
  • 网络Compensatory Education;remedial education;eompensatory edueation
  1. 美国先行计划于1965年夏天开始正式实施。要求对处于困境家庭的子女进行补偿教育。

    It began in summer of 1965 . The project affords the compensatory education for the disadvantaged children .

  2. 对此,应采取如下措施给以改进:一、加大财政拨款力度,确实实行免费的义务教育,并对处于社会弱势的地区和人群进行补偿教育;

    Improvement is to be made by following measures : 1 . more financial support to guarantee actual free compulsory education , and to provide compensatory education to economically feeble population and area ;

  3. 钱应该花在为不能享有学前班和幼儿学校教育的儿童设置的补偿教育项目上。

    Money should be spent on compensatory programmes for deprived pre-school and infant-school children .

  4. 教育者的素质是补偿教育的关键。

    The quality of the education is the key of compensational education .

  5. 护理专业学生职业防护补偿教育的效果评价

    Evaluation of the Effects of Compensation Education for Occupational Protection of Nursing Majors

  6. 幼儿园对离异家庭儿童实施补偿教育的现状及思考

    Compensation Present Situation and Thinking about Compensational Education for Children of Divorced Families Carried Out by Kindergardens

  7. 近年来,我国在职教师继续教育已从学历补偿教育逐步过渡到学士后教师教育。

    In recent years , our post-service teacher education has transformed into post-bachelor teacher education from bachelor compensation education .

  8. 它类型多样,主要包括转学教育类、职业技术教育类、继续教育类、社区服务类和补偿教育类。

    It has many kinds which include Transfer Education , Vocational Education , Continuing Education , Community Service and Remedial Education .

  9. 以纽约城市大学为例,分析其取消补偿教育的政策制定过程以及其中所体现的权力机制。

    Taking City University of New York as instance , the article analyzes the policy-making process and power system in its remediation policy .

  10. 过去的几十年中,企业培训经历了补偿教育阶段、岗位培训阶段、工商管理培训阶段三个发展时期。

    During the last few decades , its training system has undergone three stages : compensation education , position training , and MBA projects training .

  11. 英国学者强调无论是贵族子弟还是平民子弟,都应该享受同样优质的教育,而且政府还应该对平民子弟给予补偿教育,以达到教育结果的机会均等。

    The English scholars emphasize whether nobility 's posterity or civilian 's posterity enjoy the high-quality education and the government therefore should implement the education for civilian 's posterity to attain the equal opportunity .

  12. 自实施以来,美国的补偿教育计划已经从简单的经济补偿转变为对教育质量的补偿,这样的转变模式是对教育平等追求的必然结果。

    Since the implementation of compensatory education programs , the mode of compensatory has been transformed from simple financial compensation to education quality compensation . The paradigm shift is the inevitable result of the pursuit of equality .

  13. 然而,在工具理性思维模式与商品交换普遍法则等结构性力量持续存在的发达工业社会中,对底层学生进行补偿教育也是必不可少的、旨在促进社会公平的教育手段。

    However , in structural strength persistent developed industrial society with the instrumental rationality thinking mode , compensatory education for the students from the ground floor is essential and necessary , aiming to promote social fairness of education means .

  14. 省级教育学院承担着中小学教师、教育行政干部的学历补偿教育和继续教育的双重任务,是培养、培训基础教育师资的重要基地,责任重大。

    The institute of education at provincial level undertakes the tasks of the education for the compensation for record of formal schooling and the education for further advancement which are intended for primary , middle school teachers and educational administrative cadres .

  15. 如果我们能提升智商水平,那么我们就不必向智商较低人群投入那么多资源。这意味着,随着智商的整体提高,我们可以减少对补偿教育项目的资金投入。

    ' If we can shift the IQ up , we would have to invest less resources at the low end . ' Meaning that with improved IQ scores across the board , less funding would have to be spent on remedial education programs .

