
  • 网络projecting mud soil
  1. 施工期间,越岭隧洞上方的支流可能会通过断裂或裂隙带向隧洞排泄,从而引起隧洞涌水、涌砂、突泥。

    In the course of construction , the branches over the convey tunnels will be likely to drain into the tunnels through fracture or fissured zone to result in the emergence of water , sand and projecting mud soil in tunnels .

  2. 在隧道穿凿的过程中常常遭遇各种不良地质体,如岩石破碎带、溶洞、突泥涌水等,瞬变电磁法(TEM)就是为了解决该问题而引入的一种隧道超前预报技术。

    During the tunneling we faced varieties of harmful geological objects frequently , such as rock fracture zones , karst caves , water outburst quick mud , then Transient Electromagnetic Method ( TEM ) is a method of advanced geological forecast of tunnel to solve the problems .

  3. 通渝隧道涌突泥成因分析

    Analysis of forming reason of mud breakout in Tong-Yu tunnel

  4. 通渝隧道K21+780涌水突泥段的治理

    Treatment of the Mud Break Out from Wall Rock at K21 + 780 in Tong Yu Tunnel

  5. 天池隧道岩溶涌水突泥成因分析及整治措施

    On analysis of reasons for mud break out in tunnel karst in Tianchi and its regulation measures

  6. 受高压、富水、岩溶等诱导因素的影响发生了多次涌水突泥事故,给工程的建设造成了严重的影响。

    Several water burst and mud inflow accidents occurred due to the influence of high pressure , rich water and karst geology .

  7. 论文的研究工作对岩溶隧道突泥机理的认识及应急、处治方案等工作具有一定的指导和借鉴意义。

    To some degree , the research has guiding and reference significance to the acquaintance of mechanism , the emergency and the treatment of mud-inrush .

  8. 隧道属于地下建筑工程,施工中常遇到各种不良地质地段,突泥、突水、瓦斯突出、岩爆等灾害性地质现象(即隧道地质灾害)时有发生。

    Tunnel belongs to the underground construction engineering , during the construction , we often meet multifarious geological hazard , such as dashing out the mud , water , gas and the rock outbursts .

  9. 如果隔水层在爆破过程中被破坏,大量岩溶水和填充物进入隧道可能会造成突发性大规模涌水突泥事故。

    If watertight stratum is destroyed during blasting period , the entry of large quantity of water and filling material into the tunnel may cause sudden , large-scale water gush and projection of mud soil .

  10. 研究结果完成隧道跨越溶洞、暗河、突泥段设计、石膏地层段支护结构设计、抗水压衬砌设计。

    Research results : The design of the tunnel crossing karst cave , underground river and burst mud section , design of supporting structure to gypsic horizon and design of lining against water pressure are completed .

  11. 富水公路隧道在掘进过程中难免会遇到各种不同的地质条件,当公路隧道在穿越不同地层时也会面临着涌水、突泥等各种地质灾害。

    Rich water tunnel will inevitably encounter all sorts of different geological conditions during the tunneling process . When tunnels pass through different stratums , various geological disasters such as water and mud bursting will happen .

  12. 软岩隧道因其岩土体强度低,施工过程中可能伴有软岩大变形、塌方、突泥涌水等地质灾害的发生。

    Because of its low strength in geotechnical engineering , soft rock tunnel construction process may be accompanied by soft rock large deformation , the occurrence of landslides , sudden mud gushing water and other geological disasters .

  13. 由于岩溶洞穴的存在,隧道围岩恶化,稳定性降低,极可能导致隧道基底、洞壁失稳坍塌,严重的还会引发涌砂、涌水、突泥等次生灾害。

    Due to the existence of karst caves , the stability of tunnel sur-rounding rock deterioration and likely lead to unstability and collapse of tunnel base-ment and wall , seriously it still caused secondary disasters as pour sand 、 water and mud gushing .

  14. 其中充泥型溶洞是最为常见、危害性极大的典型岩溶灾害体之一,若探测不及时或处治措施不恰当,易引发突涌泥、塌顶等岩溶灾害的发生。

    Karst cave filled with mud is one of the most common and dangerous typical karst hazards , it is extremely easy to lead to the karst hazards such as sudden inflow of mud , roof fall if the detection or the treatment measures is inappropriate .

