
  • 网络Breakthrough technology;breakout technology
  1. 但是来自IBM研究所的一项突破技术将会改变这个模型。

    But a breakthrough from IBM research will change this model .

  2. 我国农产品出口如何突破技术性贸易壁垒天然活性物超临界CO2萃取中破壁和集成技术

    Breaking cell wall technology and integration technology in supercritical CO_2 extraction of natural active product

  3. 建立了研究这一特殊问题的数学模型,该模型将计及两侧频率差异的动态潮流、IPC电压电流基本方程与电网跟踪等值技术三者适当地结合,为突破技术难点铺平道路。

    The dynamic load flow with frequency difference , the basic equations of voltage and current of IPC , and the tracking equivalent technology of network are combined for a special mathematical model to break through the technical difficulty .

  4. 篮球突破技术运用的理论分析

    The Practical Analysis about the Usage of Breaking-through Skills in Basketball

  5. 关于持球突破技术的探讨

    The Discussion About the Technique of Holding Basketball to Make a Breakthrough

  6. 对篮球突破技术分类的初步研究

    Discussion on the Classification of Basketball Break - through Skill

  7. 对足球比赛中个人突破技术的再探讨

    Further Research on Skills of Individual Breakthrough in Football

  8. 篮球持球突破技术在比赛中的运用

    The Application of Break in g to Basketball Match

  9. 我国出口贸易突破技术壁垒的对策研究

    Studying on How to Break Technical Barrier in Export Trade of Our Country

  10. 篮球专修课持球突破技术教学模式的优化研究大学篮球专项选修课分层递进教学探讨

    Optimised Research of Teaching Pattern of Basketball-holding Breakthrough Skills on Basketball Special Courses

  11. 篮球持球突破技术及运用

    On the Breakthrough Techniques in Basketball and its Application

  12. 从个人突破技术的运用看足球技术的发展

    The Development of the Football Technology from the Exercise of the Individual Break Technology

  13. 篮球运动中个人突破技术的运用对破区域防守的作用

    Brief analysis of the importance and training of individual breakthrough and regional defense in basketball

  14. 对世界杯中的个人突破技术进行了分析,论述了个人突破技术在足球比赛中的运用及训练方法。

    It also expounds the role of individual breakthrough technology and its methods of training .

  15. 目前各国除采用综合手段打破区域防守外,还利用个人突破技术来打破区域防守。

    At present , beside the comprehensive individual breakthrough is also adopted by many countries to break regional defense .

  16. 加速科技创新突破技术瓶颈为大庆油田可持续发展提供采油工程技术支撑

    Accelerating Scientific Innovation and Making the Breakthrough of Techniques to Provide the Sustainable Development of Daqing Oil Field with Production Engineering Support

  17. 持球突破技术是持球队员在训练和比赛中利用快速突破的脚步动作和熟练的运球技术,来超越防守者的篮球进攻技术之一。

    The technique of holding a ball and making a break is that a player uses his move to surpass his defender .

  18. 突破技术是持球队员运用脚步动作和运球技术超越对手的一项攻击性很强的技术。

    Breakthrough technology is the use of footwork and ball players dribbling technique ahead of the competition in a highly technical attack .

  19. 对篮球运动持球突破技术的分类与结构,持球突破技术的运用方法和持球突破后应注意的要素进行分析。

    The paper analyses the classifications and structures of breakthrough skill with ball , its application and the attention after the breakthrough .

  20. 对持球突破技术在实战运用中的变化进行理论分析,以期寻求更加有效的攻击方法,提高这项技术在篮球比赛中的运用效果。

    The analysis of this technique is useful for the players to find out the most effective way of improving the competition results .

  21. 在此基础上,论述了适用持球突破技术时应注意的几个要点。

    On this basis , the author expounds several essentials which should be paid attention to in the application of breaking with ball .

  22. 突破技术是篮球进攻技术体系中的一种极具攻击性的基本技术,也是篮球比赛进攻战术中不可或缺的一个重要组成部分。

    Basketball Offensive Skills breakthrough technology is a very aggressive system of basic skills , but also basketball offensive tactics is an important integral part .

  23. 本文在全面分析现有篮球突破技术分类的基础上,重新提出了突破技术的内容及分类方法。

    From this article , on the basis of fully analyzing the basketball break-through skill , the content and classification of it are rut forward anew .

  24. 持球突破技术是一项攻击性很强的篮球进攻技术,在实战运用中主要依据场上具体情况以及不断变化而做出相应的变化,在变化中与其它技术结合起来进行合理运用。

    The breaking through with the ball is an effective basketball attacking technique . The application of it depends on the unpredictable changes on the point of game .

  25. 对于一个个市场主体而言,技术进步是突破技术性贸易壁垒制约的关键,市场多元化是突破技术性贸易壁垒制约的重要方法。

    In my opinion , the improvement of the techniques plays a key role against the TBT , and the market multiplication is a good measure against the TBT .

  26. 对这一进攻体系进行探究,有助于丰富篮球运动的理论体系,对于实战中突破技术运用能力的提高也具有一定的参考价值。

    Some of this offensive system , explore and help enrich the theoretical system of basketball , for use in actual combat capabilities breakthrough technology also has some recommendations function .

  27. 因此,从理论上来讲,现代篮球运动中突破技术所蕴含的独立运用及运用中的效果,已经形成了较为完善的一种进攻体系。

    Thus , theoretically speaking , in modern basketball breakthrough technology inherent in the use and application of the independent variables , we have formed a more complete offensive system .

  28. 中国男篮进攻体系中,内线有比较强的优势,外围得分也具有一定能力,但突破技术运用的能力相对不强;

    In the attack system of Chinese Men 's Basketball Team , inside attacks had great advantages , outside attacks also gained scores , but the breakthrough skill was comparatively poor .

  29. 其原因归结为:身体对抗不占优势;控制球支配球能力差;突破技术单一;失误较多。

    The reasons can be concluded as follows : physical confrontation was not dominant ; the controling of the ball was poor ; the breakthrough technology was single and more mistakes .

  30. 随着篮球运动的日益发展,队员的攻防能力及个人突破技术,已引起各国专家教练员的高度重视。

    With the increasing development of basketball sport , specialists and trainers of all countries have paid greater attention to the abilities of attack , guard and personal skills of breakthrough .