
rèn zhī lèi xínɡ
  • cognitive style
  1. 自我认知类型引导认知方式的实验研究

    An Experimental Study on the Self-cognition Guiding Cognitive Styles

  2. 笔者属于纯粹的图像认知类型,目的就是大体了解一下会场的情况,然后优先安排自己的时间。

    I am in pure pattern recognition mode , and my goal is to get a lay of the land , in order to prioritize my time .

  3. 研究发现五种认知类型,分别是:「情感依归型、流行尝鲜型、实务应用型、经济导向型、特殊功能型」。

    We concluded with five major categories of usage behavior : the affection-oriented type , popular-taste type , pragmatic type , economical type , and specific application type .

  4. 认知不同类型的动物,例如水生动物,鸟类等。

    Know different types of animals , such as water animal and bird .

  5. 接着讨论了隐喻的认知特点类型、句法构成类型和语义结构类型。

    Then , it discusses types of metaphor based on cognitive features , syntactic formation and semantic structures .

  6. 认知风格类型和环保意识水平可以对个体的公共责任道德意识水平进行一定程度上的预测。

    The type and level of environmental awareness of cognitive style to some extent on the level of moral consciousness of the public responsibility of the individual forecast .

  7. 由于个体思维方式和习惯上存在着差异,必然导致对问题数学化的方法和着眼点的不同,可归结为不同认知风格类型。

    Because there are differences between them , it 's certainly led to the difference between the method and respect on mathematic problem , and sum up to different cognitive style .

  8. 学业压力应对过程中压力事件类型和过程、认知评价类型、应对策略、应对效能感水平对心率、血压、压力感受和焦虑状态等生理、心理反应影响。

    The effect of stressful events styles and its processes cognitive evaluation styles coping strategies and coping efficiency level of academic stress coping process to the physical and psychological reflections , such as heart rating blood pressure stressful feelings and anxiety conditions .

  9. 本研究调查了青少年的认知风格类型和公共责任道德意识水平,并进一步探究两者之间的相关和联系,以期在公民意识的培养中和课堂教学活动中,都能更好的符合学生的自身状况。

    This study investigated the cognitive styles of young people and the level of moral consciousness of public responsibility , and to further explore the relationship between the two and contact to the culture of civic awareness and classroom activities , students can better meet own situation .

  10. 我们把这一观点称为攻击行为认知机制的类型特殊性假说。

    We would rather call this viewpoint type-specific hypothesis of cognitive mechanism of aggressive behavior .

  11. 同时,通过使用认知学、类型学的相关理论和方法,发现了汉语、英语、德语、法语核心词词义演变的一些共性与差异。

    In the meanwhile , by using the relative theory and method of cognition and typology , we found some similarity and differences about the evolution of core lexical meaning in Chinese 、 English 、 French and German .

  12. 自变量是认知负荷和词汇类型,其中词汇类型是组内变量,认知负荷是组间变量,认知负荷任务是对8个字母的字母串wsdxglzq记忆。

    The cognitive load and word type are independent variables of which word type is within subject variable and cognitive load is the between subject variable . The cognitive load is to remember a string of letters : wsdxglzq .

  13. 抑郁症患者认知方式与人格类型

    Cognitive style and types of personality in patients with depression

  14. 目的:探讨低出生体重对2~3岁儿童的认知能力、气质类型和行为发育的影响,分析低出生体重儿童的预后及影响因素,为促进低出生体重儿童神经精神发育提供依据。

    Objective : To explore the effects of low birth weight on cognitive development , temperament and behavior problems in children aged 2-3 years old .

  15. 采用加工分离程序,探讨了认知资源和信息类型对大学生职业印象形成的影响及其心理加工机制。

    Adopted the process dissociation procedure , the study probed into factors and mental mechanism of undergraduates ' profession impression formation under the cognitive resources and individual information condition .

  16. 在这种理论模型的背景下,本文分析古代汉语单音名词事物义之间的互补认知格式的引申类型。

    The paper analyzes the extending types of complementary cognitive pattern of meanings of " shi wu "( meaning matter ) & - one-syllable noun in ancient Chinese under this theoretic mode .

  17. 表明双相障碍认知损害的一些类型可能是特质性的如执行功能、言语记忆等,与临床状态无关。

    Results suggested that some type of cognitive impairment of bipolar disorder might be trait markers , such as executive function , verbal memory and so on , they had nothing to do with the clinical status .

  18. 影响儿童权威认知的因素主要有权威特征认知、命令类型、社会情境、问题发生领域、文化因素和儿童的人格特点等。

    Factors influencing children 's cognition of authority are cognition of authority 's attributes , types of command , social context , domains where problems emerge , cultural factors and children 's personalities , etc.

  19. 人格特质与认知操作的关系受操作难度、认知任务和兴趣类型等因素制约。

    The relationship between personality traits and cognitive performance was restricted by factors , such as the difficulty of performance , the tasks of cognition and the types of interest .

  20. 本实验通过对模拟互变问题解决认知策略的定性和定量分析,研究认知策略的类型及其信息加工程序。

    The purpose of this research was to investigate the kinds of cognitive strategies and infomation processing procedures uscd in solving simulated covariance problems by means of quantitative and qualitative analyses .

  21. 应用心理学原理对人机行为层次进行了研究,探讨了舰船自动化与认知过程的关系,并建立了基于SRK认知原理的任务类型判定模型,初步探讨了认知原理在舰船设计上的应用。

    Psychology is employed to study the human-computer behavior and the relationship between warship automation and cognitive process . The paper sets up a task identifying classification model based on SRK principles , and discusses the application of cognitive theory to warship design .

  22. 与此同时,青少年的认知风格存在一定的差异,对此,教师在教学过程中,要依据不同认知风格类型的学生采取不同的教学方法,做到因材施教。

    At the same time , there are certain differences in cognitive styles of young people . Teachers in the teaching process , according to the students of different cognitive styles adopt different teaching methods to be individualized .