流场,该涡轮级通道内部整体流动状况良好,只是在叶尖处存在局部气流分离和再附现象。

    Calculation results show that the code can predict inner flow-field of turbomachinery accurately and gas separation , as well as reattachment appeared in this turbine stage .

  18. 只有基于再附峰值热流率位置长度的参考温度条件下的雷诺数足够低,相互作用过程才能是纯层流的。

    The process doesn 't exhibit fully laminar unless the reference Reynolds number based on the location of peak heat transfer on compression ramp is low enough .

  19. 在湍流情况下,研究了突扩比对再附长度的影响,与实验结果吻合的比较好。

    When the flow kept with turbulent state , the relationship between reattachment length and step ratio is obtained , which agrees well with the experimental visualization results .

  20. 物理上看,在一个特定的临界行波速下会形成自发的周期性分离再附流,每个波谷的分离区捕获一个稳定的涡环。

    Physically , at a special critical wave speed the flow may have a naturally periodical separated-reattached pattern , with each wave trough capturing a stable vortex ring .

  21. 数值结果表明,在激波边界层的干扰下,壁面边界层流动出现了分离和再附过程,压力和温度出现激烈变化。

    The results indicate that separation and reattachment occur on the boundary layer of the rocket because of the shock impinging with sharp changes in static pressure and temperature .

  22. 应用氢泡流动显示技术研究了后向台阶层流边界层分离、再附整个过程中流动结构的发展变化。内容涉及基本流动和非定常控制。

    The hydrogen bubble technique was used to visualize the development and variation of a backward facing step laminar separation flow , which covered basic flow and its unsteady control .

  23. 在流动几何参数不变情况下,给出了再附长度随雷诺数的变化规律,并与实验进行了比较,二者相符得比较好。

    When the geometrical parameters of flow region kept invariant , the relationship between reattachment length and Reynolds number is predicted by numerical simulations , which agree well with the experiment results .

  24. 建立的尾流再附动力学模型包括:伞系统运动方程、尾流运动方程、伞衣-尾流动量交换方程。

    The model includes three parts : equations of the motion for the parachute-store system , equations of the motion for the wake , equations of the momentum transfer between parachute and wake .

  25. 弹丸侧喷流与绕流的相互干扰形成了包含喷口前激波、再附激波以及沿喷流边界发展的膨胀波等复杂的波系结构,并延伸影响到弹底部流动。

    The flow field that results from the interaction of lateral jets injection into supersonic flow over projectile has complicated shocks wave patterns , which include regions of shocks and expand waves , and the lateral jet interaction also effects base flow of projectile .

  26. 闭式流动分离和再附伴随着较大的能量损失,对流体机械的性能影响很大,分离结构的控制已经成为流体机械工程中的一个研究重点。

    The closed flow separation and reattachment will result in the significant energy loss , which will bring the remarkably negative effect on the performances of fluid mechines , so the control of separation is regarded as one of the key problems of fluid engineering research .

  27. 对室性早搏的再认识(附179例分析)

    Reconfirm of ventricular Ectropic beats ( analysis of 179 cases )

  28. 小儿急进性肾炎和新月体肾炎的再认识:附43例临床与病理分析

    Reassessment of the children with rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis and crescentic glomerulonephritis

  29. 甲状腺癌的再手术(附108例分析)

    Reoperation of thyroid carcinoma ( attach 108 example analysis )

  30. 重度脑挫裂伤手术适应症的再探讨(附6例报告)

    Discussion of indication in serious cerebral contuse operation ( with 6 eports )