
  • 网络Epistemic Logic;Epistemic modal logic
  1. 认识逻辑(2):多认识主体的认识逻辑MEL

    Epistemic logic ( 2 ): multi-agent epistemic logic Mel

  2. 认识逻辑(3):基于语义tableau的证明理论

    Epistemic logic ( 3 ): on semantic tableau proof procedure

  3. 认识逻辑(4):关于认识逻辑的可判定性

    Epistemic logic ( 4 ): on the Decidability of epistemic logic

  4. 认识逻辑(1):关于知识和信念的逻辑框架

    Epistemic logic ( 1 ): a logical framework for knowledge and belief

  5. 我们从认识逻辑、心理逻辑、人工智能三方面的研究成果可了解认知逻辑的研究现状。

    We can recognize the current research of cognitive logic from the achievement of recognizant logic , mental logic and artificial intelligence .

  6. 同时澄清对这个命题的可能的误读,以正确认识逻辑在法律中的作用。

    This article also attempted to clarify some potential misreading , in order to give an proper idea on the function of logic in law .

  7. 也只有当语文由一种外在的语言文学逻辑转换为内在的认识逻辑,其基本的教育功能才得以真正实现。

    Also , only when language and literature transforms from an external language and literature logic into an internal cognitive logic can its fundamental educational function be actually achieved .

  8. 现代高等教育发展理念的整合,可以从传统与现代相统一、过程与目标相统一、外部规律与内部规律相统一,以及认识逻辑与客观过程相统一的思路来进行。

    The integration can be carried out in the unity of tradition and modern times , process and goal , external and internal regulation , as well as recognizing logic and objective process .

  9. 相互作用原理及其认识论逻辑基础

    Interaction Principle And Logic Basis of Cognitive Theory

  10. 本文主要探讨了如何从感性认识到逻辑推理,形成概念设计方面的内容。

    It is mainly discussed in this article that how to learn from the sensitive knowledge to logic one and then come into concept design .

  11. 感悟能力就是指学生对事物的分析和理解的能力,是一种优良的思维品质,它包含形象的感知、理性的认识和逻辑的推导等能力。

    The ability to apperceive refers to students ' ability to analyze and comprehend , which is good thinking quality including the ability to apperceive , cognize and deduce .

  12. 这成功避免了胡塞尔所面临的直观对象的逻辑开放性难题,使一种关于意识的普遍完备认识在逻辑上成为可能。

    It is successful for it to avoid the logic openness of object of direct observation that Husserl faces , making a complete understanding of consciousness possible in logic .

  13. 在社会主义道德建设中将道德上升为法律或曰道德法律化,可以说是我们党重视法律对道德保障作用的认识符合逻辑发展的结果。

    Regulating laws with morals or moral legislation in the socialism moral building is such a result that Our Party pays attention to the function of keeping morals with laws .

  14. 在知识越来越成为社会进步和发展关键的时代,认识辩证逻辑与思维创新的关系十分重要。

    When knowledge is playing a more and more important role in the social development , it is of great importance to clearly realize the relationship between dialectic logic and thinking innovation .

  15. 然而,叙事主义的历史哲学仍关心历史认识的逻辑、史学方法等问题,这些问题与分析的、批判的历史哲学存在着千丝万缕的联系。

    However , the narrative philosophy of history is still concerned about the historical understanding of the logic , historiography , and so on . These issues are inextricably linked with the analysis , critical philosophy of history .

  16. 虽然部署非常简单,但是务必认识到将逻辑发布到任何正在提供业务服务的活动系统(其中包括MessageBroker)所具有的相关风险。

    While deployment is simple , it is important to recognize the risks associated with releasing logic to any live system that is providing business services , which includes the Message Broker .

  17. 第二部分:认识问题的逻辑。

    The second part : Logic of understanding problems .

  18. 这个具有先验性质的问题,只能从对各种经验审美认识图式的逻辑批判中,尤其是对美学史上具有主流性质的理性审美图式与伦理审美图式的批判中获得。

    The issue with priori nature can be got from the logical criticizing on the mode of priori aesthetic understanding .

  19. 认识发展的逻辑是:认识所面临的难题和挑战正是它的突破和质的飞跃的契机。

    The logic of cognition development is : to understand the difficulties and challenges will create opportunities for breakthrough and qualitative leaps .

  20. 没有比较研究,没有成熟逻辑理论指导的历史分析,不能很好地认识中国古代逻辑;

    Without comparison and the guidance of modern logic , the historical analysis can not do well in knowing ancient Chinese logic .

  21. 认识的模态逻辑与传统模态逻辑的另一个不同之处是,前者所构造的认识算子,仅仅具有认识上的半渗透性。

    Another difference between epistemic modal logic and traditional modal logic is that the epistemic operator which epistemic modal logic uses is only semi-penetrated .

  22. 然而,怀疑论仍处在人类认识发展的逻辑中,在认识史上具有积极作用。

    However , scepticism plays a positive role in the history of recognition in that it is still within the logic of human cognitive development .

  23. 通过中国古代名辩学研究,把中国古代逻辑放到中国古代特有历史文化氛围之中,有助于更好地认识中国古代逻辑的性质和发展规律。

    This study put ancient Chinese logic in the context of Chinese inherent culture , and helped to better know the nature and laws of ancient Chinese logic .

  24. 方法植根于意识存在的自我超越性,为意识存在的普遍形式所塑造,并赋予一切认识活动以逻辑有效性。

    Method is rooted in the self-transcendency of consciousness , and is formed by the common modality of consciousness , and is used to vest cognitive activity with availability in logic .

  25. 如今认识到模糊逻辑摒弃的不是精确,而是无意义的精确,它是用极小的模糊代价换来前途无限的技术,所以它的应用是越来越广泛。

    Now we know that fuzzy logic slam the door not precision but meaningless precision . It displaces infinitesimal fuzzy cost with immensity future , so the application of it is more and more extensive .

  26. “辨类”是认识自然的逻辑依据,“善群”是处理人与自然关系的重要原则,唯此方可最终实现人与自然和谐共处&“群居和一”的终极目标。

    The idea of " identified category " is the logic basis for understanding the nature , and the idea of " good group " is the essential principle for harmonize the humankind and the nature .

  27. 光照论是中世纪哲学基于基督教信仰之下的一种独特的知识论,是柏拉图的理念论和新柏拉图主义的流溢说在认识领域的逻辑延伸,其主要目的是论证人的知识的可靠性和确定性。

    Illumination Theory is a peculiar epistemology of Christianity in the Middle Ages and an outcome from the extension of Platonic Idea and New-Platonic Emanation in epistemology , which ensures the reliability and certainty of knowledge .

  28. 从这个观点看,全球化是个认识世界现象的逻辑工具。

    From this viewpoint , globalisation is a kind of phenomenological tool for making sense of the world .

  29. 正确认识现代经济学的逻辑体系&大学本科《微观经济学》教学的基本目的

    Correctly Understanding the Logical System of Modern Economics & The Basic Object of Undergraduates ' Curriculum of Microeconomics

  30. 通过分析另外两篇不同结构的文章,如时间顺序和逻辑性结构,帮助学生认识文章的整体逻辑结构。

    Helping students understand the logic of essay structure in general by looking at two other essay structure types , ie time and logic .