
  • 网络repolymerization;reaggregate;reaggregation
  1. 反应过程中生物油的主要成分为丁基羟基甲苯和二丁基邻二甲酸酯,随着反应温度的升高,小分子物质再聚合的现象明显,生物油中高分子物质有所增加。

    The main compounds of bio-oil were butylated hydroxytoluene and dibutyl phthalate , while higher molecular compounds were produced by further repolymerization with the temperature increasing .

  2. 这项绿色技术可以回收各种聚酯,将其断裂为单体以便再聚合或其它用途。

    This " green " technology , Petretec ( sm ), recycles all forms of polyester ," unzipping " it into monomers suitable for repolymerization or other uses .

  3. 对PU和丙烯酸酯类废料是使其降解为单体或低聚物后,用作粘合剂或再聚合;

    PU and acrylics Wastes can be degraded into monomer or lower polymer , and used as adhesive agent or repolymerized ;

  4. 肌动蛋白解聚合因子(actin-depolymerizingfactor,ADF)是一种在真核生物中广泛存在的低分子量的肌动蛋白结合蛋白,它在调控细胞内肌动蛋白纤丝的解聚合和再聚合中起着关键作用。

    Actin depolymerizing factor ( ADF ), highly conserved in all eukaryotic cells , is a low molecular mass of actin-binding protein , which plays a key role in modulating the polymerizing and depolymerizing of the actin filaments .

  5. 裂解蛋白可以引起微丝的断裂而形成较短小的微丝并迅速解聚或者再聚合成新的微丝。

    Severing proteins induce kinks in the filaments and led to the formation of short filaments that rapidly depolymerize or give rise to new filaments .

  6. 在较高温度下,纤维素可有效液化,木质素和半纤维素易发生再聚合形成不溶残渣;

    At higher temperatures , the cellulose can be effectively liquefied , while the lignin and hemicellulose tend to be repolymerized to form an insoluble residue .

  7. 试验结果表明,该体系成膜过程为单体分子先自组装,然后再聚合,通过一步工序即可制得完整的保护膜。

    The experiments results showed that , in the course of forming film , first monomer molecule assembled , then polymerized , through one process complete film was prepared .

  8. 在万物各奔东西南北、上下左右一段时间后,有一天大家又要再聚合在一起,重回初生的状态。

    All things depart away at all directions since the beginning of universe ; but , after some time , they will come together again to be the original situation .

  9. 他的长期预测,尽管充满不确定性,呈现遥远的未来世界的大陆板块会再聚合,形成新超级大陆,他称之为「终极盘古大陆」。

    His long-term forecast , despite the uncertainties , portrays a distant time when the world 's continents come together again to form a new supercontinent , which he calls Pangea Ultima .

  10. 研究结果表明:(1)通过先合成小分子药物单体,再进行聚合得到高分子载体药物的途径是可行的,且可使携药量得到极大程度的增加。

    The results show as follows : ( 1 ) It is feasible to obtain polymeric carrier drugs by synthesizing unsaturated drug monomers firstly , then self-polymerizing and co-polymerizing them .

  11. 一是将OP预先引入氯化铝中再进行碱化聚合。

    The other is adding OP into aluminum chloride solution , with subsequent polymerization conducted by titration of basic solution .

  12. 然后再在预聚合之前向混合溶液中加入不同的微量染料,合成成功后测试其光学性能。

    Then added different dyes to the mixture by the pre-polymerization , after the synthetic is successful , we test its optical performance .

  13. 再活化链式聚合主要例子包括苯胺和或许其它芳香族单体的氧化聚合,活性自由基聚合,以及核酸和蛋白质合成中的生物聚合。

    Major examples of the reactivation chain polymerization include the oxidative polymerization of aniline and probably other aromatic monomers , living radical polymerization , and biological polymerization for the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins .

  14. 针对可搜索数据库,爬虫首先要发现数据源,然后对查询接口归约,再把抓取结果聚合。

    For the searchable databases , the crawler should find the data source interface first , then query the interface , and combine the results at last .

  15. 以松香为原料,用丙烯酸进行改性后再与环氧乙烷聚合,然后用氯磺酸进行磺化处理制得丙烯酸改性松香聚氧乙烯醚磺酸钠阴离子表面活性剂。

    The sodium sulphonate of ethoxylated acrylic modified rosin can be obtained from acrylic modified rosin after the reaction with ethylene oxide and then be sulphonated with chlorosulphonic acid .

  16. 具体研究内容如下:1、通过有机化学合成法,使苯胺单体接枝到碳纳米管表面,然后再经化学原位聚合法制备碳纳米管/聚苯胺复合材料。

    Specific studies are as follows : 1 、 Through organic synthesis , the aniline was grafted on the surface of the carbon nanotubes by series of organic chemistry reactions . Then , the aniline grafted on the CNTs was polymerized to polyaniline by in-situ chemical polymerization .

  17. PA6生产中的现代萃取循环工艺:再进料、超比例再进料和再聚合

    Modern Extract Recycling Processes in PA 6 Production : Refeeding , " Over-Proportional " Refeeding and Re-Polymerization