
rèn de
  • know;recognize
认得 [rèn de]
  • (1) [know]∶认识

  • 这位同志你认得吗?

  • (2) [recognize]∶认出;知道

  • 我已不认得这个学校了

认得[rèn de]
  1. 我认得她。

    I know her .

  2. 古奇:等等,那个男生,我认得他。

    Gucci : Wait , that guy , I know him .

  3. 他已精神错乱,谁都不认得了。

    He became delirious and couldn 't recognize people .

  4. 过了这么多年他还认得我,使我觉得荣幸。

    I found it flattering that he still recognized me after all these years .

  5. 他刮掉胡子,无人认得出他了。

    He was unrecognizable without his beard .

  6. 他认得足够多的乐符,看懂乐谱不成问题。

    He recognizes enough notation to be able to follow a score .

  7. 她不语,从她脸上掠过的一丝表情可知她是认得的。

    An expression of dumb recognition wiggled across her features .

  8. 当被问及“智力是什么”的时候,人们往往会回答说:“我不知道该如何定义它,但我见到了肯定就能认得出。”

    When people are asked ' What is intelligence ? ' they tend to reply : ' I don 't know how to define it , but I can certainly recognize it when I see it . '

  9. 你认得回家的路吗?

    Can you find your way home ?

  10. 我认得那家商店。

    I recognize the shop .

  11. 我认得她的脸,但想不起她的名字了。

    I recognize her face , but her name eludes me .

  12. 他的脸我还认得,名字却回忆不起来了。

    I remember his face ; but not his name .

  13. 你到底认不认得她呢?

    Do you know her or not ?

  14. 他俩见面不打招呼,仿佛谁也不认得谁。

    The two of them never greet each other and behave as if they were strangers .

  15. 我认得出他的笔迹。

    I recognize his handwriting .

  16. 她刚离开我家门口,我就收到两个女人的电子邮件,她们的孩子跟我儿子在同一家托儿所,她们认得我。

    No sooner did she leave my doorstep than I had emails from two women whose kids go to my son 's nursery and who recognized my face .

  17. 迪希先生全都认得

    Dominie Deasy kens them a ' .

  18. 患有此症的人就像一只被驯服的小狗,只认得一个主人。

    People with this condition starts behaving like a beaten down puppy with the only employer they 've ever known .

  19. 当然你会认得一些商标,像FatBastard,是在现行文化中得到了解并用来卖酒。

    You 'll certainly recognize some labels , like Fat Bastard , which pick up on current culture and use it to sell wine .

  20. 在植物资源丰富的丛林中,Mike记录了所有有用的植物的明显特征,他经常翻看以便再次看到时能够认得出来。

    In the jungle rich in plant life , Mike 's memorized distinguishing features on every useful plant , he has ever been shown to help him recognized them again .

  21. 出了巴西,似乎就没人认得克拉丽赛‧利斯佩克托(ClariceLispector)了。

    Outside Brazil , it seemed , nobody knew of Clarice Lispector .

  22. Arren认得这个地方,那个令人绝望的梦中的荒芜之地。

    Arren knew the place , the moors and barrens of his hopeless dreams ;

  23. 每个人都想留住那个家伙,因为我们认得出他是大陆人,经纪人RyanChan说道。Chan是在为附近的新豪华住宅项目帝峰皇殿(Hermitage)招揽客户。

    Everyone wants that guy because we can tell he is a mainlander , says Ryan Chan , one of the agents vying for customers for the Hermitage , a new luxury residential project situated nearby .

  24. Ismay显然是让所有的人都上船,但是,由于大家都不认得他,谁也没把他当回事。

    Ismay was apparently ordering passengers of both sexes into the lifeboats , but as no one knew who he was , they ignored him .

  25. 当然啦,第二军中,哪一个不认得那管姐儿。

    Sure , everybody in the Second Army knows that matron .

  26. 你现在是不是谁都不认得了?

    Guess you don 't know nobody no more , huh ?

  27. 大象会简单的算术,研究证实他们认得自己的影像。

    ELEPHANTS can perform simple arithmetic and have passed self-recognition tests .

  28. 即使我看到了一株旱金莲也不认得。

    I wouldn 't know a nasturtium if I saw one .

  29. 演员李秉宪:对啊,没人认得我。

    LEE BYUNG-HUN , ACTOR : Yeah . Nobody recognized me .

  30. 抱歉我认得你吗

    Um , I 'm sorry . Dodo I know you ?