  16. 作为离异家庭儿童生存圈中重要组成部分的教育机构,应考虑为离异家庭儿童提供系统的补偿教育,尽可能地减少父母离异对其人生发展的不良影响。

    The educational institution , as an important component of the living circle of the children who come from the divorced families , should consider to provide them with compensation education and try to eliminate the negative effects brought out by the divorce of their parents .

  17. 义务教育补偿:教育正义的现实呼唤

    The Compensation for Compulsory Education : The Practical Need of Educational Justice

  18. 我可以补偿一下教育我的那种方式使我受到的损失。

    I 'll recompense myself for the way in which I have been brought up .

  19. 传统意义的课堂又无法满足终身性学习的需要,而远程教育作为传统课堂教育的一种有效的补偿式教育,近年来在我国发展的较为迅速,也逐渐被人们认可。

    The traditional classroom teaching cannot fulfill the need of " life-long learning " . However , as an efficient method compensating the traditional classroom teaching , distance education has developed quickly and eventually won the recognition of the public in recent years .

  20. 在有效保持高等教育供求均衡,解决高等教育经费短缺、优化高等教育资源配置、提高高等教育投资效益、促进高等教育机会均等等方面,合理补偿高等教育成本具有重要意义。

    A reasonable higher education cost-compensation plays an important role in effectively solving the problem of the shortage of financial resources in higher education , optimizing the resources allocation in high education field , improving the effectiveness of the investment in high education and promoting the equality in high education .

  21. 所以,在学校教育体系之外,提供成人阶段的教育补偿对促进教育公平的实现具有重大意义。

    Therefore , in addition to the school education system , providing compensational education system of adult stage to promote the realization of education fair is of great significance .

  22. 二是收费政策如何制定才能既有效地补偿研究生教育成本又不会逾越入学者的经济与心理承受能力,从而更加公平、合理;

    Two , how dose the charge policy formulate which can both effectively compensate the education cost and not to overstep the economy and psychology bearing capacity of matriculations , thus fairer , reasonable ;

  23. 建立高等教育成本补偿促进高等教育效率和公平机制方面,可以选择优秀的学生为补偿,亦可利用利益诱导机制弥补人力资本市场的缺陷。

    In establishing a mechanism of cost compensation to promote educational efficiency and equity , we can start from top students and can make up for the deficiency in human capital market by using benefit motives .

  24. 教育公平是一个包含了教育平等并以平等为主要取向的相对概念或范畴,其主要特点是平等、差异和补偿,基础教育均衡发展是教育公平在实践领域中的具体体现。

    Education equity is a relative concept or category which includes the orientation of education equality . Its main characteristics are equality , difference and compensation . The balanced development of basic education is the concrete embodiment of education equity in practice .

  25. 实施教育成本补偿对高等医学教育筹资渠道的影响研究

    Study on the Effects of Education Cost-Compensation System on Money-Raising Channels of Higher Medical Education

  26. 在进行思想教育、文化教育的同时,加强身心补偿和职业技术教育;

    Strengthen physical and psychological compensation and vocational and technical training while providing ideological and cultural education ;

  27. 对弱势教育群体进行补偿是实现受教育权平等的基本手段。

    Giving appropriate compensation to inequality under disadvantage is the basic means to realize the equal right to education .

  28. 高等教育成本补偿是指高等教育的成本由谁支付、如何支付的问题。高等教育财政危机导致高等教育出现成本补偿。

    The definition of cost compensation for higher education is : who and how to compensate the higher education cost stemming from fiscal crisis of higher education .

  29. 教育成本分担机制失衡、个人教育费用投入过高、弱势群体教育成本补偿不够和优质教育资源分配不均等因素是造成这一现象的主要原因。

    Its main reasons are : unreasonable cost share , too much investment in individual education , the compensation to minority community deficient and unequal in the allotment on superior education resources .

  30. 文章通过分析研究,提出了实现教育公平的主要对策:建立弱势补偿制度,促进教育资源配置的均衡化;

    This article , based on analytical study , puts forward major countermeasures for the education justice : establishing the compensational system for the underdeveloped to balance equal distribution of the educational resources ;