
qǐ dòng
  • start;switch on;trigger;trouble
起动 [qǐ dòng]
  • (1) [start]∶开启,开动

  • 身子刚坐稳,客车就起动了

  • (2) [trouble]∶敬辞。麻烦,劳顿(多见于早期白话)

  • 区区小事,怎敢起动大驾

起动[qǐ dòng]
  1. 通过PLC软件程序实现电枢降压软起动。

    Through the PLC software program armature buck soft start .

  2. PEMFC在不同电流密度下的冷起动特性仿真

    Simulation of cold start characteristics of PEMFC at different current density

  3. 此外,欧盟业已起动与克罗地亚的入盟谈判,以及意义重大的与土耳其的谈判

    It has started membership negotiations with Croatia and , most momentously , with Turkey .

  4. 利用PC控制的三相电动机起动电路

    The Starting Circuit of Three-phase Electromotor Using PC to Control

  5. PLC在多台电动机降压起动、反接制动及正反转可逆控制电路中的应用

    ANALYSIS ON REVERSIBLE ROTATION SHADED MOTOR Application of PLC in the Circuit of Multiple Motor System

  6. 绕线式电动机工作方式(S6)的容量计算PLC在绕线式电动机起动控制中的应用

    The Output Calculating of the Wound Rotor Motors on S6 Duty PLC 's Application in Starting Control over Winding Dynamo

  7. PLC在交流电机软起动中的应用直流电动机启动过程的过渡现象

    PLC in alternating current machine s of t start application The Transition in Process of Start of Direct Current Electric Motor

  8. Maxwell流体管内起动流的研究

    A study of start-up pipe flow of Maxwell fluid

  9. 接着分别采用内模PI控制策略和单神经元PI控制策略对开关磁阻起动/发电系统发电电压闭环控制进行了设计。

    The generating closed loop control is designed by the internal model PI control and single neuron PI control .

  10. 冷却液温度对柴油机冷起动HC排放影响的研究

    Effect of Temperature of Cooling Liquid on Unburned Hydrocarbon Emissions from Diesel Engine at Cold-Start

  11. 活性炭吸附汽油机冷起动HC排放的实验

    Experimental Study on Adsorption of Gasoline Engine HC Emissions under Cold Start by Activated Carbon

  12. PCC技术在内燃机车柴油机起动控制中的应用

    Application of PCC to starting control of diesel engine locomotive

  13. DF(4B)型机车的起动电路分析及改进建议

    Analysis and improving suggestion of DF_ ( 4B ) locomotive starting circuit

  14. 分子筛对汽油机冷起动HC排放捕集效果研究

    Experimental Study of Zeolite Effect on Trap of Hydrocarbon from Gasoline Engine during Cold - start

  15. 与汽油发动机相比,LPG发动机具有较好的起动特性。

    Generally speaking , the start behavior of the LPG engine is better than that of the gasoline engine .

  16. 该系统适应于电信、电力、铁路机车及中大型UPS等后备方式和起动使用情况下的蓄电池监测管理。

    The system was suitable for VRLA battery used in telecommunication , electric power , railway engine and UPS for back-up and starting .

  17. LPG发动机首次循环可靠起动的最佳点火提前角为上前10°CA。

    There is an optimal spark advance for the successful cold start of the LPG engine which is 10 ° CA BTDC .

  18. 可控软起动(CST)中线性湿式离合器的设计

    Design of CST 's Line-wet Clutch

  19. 试验结果表明:冷起动首次着火循环对整个起动过程的HC排放及着火稳定性起着至关重要的作用;

    Test results showed that : the first firing cycle has an important effect on HC emission and combustion stability during cold-start .

  20. 基于循环控制策略,利用单循环和多循环燃烧分析方法研究了LPG发动机的冷起动特性。

    This paper presents an investigation of cold start by the method of single-cycle and multi-cycle combustion analysis in a LPG EFI engine based on cycle-by-cycle control strategy .

  21. 对AQ型软起动联轴器结构、原理、性能特点进行了阐述,分析了适合在大型带式输送机使用的工况。

    On Soft Start Introduces the construction , principle , characteristics , analyses conditions for suiting big belt conveyer use .

  22. YTD型球磨机起动补偿装置的设计

    Design of Starting Compensator for YTD & Ball Mill

  23. 大型轴流泵的起动过渡过程相当复杂,泵行业中通常使用nt

    The transient process during starting of a large axial pumps is rather complicated . Review on the Large Axial-Flow Pumps with Low Head Study of Test Stand of Large Horizontal Shaft Axial Pump

  24. 同时,对Synchro电力推进系统在起动、低速运行时采用的控制方法进行了说明。

    In the meanwhile , an explanation about the formal method for starting and low speed running of the Synchro electric propulsion system is put forward .

  25. 根据以上分析结论,论文研究了带式输送机变频调速自动控制系统,给出了系统组成框图,并建立了软起动、节能调速和功率平衡的PLc控制程序流程;

    According to the above conclusion , the paper studies electric control system of belt conveyor applying with frequency converter , introduces component of system , and studies flow chart of PLC program of soft-start , power saving and balance of power .

  26. 汽油发动机首次着火循环所需的起动初始脉宽约是稳定怠速时的6.9倍,LPG的为2.5倍;

    The first fuel injection pulse width for the start of the gasoline engine is about 6.9 times of that at the normal idle condition , while it needs only 2.5 times for the LPG engine .

  27. 首先设计程序功能模块、故障报警和符号表,然后完成了PLC主要程序包括主程序、软起动子程序、无功补偿子程序及触摸屏软件程序的设计,给出了程序流程图和触摸屏界面。

    The program function modules are designed at first , including fault alarm and symbol table . And then , the principal PLC programs are finished , including main program , soft-start subprogram , the reactive power compensation subprogram and touch screen software design .

  28. 1994年欧盟(EU)在他们的食品科学委员会对几种真菌毒素:黄曲酶毒素,棕曲霉毒素,棒曲霉素和脱氧雪镰刀菌烯醇发表观点后起动了调整食品中某些真菌毒素标准化的进程。

    In 1994 the EU started the harmonization process on standardization of certain mycotoxins in foods after its Scientific Committee on Food ( SCF ) expressed an opinion on several mycotoxins : aflatoxins , ochratoxin A , patulin and deoxynivalenol [ 1 ] .

  29. YTM系列电机有着较好的性能指标,具有较高的起动转矩,运行可靠。

    The YTM series electric motors work very well with good pull-in torque which unfailingly operates .

  30. 单循环起动喷射脉宽起动与多循环起动脉宽起动相比,具有HC排放低和起动可靠性好的优点。

    When the single starting injection pulse width is applied during cold start , the HC emission is lower than that of multi-cycle starting injection pulse width , and the starting reliability is also better .