
  • 网络cognitive test;cognitive testing
  1. 基线时两组间患者的发病年龄,首次住院年龄,病程、目前年龄以及受教育程度、PANSS各项评分以及各项认知测验评分无显著性差异。

    There was no significant different of onset age , age of first hospitalization , current age , level of education , the scores of PANSS and cognitive test before the treatment .

  2. 对照组出现兴奋激越的例数明显多于研究组(p0.05),其他副作用差异无显著性。(5)相关分析结果显示:患者的阳性症状、一般病理症状和各项认知测验结果均无相关性。

    Patients in the matched group who had excited agitation were more than patients in the controlled group ( p0.05 ), other side effects were no significant difference . ( 5 ) Correlation analysis showed : The positive symptoms and additional symptoms were not correlated with the cognitive test .

  3. 方法对41例LI和25例正常被试进行多种认知测验及对照分析,对认知损害的危险因素进行多元logistic回归。

    Method 41 LI subjects and 25 normal controls were compared on a comprehensive neuropsychological test battery . Logistic regression was used to analysis the risk factors .

  4. 山西师大体院学生专业思想状况的认知测验

    The Sensation Test of The Student 's Professional Concept In The Institute of Physical Education

  5. 在性别认知测验中,这些女生认为男生的数学更好,女生的阅读更好。

    In the gender belief test , these girls drew a boy doing well at math and a girl at reading .

  6. 与法语搏斗了一年之后,我又做了一遍那个认知测验,结果让我震惊。

    After a year of struggling with the language , I retook the cognitive assessment , and the results shocked me .

  7. 方法:95名青年男性,完成不同色彩背景下的连续相加和字母选择认知测验。

    METHODS : The achievements of four-choice serial reaction task and cognitive task above different background colors were tested in 95 young males .

  8. 完成认知测验时,与受损害个体相比,正常个体步态呈规则周期性、抬脚速度更快,并且头部和躯体的运动也更迅速。

    Healthy individuals demonstrated a more periodic gait with regular and higher velocity foot kicks and faster torso and head movement than impaired individuals when completing a cognitive task .

  9. 起初,两组人具有相同的记忆、感觉运动速度、综合速度、信息处理速度和文字流利的认知测验的分数。

    At baseline , both groups had similar scores on a battery of cognitive tests for memory , sensorimotor speed , complex speed , information processing speed , and word fluency .

  10. 采用两组典型的认知测验(语义测验和语义范畴测验),分别考察患者的语义系统正常与否,以及是否存在语义范畴特异性损伤。

    Two groups of typical cognitive tests ( semantic test and category-specific semantic deficits test ) were used to investigate their semantic system and identify whether the deficits existed or not .

  11. 这一评价体系在内容上主要包括七个部分,即学生智能自我评价、分项智能教师评价、探究性实验活动评价、作业评价、学习过程档案袋评价、常规课堂评价、标准认知测验评价等。

    This system mainly includes seven parts : student 's intelligence self evaluation , seperated-item intelligent teacher 's evaluation , probing experimental evaluation , homework evaluation , study-process files bags evaluation , routine class evaluation , standard cognitive test evaluation , etc.

  12. 两组均行术前、术后神经系统物理检查、颅脑计算机体层摄影(CT)和认知能力测验比较。

    Preoperative and postoperative neurological examination , brain computed tomography ( CT ) scan , and cognitive function tests were performed .

  13. 认知功能测验:各组小鼠于给药前5天及处死前5天进行Morris水迷宫训练,实验历时5天,观察并记录其逃避潜伏期和目的象限游泳距离百分比。

    Morris water maze test was done continuously for 5 days before administration and execution . And record the escaping latency and the percentage of swimming distance in the target quadrant of each mouse .

  14. 通过对原CSA言语-表象认知风格测验的分析,阐述其对表象型认知风格个体的关注不足,本研究建立起分别以文字和图像两种形式呈现改进的CSA言语-表象。

    Through the the Original Verbal - Image Cognitive Style analysis test , on their cognitive Image-type appearance of not paying enough attention to individual . This study established two forms of verbal and images show the Verbal-Image Cognitive Style .

  15. 结果治疗前精神分裂症患者组认知功能测验成绩显著差于对照组(P<0.01),血清IL2水平显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。

    Result Before treatment , in schizophrenic group , the scores of cognitive test were significantly lower than those in normal group ( P < 0.01 ), and the plasma IL-2 levels were significantly higher than those in normal group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  16. 两组患者均在入组后一周内完成首次认知功能测验。

    Two groups of patients were assessed cognitive function in 1 week .

  17. 该系统涉及基本认知能力测验和人格测验两个测验。

    The system involves basic cognitive assessment and personality test .

  18. 认知功能测验采用跳台法。

    Using step down test tested the cognitive function .

  19. 基本认知能力测验软件测量7项基本认知能力;

    The software of basic perceive ability were applied to measure 7 basic perceive ability ;

  20. 罗斯高层次认知能力测验

    Ross Test of Higher Cognitive Processes

  21. 运用层次回归分析,研究还对公文筐测验的增量效度进行检验,结果发现:公文筐测验对认知能力测验具有增量效度,其增量效度为。

    By using hierarchical regression analyses , the result showed in-basket had good incremental validity over cognitive test .

  22. 歼击机飞行员基本认知能力测验信效度分析

    The reliability and validity analysis of the basic cognitive capability test assessing the abilities of the fighter plane pilots

  23. 相比之下,那些没有进行高强度锻炼的人,在做认知能力测验的时候,得分还在降低。

    In contrast , cognitive function test scores continued to decline in the group that didn 't have vigorous exercise .

  24. 治疗6周后再次对两组患者分别进行认知功能测验,获得数据。

    Two groups of patients were assessed cognitive function at post-treatment ( 6 weeks ) again and obtained the data .

  25. 目前国外最有代表性的动态测验有学习潜能评估工具、学习潜能测验、过程学习测验和认知加工测验。

    The most representative dynamic tests include aptitude educaluation device , aptitude test , learning process test and cognitive processing test .

  26. 方法采用《基本认知能力测验》软件,对经过珠心算训练和未经过珠心算训练的三、四年级儿童进行测验。

    Methods The Basis cognitive ability test was used to the three / four grade children with / without abacus mental calculation training .

  27. 他们在课上完成了一篇英语作文、一份有关英语写作策略的调查问卷以及认知风格测验。

    They were asked to complete a writing assignment , one questionnaire about English writing strategies and a cognitive style test in class .

  28. 在多年研究工作的基础上编制了这套基本认知能力测验。

    A battery of basic cognitive capacity tests and its software was designed and constructed on the bases of our researches for many years .

  29. 方法采用中国科学院心理研究所研发的《基本认知能力测验》软件,对纳入对象进行认知能力检测。

    Methods All the enrolled subjects underwent Cognitive Ability Test with the application of 《 the basic cognitive ability test 》 software developed by institute of psychology , Chinese Academy of Science .

  30. 警察认知能力测验,由专注&效率、记忆、想象、创造、逻辑推理能力等五个维度,内含12类项目组成。

    " Police cognitive capacity " test is made up of five dimensions , focus & efficiency , memory , imagination , creativity , and logical reasoning capacity , including 12 categories of projects .