
  • 网络supplements
  1. 课程的书,文件,补充教材和一张证书,当你离开。

    Course book , file , supplementary teaching materials and a certificate when you leave .

  2. 普通班以上费用包括课本、补充教材、及保险费。

    The regular class tuition above includes the textbook , workbooks , and insurance fee .

  3. 这里提供了这门课程中课堂讲义的连结,包括了相对应的指定阅读材料以及补充教材。

    This section provides links to lecture notes for the course , along with corresponding reading assignments and supplementary materials .

  4. 口译教学中,教科书编写,补充教材的选择和课堂组织等环节都应该充分注意语境因素。

    Due attention should be paid to contextual clues in interpretation teaching in terms of textbook compiling , complementary material choice and classroom instruction .

  5. 明清时期私塾教育极大发展,杂字也被大量用作补充教材。

    With the development of private schools being on the wing in Ming and Qing Dynasties , tsa-tzu was used a lot as supplementary textbooks .

  6. 下列有注释的书目是用来补充课堂教材的。

    The annotated bibliography supplements the course reading list .

  7. 要按10&30%的课时比例补充乡土教材,以反映当地社会与经济发展的实际。

    10-20 % of the class in accordance with the proportion of native supplementary teaching materials to reflect the local social and economic development of the practical .

  8. 超过9/10的被调查教师同意会在教学中补充新教材中没有的但他们认为重要的老教材中的某些定理等内容;

    Fourth , over 9 / 10 of the teachers investigated admit that they would like to add some contents appeared in the old textbooks , such as some useful theorems ;

  9. 这些讲稿补充资料是上课教材的一部份。

    These partial lecture notes supplement the material covered in class .

  10. 对在一维无限深势阱中运动的粒子的动量测量问题进行了全面的分析和仔细的讨论,补充了量子力学教材中对这个问题的处理。

    We have given a complete analysis and detailed discussion of the problem of measuring momentum of a particle in a one - dimensional infinite potential well and thus provided a complementary treatment of this problem to the textbooks on quantum mechanics .

  11. 概率演算已成为逻辑推理的一个重要内容,着重介绍关于语句的概率演算方法及规则,以期补充在现行逻辑教材中缺少的内容。

    Calculus of probability has become an important part of logical reasoning . This paper focuses on the introduction about the method and rule of calculus of the logical probability of statements , aiming to make up for the missing content in present logical textbooks .