  15. 隧道穿越断层破碎带突水涌泥模糊安全评价

    Fuzzy Safety Evaluation for Water Bursting and Mud Surging of Tunnels through the Fault Fracture Zones

  16. 化解复杂岩溶隧道突水突泥风险应用技术研究

    Research on the Applicable Technology for Elimination of Water-bursting and Mud-bursting Risks in Construction of Complicated Karst Tunnel

  17. 探测岩溶隧道突水突泥塌方体规模的综合方法

    On comprehensive methods for survey of exploration for water outburst and mud outburst collapsible body scale in karst tunnel

  18. 在岩溶山区施工的隧道工程,由于岩溶发育分布的复杂性造成对施工掌子面前方的岩溶分布状况难以准确判定,导致施工过程中岩溶突水突泥灾害发生,影响施工安全。

    Water outburst geological disaster usually happened during tunnel construction at karst zone due to complicated karst geological structure , which seriously affects the construction safety .

  19. 岩溶地区长大隧道修建过程中,经常遇到突水突泥、岩爆、瓦斯等地质灾害,其中突水突泥尤为严重。

    In the process of long tunnel construction , geological hazards such as water inrush and mud outburst , rock burst , gas , and etc. often occur .

  20. 岩溶山区隧道施工过程中,大型充水溶洞是造成隧道突水突泥事故的重要因素。

    In the course of tunnel construction in karst mountain area , huge karst cave with water is the important factor for karst water and mud inrush disaster .

  21. 在岩溶地区修建隧道工程,施工过程中的突水突泥已成为最严重的工程地质灾害之一。

    Water dashes forward in karst area dashing forward hitting the target the process building tunneling , being under construction the mud already becomes one of the gravest engineering geology disaster .

  22. 隧道施工中,对于突水突泥地段,一般采用帷幕注浆施工技术对前方围岩加固处理,然后按正常施工方法进行隧道施工。

    To the water and mud oozing section of the tunnel construction , the curtain grouting technique is usually adopted to the consolidation treatment of the front surrounding rock , and then the normal construction technique is adopted .

  23. 利用VISUALBASIC语言、FormulaOne(Demo版)等控件开发了隧道突水、突泥危险性分级系统软件。

    Risk classification system of water-outburst and soil-outburst software is exploited using Visual Basic and Formula One ( Demo ) .

  24. 根据隧道突水、突泥危险性级别及其防治原则制定了相应的防治措施。

    Ultimately , relevant preventive measures can be drawn up on basis of the classification and preventive principle .

  25. 并提出了隧洞突水、突泥的发生机理,认为突水发生的前提是存在集中的高压水源。

    Two new conceptions & critical hydraulic pressure of water source and critical distance between excavation surface and water source were proposed .

  26. 隧道位于岩溶地区,岩溶角砾岩、白云质灰岩在雨季施工时易产生坍塌、突水和突泥现象。

    The tunnel site is located in Karstic area with limestones gravels , where is easy to cave in when construction in raining season .

  27. 工程塌陷主要是人类工程行为所致,其主要致灾因子包括:排水疏干与突水(突泥)作用、人工加载、人工振动、人工开挖桩基、地表渗水、地铁等地下工程掘进。

    Human-engineering collapse in main urban attributes primarily to human activity including drainage role , artificial loading , artificial vibration , artificial excavating , surface water seepage or subway construction .

  28. 在岩溶地区隧道施工过程中,经常遇到突水、突泥等无法预料的地质灾害,给施工安全带来了重大灾难和无法估计的经济损失。

    The unknown geological disasters such as water and slurry often gush in karst area during construction of tunnel , which brings momentous disaster and unestimated economic loss to construction safety .

  29. 在对隧道施工安全重大危险源进行识别时,特别是对塌方地段、突水、突泥地段、瓦斯爆炸、岩爆、高地温、地段等特殊地质的危险源进行重点识别。

    In this paper , the tunnel construction safety at major hazard identification , Especially for cave sites , emergence of water , sudden mud lots , gas explosion , rock burst , high temperature , location and other special focus on geological hazards identified .