
  1. 再现与表现&素描教学创新之我见

    Reproduction and Expression & Personal View of Drawing Teaching Innovation

  2. 本文探讨了沙叶新在《陈毅市长》中对陈毅形象成功塑造的主要表现,即达到了:一再现与表现的有机统一;

    The paper discusses the successful portrayal of the image of Chen Yi .

  3. 论西方美学的再现与表现

    The Reappearance and Expression of Western Aesthetics

  4. 文学艺术对社会生活的反映,是通过再现与表现这两种形态进行的。

    Literature on social life of the reflect , through reproduction and performance of these two forms .

  5. 油画作为一个外来画种,在艺术的表现形式上多种多样,但归纳起来不外乎再现与表现两种。

    Oil painting , which is from abroad and has various forms , generally has reproduction form and expression form .

  6. 本文是一篇驳论,关键词是再现与表现。2.轻视模仿再现,重视创新与表现;

    This paper is a piers of argumentation with two expression and reproduction . 2 . make light of imitation and reappearance , think much of originality and expressive force ;

  7. 但当时对一些重大理论问题,如生活的真实与艺术的虚构、写实与理想、再现与表现、有限与无限等等类型,都未论及,留下遗憾。

    It is a pity that some important academic problems were not treated of at that time , such as reality of the living and the figment of the art , realistic and ideal , reappear and express , limited and infinite , etc.

  8. 它不是单纯地摹写自然,而是要体现自然的本质,融合自然与创作者的精神,是外向观察与内向体验的统一、具象与抽象的统一、再现与表现的统一。

    It is not a natural color for the color to copy , but to embody the essence of natural , natural and creative integration of the main display is outward observation and experience within the unity , and the performance is again unified .

  9. (二)悖谬的模仿艺术观:再现性与表现性;

    Preposterous views of imitative arts : reappearance or manifestation ;

  10. 轻视模仿再现,重视创新与表现;

    Make light of imitation and reappearance , think much of originality and expressive force ;

  11. 面对现实吧。不要再做逃避现实的人。轻视模仿再现,重视创新与表现;

    Face the reality . Stop being an ostrich . 2 . make light of imitation and reappearance , think much of originality and expressive force ;