
  • 网络compensating winding
  1. 当感应电机作为发电机时,受原动机转速变化和负载变化的影响较大,很难保证输出的电压恒定,因此高速感应发电机采用定子双绕组机构,通过控制补偿绕组的输入电压来解决这一问题。

    However , the output voltage of the traditional induction generator is difficult to keep constant during the machine speed and load variation . The dual stator winding induction generator can solve this problem by adding the compensating winding to provide a controllable excitation power supply .

  2. 脉流牵引电机补偿绕组热压工艺改进探讨

    Research on hot-pressing technology for compensating windings of pulsating-current traction motor

  3. 多补偿绕组的自动连续多调谐滤波器

    Harmonic filter with continuous multi-tuning and multiple compensation windings

  4. 通过加补偿绕组,改善了传感器的温度特性。

    The temperature characteristic of the sensor is improved by adding a compensation coil .

  5. 为满足有源电力滤波器大容量的工程需要,并联变压器采用二次侧多补偿绕组的结构。

    To increase the capacity of the active power filter , a special transformer structure with multiple secondary compensation windings is adopted .

  6. 补偿绕组的电流大小通过控制电路控制,控制电路的信号通过控制绕组采样于母线。

    The compensatory current is controlled by controlling circuit and the controlling signal come from the power line by the controlling winding .

  7. 为解决有源滤波器的大容量问题,提出一种串联变压器二次侧采用多个补偿绕组的结构。

    In order to design a series filter with large capacity , a novel transformer structure with multiple compensation windings is proposed .

  8. 一种具有补偿绕组的单相永磁无刷发电机,它由定子、转子和前端盖组成。

    A single-phase permanent magnetism brushless electric generator with compensation windings comprises a stator , a rotor and a front end cap .

  9. 变压器采用副方多补偿绕组结构,原方绕组与谐波负载相并联,副方补偿绕组分别与逆变器相联。

    The transformer adopts multiple secondary compensation winding structure . The primary winding is in parallel with the harmonic load and the secondary compensation windings are connected with PWM inverters .

  10. 在补偿绕组中注入一个与主绕组电流相位正交的补偿电流,可以独立调节主绕组的等值电阻。

    And also , the compensation current in the orthogonal phase of the primary winding current injected into the primary winding can adjust the equivalent resistance of the primary winding independently .

  11. 讨论了几何尺寸误差带来的影响.给出了补偿绕组位置可调磁体的计算结果。

    The effect brought about by the error of geometric size is discussed , giving the results of adjusting the homogeneity of the superconducting magnet by means of moving the position of compensation winding .

  12. 当采用多个补偿绕组结构时,基波补偿电流可由多个支路来均分,从而实现了有源滤波器的大容量。

    We use some compensation windings structure in the secondary winding of the series transformer , then the compensating fundamental current is shared averagely in every compensating branch , so the filter achieve a large capacity .

  13. 根据模型,提出了串联共模变压器和并联补偿绕组的方法,以改善电源输出端共模干扰的抑制效果,并进行了验证。

    In order to restrain EMI produced by high frequency diode at output stage of power supply , a common mode transformer method and a compensation winding method are proposed and their effects are validated of experiments .

  14. 提出励磁电流控制思想,加快系统的动态响应,补偿阻尼绕组对电动机动态性能的影响。

    A method of excitation control is proposed , and it would accelerate the dynamic response of the system and compensate the influence of damper windings by counteracting the induction current partially .

  15. 基于基波磁通补偿的多补偿绕组结构的三相有源电力滤波器

    A3-Phase Active Power Filter of Some Compensation Windings Structure Based on Fundamental Magnetic Flux Compensation

  16. 根据相似原理,用相似电感提取CT的励磁电流,经过一些电子线路,产生适当的补偿电流,注入补偿绕组。

    According to the principle of similarity , the excitation current of CT is drawn with the similar transducer , which , through some electronic circuits , turns into proper compensation current and is injected into the compensation winding .

  17. 检偏镜的多读数补偿一种带多个补偿绕组的大容量有源电力滤波器

    Active Power Filter with Large Capacity and Multiple Secondary Compensation Windings

  18. 实时检测变压器原方绕组的谐波电流,通过逆变器产生与原方绕组谐波电流成比例的谐波补偿电流注入变压器副方多补偿绕组中。

    The harmonic compensation currents proportional to the harmonic current in the primary winding , which is detected real-timely , are injected to the multiple secondary winding of the transformer .

  19. 有源电抗器由一对耦合绕组和一个补偿电流发生器组成,通过控制有源电抗器补偿绕组中的谐波磁通补偿电流,可以独立且连续地调节电抗器在不同谐波频率下的电感量。

    By regulating the compensation current injecting into the compensation winding of the reactor , the reactor inductance at different harmonic frequencies can be independently and continuously adjusted .

  20. 基于基波磁通补偿的原理研制了一套三相有源电力滤波器,其串联变压器采用了多补偿绕组的结构。

    A 3-phase active power filter is investigated in the term of the fundamental magnetic flux compensation ( FMFC ) of series transformer . The series transformer is made up of some compensation windings structure .