
xué shù chénɡ ɡuǒ
  • academic achievements
  1. 创新力度:评价学术成果的首要标准

    Intensity of Innovation : The Primary Criterion for Evaluating Academic Achievements

  2. 社会科学学术成果评价机制研究

    Research on appreciation mechanism of academic achievements in social sciences

  3. 相关学术成果引起中外专家的重视。

    His scholarly writings draw attention from experts both home and abroad .

  4. 学校特别关注学术成果。

    The school puts a strong focus on academic achievement .

  5. 论网络环境中科技编辑对学术成果的价值判断

    Evaluation of science editors on research results in web condition

  6. 就这方面学术成果对其做进一步的整理和探讨。

    Academic achievements in this regard to its consolidation and further explored .

  7. 其次,取得丰富的学术成果。

    Secondly , it gained a fruitful intellectual achievement .

  8. 高校图书馆建立学术成果评价中心的设想

    Visualization on the Establishment of an Academic Achievement Evaluation Center in University Library

  9. 求高,就是形成有水平的学术成果;

    Its being high to request is to form the competent academic achievement ;

  10. 这部书是一件优秀的学术成果。

    The book is a fine piece of scholarship .

  11. 二是注意学术成果和实践经验的吸收借鉴。

    Second , pay attention to academic achievements and practical experiences from the absorption .

  12. 在学期间所发表过的文章或学术成果等;

    Articles published or proof of academic achievements .

  13. 而对民国时期及其以后的庄子学学术成果的总结之作,尤其缺乏。

    Summarizations on research achievements from Republic of China and afterwards are especially rare .

  14. 冯至的诗歌创作和学术成果获得极大的国际声誉。

    The poetic creation and academic achievements of Feng Zhi won great international renown .

  15. 利用已有的学术成果,进行比较研究,得出自己的看法。

    By comparing and studying current academic research works , our own views are pointed out .

  16. 这三个阶段互相联系,浑然一体,共同代表了哈利斯普通语言学研究的学术成果。

    Closely related to each other , the three stages together represent Harris'contribution to general Linguistics .

  17. 叶嘉莹的学术成果主要体现在对中国词学及相关问题的研究。

    Ye Jia_ying 's academic achievements lie in his study of Chinese Ci and relevant issues .

  18. 在他多方面的学术成果中,主要是有关中国民间文学和中国古典小说的研究著述为他赢得了国际声誉。

    It is mainly the studies on Chinese folklore and classical novels that bring him great glory .

  19. 本文是一篇对农产品交易方式研究较为全面、系统的学术成果。

    This thesis is a comparatively comprehensive and systematic study on the trading mode of farm produce .

  20. 女权主义神学是基督教内女权运动的实际经验及学术成果在理论上的反映。

    Feminist theology is a theoretical reflection of the practical experience and academic accomplishments of the Christian feminism .

  21. 自出版以来,以其为研究对象,分别从不同角度进行讨论的学术成果已为数不少。

    Since the publication , many researchers take itas the study object and have discussed it in depth .

  22. 然后对国内外学者就旅游产业经济绩效方面的学术成果作了简要的文献综述和总结。

    And then the paper offers the literature review and conclusion of related researches both at home and abroad .

  23. 目前取得的学术成果,侧重点大多集中于考古学、美术学等方面。

    At present the academic achievements , focus mostly concentrated in archaeology , art school , and so on .

  24. 目前的数字水印技术发展得十分迅速,并且已经取得了大量的学术成果。

    Nowadays the digital watermarking is developing quite quickly , and a lot of scholarly achievements have been obtained .

  25. 一个时期的重大学术成果之后,和领导的世界犹太人交给巴比伦学校。

    A period of great scholarly accomplishment followed , and leadership of world Jewry passed to the Babylonian schools .

  26. 然而这个分类是建立在已有的学术成果和作者自己在学校学习研究的基础之上的,因此难免有局限性。

    However this classification is on the establishment of the existing academic achievement , therefore it has the limitation unavoidably .

  27. 学术成果发表中学术不端行为的责任主体涉及到作者、评议人和编辑三个方面。

    During publication , the improper behaviors in academic of our country involve three aspects , author , referee and editor .

  28. 本文对夏敬观著述进行编年,初步清理其学术成果。

    This article , by means of the annals of Xia Jingguan 's works , sorts out his academic achievements preliminarily .

  29. 学术成果展现不仅是艺术能力的考量,更多是知识素养的考验。

    Exhibition of scholarly fruits are not only consideration for art ability , but are even more tests of knowledge accomplishment .

  30. 日本明治维新成功的原因错综复杂,有关学术成果颇多。

    About the intricate reasons for the success of Mingzhi Reform in Japan , there have already been many academic achievements .