
  1. 高职学生心理档案初探

    Exploration of student 's mental file in the higher vocational education

  2. 建立高校学生心理档案之我见

    My view on establishing psychic files of the students

  3. 1727名重点高中学生心理档案建立及分析

    Creation and Analysis on Psychological Files of 1727 Students from the Key High School

  4. 该模式克服了已有软件各自为政、互不兼容的缺点,预计实现连续记录学生心理档案的功能,符合学生心理发展规律的要求。

    This model overcome the existing software fragmented , mutually exclusive shortcomings , is expected to achieve continuous record function on students ' psychological files and meet the requirement for the law of students ' psychological development .

  5. 目的了解师范专业新生的心理健康状况,及早发现心理问题,为学校心理健康教育和建立学生心理档案提供必要依据。

    Objective The aim was to understand mental health status of freshmen in Teacher Training School , to find the psychological problems early and provide proofs for school psychological health education and setting up students psychological health files .

  6. 高职院校建立学生心理健康档案的思考

    Thoughts on Establishing Students ' Mental Health Files in Vocational Colleges

  7. 调查为研究琼大新生心理素质状况,早期发现心理问题、提供心理卫生保健服务和预防治疗心理疾病以及建立学生心理健康档案,进行心理健康教育等,提供必要的依据。

    The offer of mental health care service ; the prevention and cure of mental illness ; the establishment of mental health files for the students and mental health education .

  8. 相关工作人员应充分认识建立高职院校学生心理健康档案的必要性和重要作用,科学设计心理健康档案的内容,并正确使用心理健康档案促进学生发展。

    Therefore , the related staff should fully understand the necessity and importance of establishing the students ' mental health files in vocational colleges . They should also design the contents of the mental health files scientifically and use these files correctly to advance the students ' growth .

  9. 利用萍乡高等专科学校心理咨询中心为全校学生建立个人心理档案的机会,对所有在校学生3500名进行症状自评量表的调查。

    The symptom checklist 90 ( SCL-90 ) was used in all the 3 500 college students in virtue of creation of their personal files by the Center for Psychological Counseling , Pingxiang Higher Training College .

  10. 盲校为加强心理健康教育需要加强心理健康教育教师队伍的建设,开发心理健康教育教材,完善学生心理健康教育档案,成立心理健康教育辅导室,加强心理健康教育研究,邀请家长参与心理健康教育。

    In order to improve the mental health education , school for the blind should establish teacher 's team , develop the teaching materials , enrich the document , set a counseling room , do more research , and invite the parents to participate in the mental health education .

  11. 重视高职学生的心理健康,建立有效的学生心理健康档案并给予有效的心理指导和治疗已成为当务之急。

    It has become an urgent matter to attach importance to the mental health of the students in vocational colleges . We should establish effective mental health files of the students and give them effective mental guidance and treatment .