
zài yù
  • proliferation;prolification
再育 [zài yù]
  • [proliferation] 增生 [现象],新的部分、芽或后代的迅速地重复地产生

再育[zài yù]
  1. 对于供试的二株再育镰刀菌菌株,在水活度一定的条件下,25℃是它们产伏马菌素B1、B2最适合的温度。

    At certain water activity ( a_w ), 25 ℃ was optimum for production of FB_1 and FB_2 on maize grain over a 30 days period for two tested strains .

  2. 前者力主先将大家庭小型化,后把大小家庭一齐废除,家庭养育儿童的任务也随之先社会化,再完全公育;

    The former maintains : kinship family should be miniaturization first , kinship and nuclear family should be abolished together , and mission of family breeding children should be socialization first , and public breeding entirely .

  3. 通过萝卜远缘杂交创建不育源,再经过回交转育而选育出异源胞质不育系034A。

    Alloplasmic male sterile line034A was breeded by using method of distant hybridization and backcross .